
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime & Comics
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244 Chs

CH - 99 Black Zetsu’s Concerns

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Following White Zetsu's account of recent developments, Black Zetsu lapsed into another bout of silence, the contorted curve of his mouth betraying a subtle twitch. At this juncture, he found himself at a loss for words, grappling with the complexity of the situation.

On the topic of Uchiha Obito, it appeared that he hadn't fully unlocked his Mangekyo Sharingan, his awakening seemed to have been a brief occurrence aimed at evading a rockslide that could have otherwise crushed him. Black Zetsu, in his quest to identify a suitable heir to carry forth Madara's legacy, had sensed the presence of space-time chakra and consequently intervened to rescue Obito.

Unmistakably, there was an awareness within Black Zetsu that this guy harbored a formidable force within him, specifically the capability to wield space-time ninjutsu. Even though his investigations initially portrayed this youngster as an underachiever within Konoha, the extraordinary nature of the Uchiha clan's capabilities was a facet not to be disregarded.

Afterall, Even the least formidable among them, once awakened to the Mangekyo Sharingan, underwent a profound surge in power. However, the key to awakening the Mangekyo rested in undergoing profound emotional upheaval.

Black Zetsu surmised that the loss of someone dear was the trigger that would ultimately enable Obito to grasp and harness his fullest potential. He perceived Obito as someone brimming with latent potential, mainly due to presence of genuine bonds, an essential trait.

Consequently, he issued a directive to White Zetsu, outlining his intention for White Zetsu to intervene and rescue the young Uchiha, Obito, in Madara's name. The ultimate objective was to then deliver Obito into Madara's custody.

This was in line with the intricate plan he had meticulously woven for Madara since the beginning. The objective was to identify someone of aptitude, a person capable of 'inheriting' Madara's legacy, which would fulfil the duty in absence of Madara. The overarching scheme was to bide their time, waiting for Madara's eventual return to the fold, thus allowing the culmination of their grand plan.

The plan, in its essence, was relatively straightforward. The trajectory involved diverting Madara from his true objectives, a process that entailed the 'creation' of White Zetsu. Subsequently, the plan revolved around patiently waiting for Madara's aging, identifying a suitable heir who could internalize and carry forward Madara's aspirations and perhaps even manipulating Madara into believing that Black Zetsu was an embodiment of his will.

Upon Madara's eventual passing, Black Zetsu would assert control over the chosen successor, leveraging this period of freedom from Madara's direct oversight to further advance their scheme.The plan was an intricate tapestry, masterfully woven, carrying the belief that this time, the fulfillment of his ambitions was virtually assured. He harbored the conviction that he would finally reunite with his mother.

Initially, the execution of the plan proceeded without significant hitches. Madara, under Black Zetsu's subtle sway, remained steadfast in his conviction that the path to his envisioned 'peace' was incontrovertibly correct.

But as time progressed, a shift began to occur. With the reconstruction of the Land of Grass underway, marked by the establishment of a ninja academy, Madara's demeanor underwent a remarkable transformation.

In a surprising twist, the once detached and proud Madara began dispensing profound insights and actively participating in morning classes at the academy. His conversations would occasionally veer into the realm of the eccentric.

Although Madara's newfound behavior puzzled Black Zetsu, there was a modicum of relief in the fact that Madara's commitment to his version of 'peace' remained unwavering. The conviction that the world's ills were rooted in the existence of ninjas persisted, and he remained fervently dedicated to the cause of creating a world of genuine peace.

Yet, Black Zetsu recognized the need to intervene before things spiraled out of control. He acknowledged that his capacity to manipulate Uchiha Madara was limited, given that he hadn't yet been 'born' as Madara's will. The concern loomed that Madara's unorthodox behavior might lead to unforeseen consequences. Thus, Black Zetsu resolved to hasten the identification of a suitable successor, hasten Madara's demise, and anticipate the commencement of the ultimate mission.

But now, although successor candidate had emerged. The outcome of the further development was truly bewildering. Madara, much to Black Zetsu's astonishment, had taken the youngster under his wing to study. In a display of inexplicable behavior, Madara had tasked Zetsu, who wasn't known for his intellect, with preparing textbooks, pens, and even assigning homework for the young student. The entire situation left Black Zetsu befuddled, questioning the purpose and significance of these actions.

Uchiha Madara, a figure poised to bring his version of 'peace' to the ninja world, was inexplicably participating in mundane classes. Moreover, he had roped someone else into this strange endeavor. Black Zetsu couldn't fathom the logic behind Madara's actions. Why was he attending classes that seemed to serve no real purpose? And why was he involving someone else in this bizarre pursuit? Shouldn't he be focusing on his mission and waiting for the opportune moment?

Black Zetsu's deepest regret stemmed from his earlier decision, during the establishment of the school overhead, to not immediately relocate White Zetsu and the others. He had presumed that relocating the massive Ten-Tails shell would pose considerable challenges, leading to his inaction.

If given the chance to reset the course of events, Black Zetsu resolved that he would have immediately mobilized White Zetsu to bear the weight of the Ten-Tails shell and execute an overnight escape, seeking a new and concealed location. He was prepared to deploy an army of countless White Zetsus if necessary, each one contributing to the monumental task of ferrying Madara to safety.

As he ruminated on the peculiar image of an elderly man and a young child immersed in their underground classroom within the cave, with the child eagerly raising a hand to inquire, "Madara-Sensei, I have a question!"...

Black Zetsu's expression exhibited a subtle twitch, an involuntary reaction to the absurdity of the situation. Yet, after a contemplative pause, he released a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of his intricate plans. "Let it be. The situation is not completely dire. Uchiha Madara's unshakable belief in 'ninjas as the root of the world's chaos' and the ceaseless conflicts in the ninja world continue to affirm his perspective. The persistent turmoil in this world reinforces his conviction that the world is ailing. As long as this core belief remains unchanged, the eventual outcome will align with his expectations. As for the young kid..."

He halted momentarily, his gaze becoming more focused, "I will create an opportunity for him to directly 'witness' the darkness pervading the ninja world."

As the conversation continued, White Zetsu responded with an impish grin and a nod. "Understood."

Until the formal 'birth' of Black Zetsu, the responsibility of overseeing the cave's operations rested on White Zetsu's shoulders. With Madara aging and Zetsu's unreliability, it had become imperative for Black Zetsu to handle these matters. Moreover, apart from attending to Madara's needs, that Zetsu was practically of no use. What meaningful contribution could they expect from that idiot?

At that particular moment, White Zetsu appeared to recollect something intriguing. His voice descended to a conspiratorial hush, accompanied by a somewhat devious expression. "Listen up, Black Zetsu, I have something to tell you. While we were out gathering intelligence, that Zetsu, yes, that one, secretly bought snacks for Madara-sama once more. It's evident he isn't taking his responsibilities seriously."

Black Zetsu was rendered momentarily speechless by White Zetsu's unexpected shift in tone and topic.

"Furthermore," White Zetsu continued, his expression taking on an exaggerated sense of disapproval, "I heard that due to him running out of money and losing his job at the factory, he's resorted to scavenging for trash to support Madara-sama. He's quite the stain on the reputation of us White Zetsus." White Zetsu's commentary flowed forth without heed for Black Zetsu's increasingly twitching facial expression.

While still attempting to maintain his composure, Black Zetsu observed White Zetsu's unfolding commentary. "And to add to that," White Zetsu pressed on, "When Madara-sama's Eyes wielder graduated from the Ninja Academy, that Zetsu attempted a secret job interview, Can you believe it? He even showed his face to Madara-sama.Moreover, He even nearly got caught red-handed because of that. If it weren't for the relatively limited intellect of the Grass Village's leader, he'd likely have been exposed by now."

Black Zetsu experienced a peculiar sensation in his stomach as he absorbed White Zetsu's statements. Due to the distinctive genes of Zetsu, he had been specifically tasked with the oversight of Madara's well-being. Though Zetsu possessed certain mental quirks, stemming from his creation process, his core directive remained unchanged. There was little cause for concern about his loyalty wavering.

Nevertheless, the description of White Zetsu's current approach to tending to Uchiha Madara evoked an uncomfortable sense of exasperation. Their intention was for White Zetsu to ensure Madara's care, not to indulge him in such eccentric endeavors. And the idea of collecting trash to support Madara was a ludicrous notion, hardly fitting for their strategy.

Did Madara, in his current form, truly require sustenance? Wasn't the nourishment from the Ten-Tails shell sufficient? Black Zetsu felt a twinge of irritation, wondering where this bizarre initiative had originated.

Had the meaning behind his instruction to care for Madara been so thoroughly misinterpreted? Black Zetsu mentally lamented the situation, Were it not for Zetsu's particular composition, Black Zetsu would have contemplated sending him back to the God Tree for reconfiguration.

Moreover, how many times had White Zetsu almost exposed himself? The first occasion might have been attributed to the Grass Village leader's lack of astuteness. The second instance could potentially be attributed to the Grass Village leader's diminished intellect. Yet, as the list of close calls continued to grow, Black Zetsu couldn't help but ponder whether Zetsu truly perceive the Grass Village as a dumb person.

Black Zetsu's expression grew more somber, his tone laced with concern. "I'm growing increasingly suspicious that he might have stumbled upon our existence." His words trailed off, leaving an air of uncertainty.

The original White Zetsu appeared unconvinced, scratching his head thoughtfully before responding in an undertone, "I find it highly unlikely. We've managed to remain concealed for over a thousand years, and Madara-sama is the sole ninja privy to White Zetsu's presence. It's implausible that a mere Grass Ninja could uncover us. If this hypothetical discovery had taken place, why would he disregard us?"

The uncertainty in Black Zetsu's expression didn't fade, and he narrowed his eyes in contemplation. "True, but it wouldn't hurt to assess the situation. We need to confirm if this possibility holds any ground."

During their conversation, Black Zetsu's attention seemed to shift toward a figure not far away. The sight before him was unmistakable, a form exhibiting Hashirama-like chakra, bounding with enthusiasm as he collected items strewn about. A bemused twitch tugged at Black Zetsu's lips. "Let's set this aside for now. Our priority is to bring that guy back."

"Understood," White Zetsu replied, following Black Zetsu's gaze to the designated figure, comprehending their next course of action.

In the early hours of the morning, a radiant sun had yet to fully rise. White Zetsu, already active well before dawn, was engaged in the unusual task of collecting trash, his spirits high as he scoured the surroundings for salvageable items.

His circumstances left him with little choice. Having no steady employment, the original White Zetsu and others held him in low regard. With the addition of a young kid to the equation, expenses had surged, forcing him into this menial labor to make ends meet.

Fortune appeared to favor him on this particular day. The morning's chill had delayed most people's awakening, implying another profitable day of collecting cast-offs lay ahead.

However, his momentum faltered when he noticed the figure of the original White Zetsu approaching. A brief pause of surprise overtook him before he quickly broke into a wide grin, seemingly amused, he greeted, "Hey there, White Zetsu. What's got you up so early? Could it be that you've also embraced the art of trash collecting?"

White Zetsu stood there, momentarily dumbfounded by the words he had just heard. He struggled for a response, his disbelief evident, as he muttered under his breath, "What absurd nonsense..."

A flicker of irritation crossed White Zetsu's features, and he retorted with a forced cheerfulness, "Put an end to this trash collecting and return with me."

The response he received was one of skepticism. Zetsu's incredulous gaze met White Zetsu's as he posed a counter-question, "You're saying I should stop collecting trash? Are you suddenly volunteering to support me?"

White Zetsu's patience wavered at this retort, and annoyance crept into his voice, "Cut the nonsense! Come back immediately, you fool! Weren't you tasked with looking after Madara-sama and that kid? How dare you roam around recklessly?"

Zetsu's casual response demonstrated his lack of concern, "There's no issue. That brat was up late studying yesterday, and he's currently enjoying a peaceful slumber. Later, he'll rise for his classes, and with Madara-sama keeping watch, there's little to worry about."

2190 words (Excluding A/N)

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