
Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Transmigrated into a Minato Namikaze Self-Insert with the bonus of the Pika Pika No Mi, plus a special body from the One Piece world with Chakra. -------------------------------------------- This Fanfic's Schedule for the week, updates on: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. ---------------------------------------------- With gratitude and enthusiasm, Raccoon! And your raccoon welcomes you to the Raccoon League! An exploration across different universes, be prepared for adventure! With over 1 million words published! ---- Current explorations: One Piece: I am a Different Luffy! (7 Chapters/Week) Danmachi: Infinite Mana System! (3 Chapters/Week) Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Artica! (3 Chapters/Week) Naruto: Light Ninja! (3 Chapters/Week) Naruto: Minato Namikase SI! (3 Chapters/Week) The Witcher: As Uchiha Madara! (3 Chapters/Week) HP: Shadow Monarch! (3 Chapters/Week) Game of Thrones: DragonBorn! (1 Chapter/Week) ---- Explore the Unexplored! Become an exclusive supporter on Patreon and unlock advanced chapters -> RaccoonLeague | Patreon https://www.patreon.com/RaccoonLeague

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Chapter 24 - First Year 15.

[Chapter Size: 1400 Words.]

Third Person POV

Ninja Academy, Konoha, Year 32.



As the dust from the last fight settled, the crowd's energy shifted from vibrant excitement to animated and reflective conversation. The day's fights had ended, and now was the time to analyze the results, discuss the displayed skills, and ponder the future of these young shinobis.

The spectators, still in their seats, began to discuss among themselves. "Did you see Minato's agility?" one asked, still impressed. "And Akame's Sharingan, so young and already so powerful!" another responded. Groups of Jonins and instructors gathered, speaking in lower tones but with equal enthusiasm, analyzing the abilities and potential of each child, making mental notes on how to guide and train them in the coming years.

"Very impressive for first-year children, the Leaf Village is surely blessed with this generation." Someone said.

"Interesting is Minato Namikaze, will he break all the academy records in the coming years?" Another asked curiously.

"A Byakugan and an early Sharingan, it's a year full of talents..."

The Uchihas, in particular, surrounded Akame after he regained consciousness, impressed with his early activation of his Sharingan at such an age. Despite his defeat, he was still seen as a prodigy, someone who would certainly bring great prestige to the clan.

The Hokage, along with other leaders and high-ranking ninjas, remained a bit longer, discussing what they had witnessed. They talked about how to cultivate and direct these emerging talents, ensuring that each child received the proper guidance and training to reach their maximum potential in the coming years.

As the crowd left the arena, the atmosphere of excitement and competition gave way to a calm reflection. The children, now free from the uniforms that marked the intensity and seriousness of the tournament, began their journey back to their homes, accompanied by their guardians.

Madame Gorete walked alongside him, observing him with a look that mixed pride and maternal concern. "You put up a good fight in the end," she said, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded them.

The sun, now touching the horizon, bathed the village in golden tones, casting long shadows and softening the lines of the day. "I managed to win in the end, but I was lucky, fighting against the Sharingan is not easy..." Minato replied modestly.

Madame Gorete smiled, her expression lighting up with admiration and a touch of pride. "Even so, you received the title of Rookie of the Year, Minato. I'm proud of you, you have a bright future in your military career." Her voice was firm but carried a softness that spoke of her affection for the boy.

"Thank you... But next year I'll do better! I'm going to train all vacation!" Minato replied, his determination shining through his words, his posture a reflection of his unwavering will to improve and grow.

Madame Gorete, however, offered a gentle sigh, concerned about the boy's well-being beyond his abilities as a shinobi. "That's good, but don't focus only on training, you missed much of your relationships with the other children at the orphanage this year." She warned him.

Minato knew she was right. Though dedicated to his training, he felt the growing distance between him and the other children. Besides Tsuna and Mikoto, with whom he shared mutual respect, he felt an increasing discomfort in his social interactions with children his age. He was no longer just a boy and it was uncomfortable to act as such.

As Minato walked back to the orphanage, his mind a web of thoughts and plans. "I'll train more," he murmured to himself, a silent promise cast into the evening wind. "I can try now to use my shadow clones, if I have Tsuna with me, I can improve my taijutsu during the vacation." He reflected.

"Speaking of physical fighting style, I'm going to look for Day... I need to strengthen my body to learn the six styles of the navy and Armament Haki which requires a stronger body to develop these skills... Having him as a partner despite that he hasn't developed the eight gates, is still very useful." Minato murmured, hoping to improve his performance even more for the next year.

As Minato pondered his future, the Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, returned to his tower to end the day with some final paperwork. The tower, a symbol of leadership and responsibility, was quiet, but this calm was interrupted by the arrival of an expected, but always intriguing visitor: Danzou Shimura.

Danzou, with his imposing presence and calculating eyes, entered the room. "Hiruzen..." he greeted, his tone neutral but carrying layers of unspoken intention. "I've seen the children," Danzou began, getting straight to the point.

Hiruzen, aware of the implications, replied calmly but with an unwavering firmness. "Yes, but as I've already told you, we'll review this in the coming years." He sat down, his posture reflecting the authority and wisdom of his position. The ANBU, always vigilant, positioned themselves discreetly, a constant presence of protection and service hidden around the room.

"Even so, I want to reserve some of them, especially that Minato Namikaze," Danzou declared, his voice revealing a specific interest in the young prodigy.

"Minato is out of the question, as are the future leaders of the clans. Someone made me reserve Minato, so he won't be able to enter your division," Hiruzen responded.

Danzou raised an eyebrow, surprised and visibly frustrated. "What? That was not our agreement. The Root needs talents," he growled.

Hiruzen, however, remained unshakable. "Our most promising talents need to be nurtured for the benefit of the entire village, not just a single division. Minato and the others will be fundamental for the future of Konoha," he declared, ending the conversation with a note of finality that left little room for argument.

"But I need talents, Hiruzen, I want the best!" insisted Danzou.

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Hokage, maintained a serious and determined expression as he faced Danzou. "Yes, and you will have yours, but Minato won't be part of it," he stated, his voice firm and resolute.

Danzou, in turn, was clearly frustrated. "You saw his abilities, we need to study them, Hiruzen. No one should predict attacks as he did without a doujutsu like Sharingan or Byakugan. He even proved superior to that Uchiha's Sharingan!" He argued, his voice carrying a greed.

Hiruzen, however, remained unmoved. "Yes, but we know nothing about this ability. So, I won't waste a talented young man with your studies."

Danzou, impatient, tried once more. "Think about it, Hiruzen. The boy must have some Kekei Genkai in his body, something we can benefit from!" His insistence revealed a desire to possess and control whatever power Minato might have.

"My answer is no, Danzou!" Hiruzen raised his voice, a rare tone for him, who usually maintained his calm. "Jiraiya has taken an interest in the boy and I've already promised him to him when the young one graduates, so let's end this matter here!" His decision was final, and there was no room for further discussion.

"As you wish, Hokage..." Danzou growled, the last word laden with bitterness as he left the room, but before he exited the door, he turned back. "And the Uchiha who opened the Sharingan?"

"We'll keep an eye on it, our teacher always said that the Sharingan could open from trauma, we can't assume a 6-year-old will be the next Madara." The Third Hokage spoke and Danzou continued walking and closed the door.

Hiruzen sighed deeply as his old friend left, his thoughts concerned with the future. "It's just one year... Let's see how they fare until they graduate..." He murmured, gazing at the moon, pondering the fate of Minato and the other talented children.

The next day, well before the sun rose, Minato left the orphanage with a fervent determination. It was December, and he had just over two months before the start of the next academy year. He was resolved to dedicate himself entirely to becoming much stronger physically and even to improve his Haki, if possible.

The child ran to his usual training spot. The world was still quiet, and the streets were empty, but Minato's heart was full of an unquenchable fire. He knew the next few months would be crucial in further improving his strength, wanting to reach new heights!



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