
Naruto - The Shadow Kage

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] A soul was floating through the infinite nothingness on its way to a new life. The soul itself experienced the journey as kind of a view throughout its past life. It knows of its past life and that it died but it wasn’t sad or anything; it felt nothing… maybe not nothing, if it had to describe the feeling, it would be excitement. Why excitement, you might ask? Because after living a life and returning a bit early the soul wants to live a full and enjoyable life in a world that truly excites it. Maybe that’s the reason why the soul didn’t go through the normal reincarnation circle and got reincarnated with its memory intact into a world that the soul loved the most in its past life. Into the world of Naruto... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be a slow story which will start just before the 2nd war. The mc is trying to became op but its not gonna be fast. Also he is gonna join Konoha later. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if my grammer is shit! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Solving his first problem in his new life

After trying to remember everything he knows about Kirigakure and the Land of Water, Sota starts to get a bit afraid.

(Sota thoughts): "Didn't that village have the nickname 'village of the Bloody Mist', because they would let their academy graduates fight to the death. They also were controlled by Madara or Obito for a while, which should be a bit later when I think about it again. I should be safe from them for a while, but that isn't the worst thing about this village. It was described in the manga as the one with the most corruption, defection and had the literal description 'darkness' in the manga. They have the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, the Three Tails, the Six Tails, Kaguya clan and the Yuki clan. Also they had that wired clan, which Suigetsu was part of(Hozuki clan, thanks: Anonny_Anonymous), who could turn the bodies into water. It is located in some archipelago in the south east of the map of Naruto(btw: I use the map on the wiki). A mist is surrounding it all year long which makes it really hard to find. Other than that I cannot remember anything about this village."

Sota's thoughts got interrupted by another wave of tiredness. The last couple of days of not sleeping enough, has made him sometimes fall asleep in the middle of a thought.

(Sota thoughts): "Ah fuck it, I am just gonna cry on till I get moved out here it so noise with the others here!"

And so Sota starts to cry. The two nurses stopped talking to each other and looked for the source of the cry.

(male nurse): "Oh wait, it's the one who normally never cries"

(female nurse): "It is the on who came on last. I am also a little bit surprised by that. Did he ever made a noise with you"

(male nurse): "No, let's see what's wrong."

Both went to Sota and started to inspect him.

(male nurse): "There is nothing wrong with him?"

(female nurse): "Maybe just a bad dream?"

(male nurse): "Can't really imagine that, with this one. He never made noise before…. wait did you ever see him sleep?"

(female nurse): "What do you mean? He is barely 10 days old, he sleeps 95% of his time."

(male nurse): "No I mean have you see him sleep in a long session. Because everytime I see him he is either awake or is waking up."

(female nurse): "If you say it like that, I actually have to agree. Never saw him sleep longer than an hour. Let's send him to one of the docs."

(male nurse): "My shift starts now, so can you bring him there on your way back?"

(female nurse): " Sighing' Fine, but you have to clean the room for the next 3 days!"

(male nurse): "Ok,ok,ok Let's go already, I don't want to be responsible for one of their experiment subjects' deaths."

The female nurse picks Sota up and swiftly leaves the room and walks towards the doctor.

She reaches the door and knocks.

(Doc): "Come in!"

(female nurse): "Hello Sir, I bring you one of the subjects from the last group. We suspect that for some reason that he can't sleep."

(Doc): "What is his id?"

The nurse looked at Sota's armband.

(female nurse): "D20.1m"

The doctor searches through his files.

(Doc): "Aha, he was the last one of his group. Mhhmmmm... lets see from his files there is nothing I can see. Put him down please."

She put Sota on the table and removed some of the cloth he was wrapped up. Sota instantly starts to fall asleep. Both of them were surprised by that. The doc starts to use some diagnostic jutsus one Sota.

(Doc): "He is completely healthy."

(female nurse): "But you also saw him just fall asleep instantly!"

(Doc): "He is sleeping now, so let him sleep. You can let him stay here, I am going to bring him back."

That sleep was the best Sota got since he got reincarnated. He slept the entire day and when he woke up the doc was carrying back to the room.


(Doc): "You woke up finally. After my shift yesterday you were still sleeping so I didn't wanna wake you up so I slept in my offices. But I have to say, what keeps a baby awake for so long that it has to sleep 24 hours"

The doc walked him back to his room with his fellow experiment subjects. The doc walked into the room and talked with the male nurse. He informed him that Sota slept through the entire day. The nurse took him to Sota's crib and they started to inspect it, because they thought that there might be something in there which kept him awake. They found nothing so the doc decides to stay here and inspect the situation. For the next couple of hours he didn't even look at Sota because he knew that after sleeping 24 hours he would not sleep for a while. So after around 4 hours he was first surprised that Sota starts to sleep again. But then he heard another baby cry so he shortly looked in that direction and then back at Sota.

He instantly knew what was wrong.

(Doc saying in really loud voice): "OH MY GOD, who was responsible for putting this room together"

(male nurse surprised for a second): "Aaaaa, I don't know, I just took charge of this room when the first babies arrived, what is wrong?"

(Doc, still angry): "Some idiot forgot to put the sound sealing seal on his crib, that baby woke up every time one of the other babies cried."

(Sota, nearly screaming inside his head thoughts): " W A I T , W H A T "

The doc walked up to Sota's crip and performed some Jutsu but nothing happened.

(Doc): "Yeah, I just tried to use a Sealing-Reveal-Jutsu on his crib but nothing happened. Go and immitally get either a new crip or get the Sealing master here. I am going to stay, you don't have to worry."

(male nurse): "Of course Sir, it is already done!"

The nurse sprints out of the room.

(Doc): "We just got really lucky… if he died because of this supid reason we would probably be dead too! I should also check the other cribs."

After confirming that the other cribs were alright, he breathed out in relief. 5 minutes later the nurse came back with another crib, they first checked it by putting their heads inside to see(hear) if it was working. After confirming it they put Sota in it and put the defective one in the hallway.

As soon as Sota was laid inside the new crib he was surprised.

(Sota thoughts): "Wow, not a single noise is coming in. I was really wondering if the other babies were just deaf!"

And so Sotas first real crisis in his new life was solved…