
Chapter 07 - Change in the flow of time

If the shinobi from the Land of Wind were responsible, then it was possible that Orochimaru had a hand in orchestrating the incident. In his mind, Sasuke pieced together a theory: Orochimaru had likely killed the Kazekage and assumed his identity, using his position to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Sasuke couldn't understand why Orochimaru would change his plans so drastically, but the possibility of the notorious Sannin pulling the strings behind the scenes filled him with a sense of urgency. With every passing moment, the threat Orochimaru posed grew more tangible, and Sasuke knew they couldn't afford to underestimate him.

One hour later, team seven reunited once more in front of the gate of the hidden leaf village, and soon they departed. Kakashi didn't seem to be in a hurry, considering that reaching the border would take two days, that is, if they hurry up, but they just started by walking.

"Kakashi, can we afford to take our time?" Sasuke asked.

"It is fine, we are only heading there to take out ordinary bandits if something happens while the real guard investigates the border," Kakashi explained. "For now, just get used to being outside the village and then we will hurry up at noon."

Naruto had never been out of the village, so he was acting like a kid. He was smiling at everything. At the same time, Sakura looked around, a bit nervous. She had the least reason to be nervous, though. Naruto was the jinchuriki of the nine tails, and Sasuke was a Uchiha.

"Well, in any case, we won't have much time to train like this, but you can put this to the test during the mission," Kakashi said. "You guys need to maintain a formation while working. With me here, you don't have to worry too much, but in case something happens, you guys need to respond accordingly. Still, get used to it. Naruto stays on the front, Sasuke stays in the right side and Sakura on the left."

Naruto's expression turned into a grin. The formation made him feel like Kakashi had implicitly approved him as the leader of the team in his absence, a responsibility he wasn't sure he was ready to shoulder. The weight of expectation settled heavily on his shoulders, stirring a mixture of anxiety and determination within him. Naruto couldn't shake the feeling that he was being thrust into a role that he fit in very well...

On the other hand, Sasuke didn't mind the dynamic. In fact, he saw it as a good solution. He recognized that Naruto's tendency to act in Kakashi's absence could lead to unnecessary complications. By officially designating Naruto as the leader, it provided a clear structure for the team's actions, minimizing the risk of misunderstandings or miscommunications. For Sasuke, it was a matter of practicality—he'd rather have Naruto take the lead than risk him inadvertently making things worse by trying to cover for anyone else. So, he fell in line without complaint, confident in Naruto's ability to rise to the occasion.

"Yeah, that is right, keep the formation like this," Kakashi said when those three assumed their positions. "You don't relax too much, Naruto. Don't put your hands behind your back. Your reaction time will be a mess like that. You also didn't need to get too tense, Sakura. You might freeze if something happens and if you let the situation get the better of you. The enemies might see you as an easy target as well."

Naruto and Sakura tried to follow Kakashi's instructions, but it took a while before they truly could pull it off. In any case, they saw some hidden leaf Shinobi passing by them along the way, but nothing major happened. In the end, they took a break along the way for lunch.

"We passed by the closest places to the village already, so we will pick up the pace in the afternoon to arrive at our destination a little after sunset," Kakashi said.

"Did we take our time in the morning not to alert the ordinary folk?" Sasuke asked.

"That too, it is our job to make them feel safe, after all," Kakashi said. "Still, it is also because we need to be careful while we approach our destination."

They couldn't afford to alert possible enemies who might be lurking nearby, disguised and waiting for an opportunity to strike. The attack on the border had been unusual, too direct and overt to be the work of traditional ninja tactics. However, they couldn't dismiss the possibility that it was merely a feint, a distraction to conceal a more sinister goal. Therefore, maintaining a low profile was crucial to their mission's success.

The group recognized the importance of reaching their destination without drawing unnecessary attention. They needed to navigate through unfamiliar territory discreetly, avoiding any unnecessary confrontations or conflicts. Their goal wasn't just to arrive safely but to do so without alerting the people of their destination. Any disturbance could disrupt the delicate balance of power and escalate tensions, potentially leading to further conflict. With this in mind, they moved forward cautiously, their senses heightened and their focus razor-sharp, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead while ensuring their movements went unnoticed.

"This will be a good chance for you guys as well, so I will teach you something interesting," Kakashi said. "You all can move faster than most people and maintain that pace for hours, but you can gain time and save stamina by using your chakra on your feet. Use this hand seal and focus your chakra on your feet to cross larger distances faster."


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