
Naruto - The Shadow Kage

[Disclaimer: First time writting, english is my 2.language] A soul was floating through the infinite nothingness on its way to a new life. The soul itself experienced the journey as kind of a view throughout its past life. It knows of its past life and that it died but it wasn’t sad or anything; it felt nothing… maybe not nothing, if it had to describe the feeling, it would be excitement. Why excitement, you might ask? Because after living a life and returning a bit early the soul wants to live a full and enjoyable life in a world that truly excites it. Maybe that’s the reason why the soul didn’t go through the normal reincarnation circle and got reincarnated with its memory intact into a world that the soul loved the most in its past life. Into the world of Naruto... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is gonna be a slow story which will start just before the 2nd war. The mc is trying to became op but its not gonna be fast. Also he is gonna join Konoha later. I am not sure about the harem and don't expect the romance to be anything grand. Also english is my second language so correct me if my grammer is shit! Disclaimer: I own nothing here

SoraSoraha · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Figuring Mei out

Sota was looking at the future Fifth Mizukage. He was pretty sure that she would be it, because she looked like a miniature version of her future self. She already had her long auburn(a light brown towards red) hair, a long face and bright green eyes.

(Sota thoughts): "Soooo, how the fuck did she ended up in her? Isn't she from a noble clan, so why is she in here? This is actually the first person I see from the main story outside from the pictures in books I read."

Sota was now really thrilled that he went outside. He was really on board to just read the entire bookshelf until his ninja training starts. But now he found something else that would be interesting to do.

(Sota thoughts): "Wait, because she goes back and becomes the future Mizukage, doesn't that mean that if I stick with her that I am going to survive this? From her looks and height she should be in one of the later groups. So not the First and definitely not the Second. For the Third group she also looks too young, they all are at least 5 and start their training next week. The fourth is out also because she obviously has no body transformation Kekkei Genkai. So that leaves only the Fifth group, but that would make little sense?

Actually it doesn't, because she had a lot of affinites. And maybe she just accidently got the second Kekkei Genkai. So which of her Kekkei Genkais is the one she should only have? Should I start to befriend her then? No, let's just observe the situation for a couple of days and then I am going to decide."

And that's how Sota spends his time in the afternoon. He quickly realizes a couple of things about Mei. She was indeed from the Fifth group and also the youngest and should only be half a year older then Sota. Also for some reason her group is excluding her from all their activities. First he thought that it was like him, where his group just talks with him the bare minimum, but after he saw her getting actually bullied by her group mates he knew that there was something else. Because he had no connections with the other group, he couldn't just ask them, so he went to one of his roommates and asked him. The only one from his group that talked to him the most was the boy who slept in the bed next to him.

So after the lessons were over he walked up to him.

(Sota talks): "Hey, can you come with me, I need to talk with you."

(The boy answers): "Ok?"[looking surprised]

The boy thought that it has something to do with their arrangement that they had over their sleeping situation. Because Sota was the last one to join their group he was also given the worst spot to sleep. So after a while Sota asked him to switch with him and in exchange he would help him with writing and reading. Because the group was now at the end of learning how to read and write, the boy thought that Sota wanted to talk about their arrangement.

(Sota talks): "I wanted to ask you about someone from the other groups."

(The boy asks)[again surprised]: "Ok, about who?"

(Sota talks): "I saw one of the girls form the Fifth group getting beaten by her own group and just wanted to know why."

(The boy talks)[less surprised]: "Ah, yes because you read the whole time you never heard about that."

(Sota answers)[curious]: "What do you mean by that?"

(The boy answers): "You know that nobody from us has a name, but that all the adults have one?[Sota nods] She is the only one who has a name. Her name is Mei. That's why they don't like her. We all just give names to each other for things we do. You probably don't know but we call you the Reader."

(Sota talks)[still surprised]: "Ah thanks, I actually never thought about that."

They both walked outside and Sota walked to his usual place and sat down on the grass.

(Sota thoughts): "Okay now I am 100% sure that she is the girl who will become the Fifth Mizukage because now her name even matches. And also I never thought about that, that nobody has a name here. It's really easy to explain. They just were killing machines and not a strong person so not giving a name would remove parts of their character in a way. So why does she have a name. I know from my past life that she was part of a noble clan. Why would there stick a child of their clan in here? They probably wanted to get rid of her that way.

Wait a second…

She has the boil release and lava release. If I had to guess, the boil release is from her clan and the lava release from somewhere else. But I know that the Shinobis from Iwagakure(Land of Earth) mainly used lava release. If one of her parents, probably her mother, came from Kirigakure and had a child with somebody from Iwagakure, who by chance had the lava release, then it would make sense that they would put Mei in here. It was probably a big shame that her mother had a child with their enemies. Especially Iwagakure, their archnemesis, I know that in the next war the Second Mizukage and the Second Tsuchikage will fight to the death and both of them die. So either her mother died or was killed after she gave birth to Mei and because she was from a noble clan they allowed her to name her child.

And that is also partially the reason that she is going to get out of here. After they realise that she has one or even the second Kekkei Genkai, her clan wants her back and is moved out."


During the time Sota was trying to piece together the puzzle that is Mei, two men meet in the highest tower in the facialist.

(Shinobi): "How are the results of the First group so far? I have to report to the Mizukage with the next ship!"

(Old scientist): "Not great, nobody got anything extra from the average. The Third group is going to start their Chakra training tomorrow and we expect to see improvements."

(Shinobi): "The Mizukage and the council are all not that happy about the slow prozess we make here. It's so far away and the amount of money they spent to build this place would make both of us lose our lives if we don't bring back results. Good that the children are only 50% of our research. What about the other thing?"

(Old scientist): "We were able to successfully tab into it a couple of times and are hopeful to stabilize it in the future!"