

<I will continue this book again now so hello again guys, welcome to the story of Kuroko Hyuga>

<word count -1345>

"Tell me, Shizu, why in the world, three geniuses of the three different clans of the leaf can't catch a single cat?" Kuroko's eyes bore into Shizu's. Seeing her giving no response, I look towards Itachi.

"Itachi, Isn't your clan known for its dojutsu usage?" white byakugan eyes bore into Itachi's.

Itachi, with an embarrassed expression, laid open the blatant truth"My clan might be known for its dojutsu and its work in the police force, but I myself haven't opened my eyes yet. With a little pause, he continues, "The Sharingan.".

'The name brings images of the many Sharingans I have seen throughout the show and the clear blasphemy of Kishomoto to make one clan so much stronger in terms of innate talent. Copying Jutsus, predicting body movements, seeing the chakra flow, innate talent in fire style, extreme prodigious members like Shisui and Itachi himself—the list doesn't end.'

'So much more illustrious than the Hyuga clan."

"Byakugan, with the chant of the name, I flow chakra to my eyes, opening my senses to the vast 360-degree vision granted to me by my eyes, the different civilians walking beside me, the shops bustling around Konoha, people making lines to eat and shop for clothes, peaceful and jubiliant families walking side by side.

This is why every use of the white eyes is such a pleasure; if lost in power, one can even feel omnipotent, yet the vision and clarity it grants are unmatched. Of course, not taking Mangekyou into consideration is important, but then again, the sacrifice it takes to achieve it isn't worth the pleasure.

"See anything genius," Shizu in her black shinobi clothes and face tattoo points at me and questions.

"Genius? Since when did I have that nickname, you beasty?" I pull my tongue out and tease her.

Not my fault; she came up with the nickname first, you know.

"You!" her face contorts into a grimace, probably mentally vomitting into thiinking of gettiing beasty as a nickname for the genius of the Inuzuka clan. "You better take that name back, you white eyes doofus."

My grin widens further. "That hurt my feelings, my dear beasty." I quickly make a pitiful expression and continue, "If you don't like the name beasty so much, then I won't call you beasty. Okay, beastie, I am a good friend. Aren't I beasty?" 

"I am going to beat the living shit out of you." Her voice pitches a bit higher, clearly annoyed by my awesome remarks.

"I am so scared. Itachi, save me." 

Itachi looks at. me and Shizu with a deadpan expression while sighing for what I believe to be the fiftieth time. "Guys, we have been doing this for 3 hours. Can we just focus on the mission?"

Me and Shizu look at each other, understanding Itachi is right; after all, it's our mission, and as ninjas, we are supposed to complete it. A look of understanding crosses our faces.

Me and Shizu respond together. "Your completely right," a smirk adorns our faces. "Emo boy! It's not just us two who should get nicknames; you should join in too."

With us three fighting with each other, the streets of Konoha are filled with our laughter. The three prodigies of the leaf, in their first mission, After all, memories are only memorable in contrast to the realities of the world.

In every Team-7 to ever be made, bad luck followed each and every one of them; some pushed them into success while others fell into their graves.


"We are failures as Shinobi," Shizu voices out our inner thoughts as all three of us walk dejected and hunched back in the streets of Konoha.

"You are right, Shizu; it's just a D rank." Itachi expressed his agreement with Shizu's thoughts. The bustling streets of Konoha had quietened down by now, the pale glow of the evening sunset had illuminated the sky, and the hustle and bustle of the people was nowhere to be seen. Many had returned to their homes, seemingly content with enjoying quality time with their families. What remained were the few shopkeepers willing to work in this area of low sales and the shinobi running across rooftops from time to time.

In such a moment, the towers of the hokage seemed so huge and imprenetable, and the village at peace felt so calm, so quiet, and most of all, right.

"Itachi, Shizu, don't feel so dejected. Not being able to complete one D-rank mission doesn't change anything; lets go eat something." Kuroko lifts his hand and pulls both of them into an arm bar. 

Both of the 7-year-olds raise their heads, looking at each other and wondering whether Kuroko feels the same as them.

They walk along in solitude until Itachi raises the question, "Aren't you sad, Kuroko?"

Puzzeled eyes gaze towards Itachi. " sad? What do you mean?

"We are Shinobi's, aren't we? Completing missions is the first responsibility of the Shinobi; after all, we failed in our first. After being called a genius, I thought I wouldn't have gotten arrogant because I had you two keeping me in check, yet I realize that arrogance has seeped into me." 

I remain shocked that Itachi was opening up; normally, he stays quiet, speaking only when necessary, and the playful banter we had can be counted on hand.

'He sees me and Shizu as comrades and friends."

He continues," I thought I could easily complete this mission, yet I see that neither I could complete it on time but instead I could not complete it at all; I have failed as a Shinobi."

A meek voice from Shizu voices out a mhm, nodding in agreement with what Itachi just said.

They both sit down and look at me, as if searching for an answer.

' Since when did I become the big brother of the group'

"Itachi, Shizu, A shinobi isn't about completing missions; the main duty of the shinobi is to protect what matters most to us; for some, it's the village; for others, it's their families; and for some, it's their friends; yet in all this, the emotion that shines through is love."

"The greatest strength of Shinobi is love, which propels them to great heights, so ask yourself again: What do you strive for?" I make them sit down on the bench near a dango shop and continue.

"You wish to get recognized by the village and your families, but recognition isn't asked for from outsiders but from yourself; if you recognize your past and your reason to strive forward, if you respect your efforts in building up strength to protect it, that's all you need."

'both of them are going to be patriarchs of their respective clans so I do understand the pressure to shine still like hell if I let my friends be dejected'

"Missions are just a byproduct of the strength and effort you pour in; yes, it helps the village thrive economically, but failing in one doesn't make you a failure." Both of them had unexpectedly quieted down and were listening. 

"To make it simple, think of missions as a job and fame as a byproduct of life, and most of all, don't overthink things."


rustle rustle 

All of our eyes perk up towards the sound made to our left.

"Uh, guys, are you seeing what I am seeing?" The Inuzuka points her shaking finger towards a black-furred cat with a collar on it.

"Yupp, we are seeing that," I pitch in.

"Me too." Itachi joins in too. We all look at one another, and understanding passes through our faces that perhaps only the strongest of comrades in war would have had.

"AAAaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh." That day, a cat shriek was heard all over Konoha. Since then, cats have been scared of going close to a dango shop; no one knows why, except for the three genins who had just had their first mission.


<Thanks for reading the chapter.>


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