
Naruto - Leader of Kusagakure

What if someone were to be reincarnated as the daimyo of the Land of Grass during the era of the Ninja War? Will they be able to survive or transform their village into the strongest force? NOTE - First 3 chapters have been Revised. So, Sorry for the deleted comments --------------------------------------- Hello, its my first time writing a Novel so I do not know how to write a synopsis. Sorry for that and if you want to know the source of this fanfic as this is not my original idea please read the auxiliary Chapter. Support me on - P@treon.com/Kaiszer

Kaiszer · Anime & Comics
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244 Chs

CH - 102 Permission Granted

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'Permission? Permission for what again?' Akihiko gazed at the application from the Rain Village, a perplexed and speechless expression etching across his face. He glanced around at the others, his brow furrowing, and they followed suit, their faces etched with curiosity.

In this moment of bewilderment, their collective gaze settled on Aso, the close aide of the revered Ninja Demi-God Hanzo. Akihiko turned to Aso, a mixture of exasperation and anticipation in his voice as he said, "You guys... you're certainly making things quite complicated for me!"

At Akihiko's words, a shadow flickered in Aso's eyes. To be honest, He had anticipated Akihiko's reaction to not grant the request. In the current state of the ninja world, tensions ran high, and conflicts were rampant. At such a juncture, a proposition for a village leader to visit another ninja village raised significant suspicion.

Furthermore, the leader of the Rain Village, Hanzo, possessed an extraordinarily potent mastery of Water Style, but his peculiar condition was the dark underbelly of this talent, as he harbored a deadly poison within him. The idea of him visiting the Grass Village at this moment might easily give rise to suspicions of a sinister motive, perhaps an intent to poison their allies.

Despite the aging and the waning of ambitions in their leader, he was still a former Ninja Demi-God, a figure of great repute. Thus, even if the two villages are secretly allies, Akihiko wouldn't be so quick to allow their leader to venture into the Grass Village during these tense times.

However, as someone who had followed the village leader since childhood and now served as his right-hand man and assistant, Aso was bound to carry out any order given by the village leader to the best of his abilities, despite the challenges and suspicions it might bring.

Aso bowed deeply, his forehead making a firm 'thud' against the table, a sincere expression on his face. He spoke with earnestness, "Leader Akihiko, please trust Hanzo-sama. He doesn't have any ill intentions. His sole purpose is to visit the Grass Village. I assure you, he won't pose any threat to them."

Pausing briefly, he continued, his tone pleading, "Please also take into account that the Rain Village has been actively cooperating with the Grass Village during this period. We earnestly hope that you can grant our leader's request. This is not only a plea from our Rain Village but also a vow of cooperation. We are prepared to assist with whatever you may require."

Akihiko, however, quickly interjected, "That's not my concern," He shook his head while observing Aso's beseeching expression. "I'm not worried that your leader will cause trouble in the Grass Village!"

Since Akihiko himself is in the Land of Rain, he firmly believes that Hanzo wouldn't dare to stir up any problems, given the potential consequences. No village leader would be reckless enough to jeopardize their own village in such a manner.

Akihiko let out a sigh laden with deep concern. "But what about the war? If he leaves, what will happen to it?"

The war between Grass and Rain was still ongoing, and it was a highly intense conflict. The idea of Hanzo departing for the Grass Village during such a time left Akihiko troubled. Furthermore, he considered the implications of Hanzo's identity.

If an unexpected event occurred, how would it be perceived? Would the news spread, leading everyone to believe that a Ninja Demi-God had infiltrated the Land of Grass, or that the Grass Village had captured Hanzo? Could this potentially escalate the ongoing conflict? Akihiko also remembered that once winter was over, the Rain Ninjas on the front lines would return to their roles as Grass Ninjas.

Afterall, For them, It would be a hard-earned money. As the leader of the Rain Village, leaving the front lines without a clear reason and embarking on what might seem like an overseas vacation raised concerns about dereliction of duty and irresponsibility.

Akihiko further expressed his apprehension, "What if something unexpected happens, and he has to step in and take action? What if they can't locate him? This would be seen as neglecting his duty and acting irresponsibly."

Aso was rendered momentarily speechless by Akihiko's comments. He had initially assumed that Akihiko's concerns revolved around Hanzo potentially causing trouble in the Grass Village. Akihiko's differnt concerns left him at a loss for words.

Aso emphasized with utmost seriousness, "Our leader has stated that during this period, the Rain Village will cooperate with Leader Akihiko's actions. Simultaneously, the Land of Rain will also support Leader Akihiko."

These words left the Grass Ninjas in the meeting room astounded. They exchanged bewildered glances, their expressions filled with uncertainty. What exactly did this Demi-God have in mind?

In essence, it appeared as though they were granting the Grass Village free rein within the Land of Rain, and in the context of the ongoing war, this was a significant concession. The Land of Rain, despite its current desolation due to the war, was still a nation. Were they really going to open it up to the Grass Village like this? Furthermore, if the Grass Village were to receive support from the Rain Village, it would carry a far-reaching significance.

However, Akihiko couldn't help but look at Aso with a hint of suspicion, and he deliberated for a moment. "Your leader isn't secretly planning to poison the Grass Village, is he?"

Akihiko's skepticism stemmed from the extensive concessions being offered. Could there possibly be a hidden agenda behind all this? He knew that the Ninja Demi-God had been quite boastful and had made grand promises in his youth, but over the years, his credibility had significantly waned. He often failed to follow through on his word.

In response, Aso, despite the baffling nature of the suspicion, maintained his sincerity and replied, "Our leader has absolutely no ulterior motives. His sole intention is to visit the Grass Village."

Akihiko pondered for a moment, his gaze shifting to Kakuzu, who stood nearby, occasionally furrowing his brow or muttering something about the "markets of the Land of Rain."

It occurred to Akihiko that with Kakuzu overseeing the situation, any potential issues would likely be averted. With this in mind, Akihiko began to speak, "Kakuzu, if you..."

However, before Akihiko could finish his sentence, Kakuzu, who was suddenly called by someone, slowly lifted his head, he looked at Akihiko, his voice calm as he responded, "I have no interest in such mundane matters."

Even though Kakuzu said that he continued, "If you agree, It means, the Rain Village will grant the Grass Village unrestricted access to all its domestic markets, even after the war concludes. This arrangement will be permanent," turning his gaze towards Aso and asking, "When do we depart?"

A hushed silence enveloped the room. Kakuzu's blunt response left no room for doubt. Akihiko couldn't help but smile at Aso and said, "Very well. The Grass Village agrees to the Rain Village's proposal. May the bond between our villages remain strong!"

With that, Aso, brimming with excitement, bowed deeply to express his gratitude to Akihiko. "Thank you, Leader Akihiko!" he exclaimed before hurrying to deliver the news to Hanzo.

As Aso left, eager to convey the positive news to his own leader, Akihiko let out a sigh and turned his attention to Kakuzu, who was still preoccupied with thoughts of the Rain Village's markets.

Addressing Kakuzu, Akihiko remarked, "We'll be relying on you to handle any unexpected situations in the Grass Village."

Kakuzu, seemingly uninterested in the conversation, responded curtly, "I'm here for one reason, to make money. Now, it's time to strategize how to accomplish that."

He impatiently rose from his seat, headed toward the door, and halted momentarily. Without displaying any emotions, Kakuzu added, "After all, It's just a mere Ninja Demi-God, and the Grass Village is not as vulnerable as you may think, Leader"

With that, Kakuzu departed, leaving Akihiko somewhat surprised. Yahiko, who had also been present at the meeting, tried to reassure Akihiko with an optimistic tone, patting his chest and saying, "Don't worry, Akihiko-Sensei. We have me, Nagato, and Konan. Everything will be fine."

However, Akihiko couldn't help but shake his head and let out a sigh. He remarked, "It's precisely because of you three that I'm worried~"

The trio exchanged puzzled glances. They couldn't fathom why Akihiko was concerned. After all, they were highly capable individuals.

Akihiko chuckled and playfully ruffled the hair of the three young ninjas. "Don't worry," he said with a grin. "When you get back, think about what you've learned from this meeting and put together a summary report. I'm looking for at least eight thousand words."

The trio looked at each other in disbelief. More assignments? They protested, "But Akihiko-Sensei, we've already graduated!"

Akihiko winked and replied, "I know you've graduated. This isn't homework, it's a summary report!"

The three of them were left utterly speechless by Akihiko's response.

Meanwhile, In the Rain Village, Hanzo, the Ninja Demi-God, sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, an air of calmness surrounding him. He appeared to be awaiting something, an anticipation that soon bore fruit.

The sound of hurried footsteps approached, and Hanzo slowly opened his eyes, turning his attention to Aso, who entered the room with visible excitement. Hanzo's brows furrowed slightly, and he inquired with his characteristic calmness, "Did it work?"

Aso, brimming with excitement, responded promptly, "Yes, Hanzo-sama. Leader Akihiko has agreed to your request!"

A faint smile, concealed by his mask, graced Hanzo's lips. His tone carried a touch of satisfaction as he mused, "That man truly possesses a broad perspective."

1603 words.

Kaiszercreators' thoughts