
Naruto - Blue Droplets (ENG) version

Death is not always an end. Sometimes it can provide you a second chance. Protagonist of this story got himself such chance and will do whatever it takes to create his own small piece of heaven. While we will accompany him on his path towards a dream. This fanfic will start during the end of Warring state era and foundation of Shinobi villages. PS. I don't own Naruto and arts used. P.S 2 - NOT HAREM. P.S 3 - chapters are quite large. Also please comment and provide opinion whether or not to close this translation.

Abi_Daulen · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Chapter 6 – In Expectation of Freedom

Chapter 6 – In Expectation of Freedom

The Land of Fire

The weakening of the barrier has made a lot of changes in the life of the clan and especially in my life. Everyone in the clan understood that the quiet and easy days had come to an end and began to train with a double effort. In my case, it became a change in the training regime. Lack of time forced me to focus on taijutsu and bukijutsu. I didn't like the idea of training ninjutsu and clan techniques as last ones, but the time-efficiency ratio coupled with melee talent was not in their favour. So I'm learning something that I can use with the greatest impact in the near future, cause I have great doubts that the world outside is waiting for our return with flowers and dances.

My talent was not limited to taijutsu and training with katana was easy for me, and the base obtained during the training of clan taijutsu allowed me to achieve good results as a novice swordsman, although I am still far from the level of my current taijutsu. And there were thoughts about a kind of symbiosis of cold weapons and taijutsu. And I remembered about the famous trench knives of the First World War. Brass knuckles will allow you to use taijutsu techniques and a short blade will use the knowledge of bukijutsu. And if you remember about the chakra flow technique that Asuma Sarutobi used, then you will get a good combo. But it all comes down to two problems the size of a barn. First, I still have to keep trainign and training until I can use chakra flows effectively, and the level of taijutsu with bukijutsu does not allow me to use brass knuckles and blades to the fullest. The second problem is that we don't have a lot of metal chakra, and despite the fact that I am the future head of the clan spending our resources for a "toy" will not be very wise decision. So let's put this idea aside and work with what we have right here, right now.

Thanks to training, nutrition and special tinctures, I reached a height of one and a half meters plus had a well-developed musculature. I wonder what will happen when the teenage hormonal explosion begins. Damn, I hope that it will do without acne bombardment of my face and hard sperm toxicosis.

The grandfather also gave the go-ahead for training in wearing and using armor. I was given training armor and forced to perform flexibility and speed exercises. It turns out that it is not enough just to put on armor, you need to be able to wear and use them correctly. And special seals allowed me to regulate not only the weight but also the temperature, so I learned to fight with double weight in heat and cold. As my grandfather said, I should be ready to fight in armor in any conditions and turned on all -40 degrees and in half an hour to +40. Yeah, I immediately remembered my previous homeworld where in winter you could freeze in half an hour and in summer it would heat up like hell at noon. After a couple of months of constantly wearing armor, I was forced to spar with the clan blacksmith Masaru. A two-meter beefcake with incredibly strong hands firmly hammered into my head how to properly use armor in battle, especially in combination with clan taijutsu.

-Do not use your palm if you can use a reinforced elbow pad instead. So you can break the fingers of the enemy and the hands need to be protected. - with a calm voice, he explained to me how to use the advantages of wearing armor in close combat.

Gradually, our training began to become more complicated, I began to get beaten up, or as Masaru said, he teaches me about countermeasures to various types of cold weapons. I remember especially well the hammer blow after which my body plowed through a land and I was in the infirmary for 5 days until the cracks in my ribs were cured. This was a good slap for my swollen self-esteem and showed that despite my talent and outstanding success, I am still far from the strength of the clan elite. So after recovering, I focused even more on training and thinking about techniques that would help me in a fight with stronger enemies. Only Rasengan came to mind, but I don't have enough time to learn it and need something easier to learn.

Nothing came to mind for a couple of weeks until I looked at the tap water running down my arm. I thought that if I wrapped my hand in a thin water Mobius tape and made this tape move very quickly, then I would get a technique that would allow me to inflict incised wounds on the enemy. The first successful attempts showed that my control is barely enough to maintain shape and high speed for 3 seconds. But I think practice and increasing control over the chakra will make this technique more deadly. I called this technique simply and without fuss a Water string. Maybe in the future I will improve this technique and give a more appropriate name, but for now we are working with what we have.

So during the next sparring with Masaru, I used a Water String and managed to cut his cheek. The string managed to turn red before it dissipated. Masaru was a little surprised that the little boy managed to cut him. But it only lasted a couple of seconds and then he started beating me to the fullest. So in the end I led by points..... of spilled blood. When I passed out, Masaru took me to my grandfather and told him that I had cut him with some strange water technique. Therefore, by pouring a bucket of water on me as awakening remedy, they forced me to tell them know-hows and etc of water string. Having written down the technique on a scroll, they took it to the clan storage and they forbade me to teach the technique without my grandfather's permission. The technique was not the most complex and powerful, but in experienced hands it could become quite deadly. The achievement - "Little Tobirama" is unlocked . The reward is the following : you will be beaten by your created jutsu. Yes, don't be surprised, in a couple of days of practice Masaru learned how to use the technique and now if I make mistakes in using armor effectively, he inflicts small cuts. So now I can unlock an "honorary involuntary donor achievement" for a whole bucket of my blood. But there is a bright side to this, they began to give me more red meat and liver to replenish blood loss.

And now there is the last month left before the end of our isolation. Anxiety and panic were replaced by excitement and energy, everyone was tired of the excessive routine where every day is similar to the previous one and so for several years, so I could understand their mood. I even compared them to a conscript soldiers stuck in some asshole of the world and counting the days until the order for demobilization come. For the sake of humor, I even drew a table counting of 100 days and crossed out one cell per day. My peculiar calendar has become a place of pilgrimage for all young people. And now the last day of the barrier has come. The entire clan watched as the web of cracks in the barrier filled with power and with the sound of breaking crystal, the barrier began to disintegrate and disappear. Well, hello, o brave new world!