
Chapter 13.5.

POV Anbu alias Cat.

Kami- sama, what have I been so guilty of that I have not been removed from my position as an observer of the fiend of hell? These experiments of his will bring me to my grave someday. It became especially hard when he got hooked on the Uchiha . Then it began to purposefully cook something dangerous. Especially the last thing that got on me. Two hours, I tried not to leak down the toilet. This poison twisted me almost instantly, and in fact I went through special procedures, and developed immunity to many poisons. But that's all, even special drugs from the first-aid kit for the ANBU division did not help from her, and there are the best funds.

And it cooks all this at home, and from what it finds in the village. I'm scared to imagine what would happen if It had the normal equipment and reagents, it would definitely bungle something that would poison or blow up the entire village.

And I was so hoping that these two Uchiha boys would kill this fiend, but it didn't come true. Despite the fact that It received a couple of serious wounds, it left the hospital in a few hours , and it was absolutely great.

It was hard to imagine what It did then, it was necessary to think of it to the madness of the Uchiha kunoichi , but despite all my hopes It survived again. Although I spent almost two days in the hospital, during which I managed to rest and relax at least a little, otherwise I feel like on the front line, before the start of a massive enemy attack, and so on for a long time. But the question is, why did it bring those kunoichi so much ? Of course, I have no doubt that this is due to the fact that this is a fiend of hell, and I do not need other explanations, but the authorities are not satisfied with such an explanation.

One thing pleases, every time It gets good on its insolent face, Uchiha beat without restraining.

But this occupation of his stopped as abruptly as it began, and even for a while it was calm. But my intuition told me that this was not good.

And so it happened, that morning was no different from the others. But when IT got out of bed, I saw fox tails, nine fox tails, and fox ears on the top of my head. He fell from a tree in shock, but quickly recovered, he went to report to the Hokage .

Finally, the devil has given a reason, now my torment will end, and he will be printed somewhere deeper.

Less than three minutes later, I stood at the door of the apartment with the containment and sealing team. Unfortunately, the Hokage forbade to immediately act by force, and first make sure that the fox captured him.

The fox captured the body? Do not laugh, most likely the fiend has already digested the demon. H about anything, will soon be over.

- You urgently need to report to the hospital. - I informed It.

- What for? Am I okay? - The fiend gave out, and even with such a face, if I did not know what was in front of me, I would have believed that this is an innocent child.

- Scheduled check, we are going to carry out. - Yes, yes , show resistance, and then you're finished.

- As you say, Gopher-san. - Is it mocking something?

- I'm a cat. - Old smiling not to break, I corrected it.

- I understand, Gopher-san, so are we going? - Yes, it definitely mocks. Well, nothing, you have not long left.

How? That's all I could say to what I was told. No impact detected, print is fine.

All my hopes were dashed, so the Hokage also got it. You see, I am too biased towards Naruto , but he doesn't read my reports, everything is written there. Moreover, I was NOT removed from the care of the fiend of hell.

You need to go to the temple and pray, and at the same time buy a couple of amulets to protect against evil, or better a couple of dozen.

Everything was quiet for a while, and it was frightening. Especially the fact that the fiend had collected some strange installation, and now was doing something to it. I decided to step away if it explodes, and it will definitely explode, I know that I have no desire to get hit, the consequences can be very terrible. But nothing exploded. My intuition screamed that big trouble was coming.

But again everything was calm, only this one had two bottles of elite wine from somewhere. I saw this at a reception when I was guarding Daimé, an extremely rare and expensive wine. Only a few boxes of it are brought to the village a year, and then all the clans are stretching it. And here at That , as much as two bottles, how? The fact that the bottles are not empty and there is wine, I checked, the aroma of this in in was breathtaking.

And then something happened, which I was so afraid of, it started to cook something, and not as usual, but thoroughly. The explosion did not happen, but then It again began its dances, and songs with a tambourine. Oh Kami- sama, this is definitely some kind of terrible forbidden dark technique, well, there cannot be a dance with songs to a tambourine so disgusting and creepy.

When the fiend finished mocking my hearing and opened the pan, I realized that I had bought too few amulets.

Yes, it all went down the drain , I can't do this anymore. The end of the world is clearly approaching, I honestly tried to warn the Hokage , it did not work. Well, at least I will drink elite wine in the end, there is nothing to translate such a product.

Grabbing one bottle, I went to the Hokage Mountain for a drink .


POV Sarutobi Hiruzen .

A lot has happened to Naruto in recent years , but the Uchiha incident stood out the most . At first, he quarreled with two students of the academy, and as it turned out later, he wanted to protect the girl. This is certainly good, but here's what happened after. They started a small war and this resulted in Naruto being badly hurt. I had to talk to Fugaku to bring these two in line.

It was possible to restrain these two, but not Naruto . Now, he really changed the goal and began to pester kunoichi from Sasuke . On the first incident, he was beaten very badly. I even went to visit him then, because it was impossible to understand something from the report of the Cat. Oh, in vain I then went and asked what happened? In Naruto was too rich imagination, it also had to come up with this. But after all, it did not end there, there were still similar incidents, after the second such Fugaku came to me and said that Naruto was encroaching on the honor of the kunoichi of his clan, and that I would bring him under control. To the reasonable question of how this is, and how the five-year-old boy could actually encroach on the honor of the kunoichi , he did not answer anything coherent. And after a while he came and said that there was no need to take any measures, and at the same time he was pleased with something. And the number of Uchiha kunoichi on patrols in the village has doubled.

And then the Cat also distinguished himself, he flew into the office early in the morning through the window, and announced that the fiend of hell showed his true face. That's what kind of young people have gone, where such a prejudiced attitude comes from, I can still understand civilians who believe that Naruto is the embodiment of a fox, but the fact that shinobi began to believe in this is no longer in any gate. After all, the Cat in his reports calls Naruto exclusively a devil and nothing else.

Still, we managed to find out why he was so alarmed, it turned out that he noticed in Naruto signs that his body was captured by foxes. Since this was not the first false alarm, and the sensors would have detected the release of the Kyuubi's chakra , I rejected the proposal to immediately eliminate Naruto , and ordered to check everything thoroughly first.

Checking showed nothing. At first I wanted to remove the Kota from observation, but there are very few faithful people, and Danzo is up to something. So I had to leave everything as it is.


POV Danzo Shimura .

For the first time in a long time, everything went according to plan and even better. The implementation was successful, although there were some minor problems at first. And why he was so amused by her name. There was really another girl surrounded by jinchūriki , but all the checks showed that no one was behind her. However, her presence next to the jinchūriki only strengthened the legend of the first, and averted suspicion from her. After all, the circumstances of meeting Tsukiko Ichiha were rather suspicious. In any case, she can be recruited or eliminated.

The jinchūriki himself was especially pleased with the results of his experiments, which baffled experienced specialists. Especially that remedy that causes severe diarrhea for two hours. The fact that even those who were immune to such compositions of shinobi were instantly susceptible to its action, so no antidotes and even the help of the Iryonins could stop the attack that had begun, made this composition a very terrible weapon when conducting sabotage. After all, it did not even need to be injected, it began to act when it came into contact with open skin areas. Some of the samples were secretly taken from the jinchūriki's apartment , and now experts are trying to reproduce the composition. Thanks to the detailed reports of the Cat, which are becoming more and more difficult to fake, there was a detailed description of the cooking process, but despite this there was no result yet.

But especially helped the plans of bickering with the Uchiha jinchūriki , because of the attack on him by the kunoichi from the patrol, and his screams. Rumors spread throughout the village, and there were one better than the other, starting with the fact that she really raped the jinchūriki , ending with the fact that the fox wanted to release. Therefore, the already bad attitude towards the Uchiha has deteriorated even more, which in turn will cause discontent in the clan and push to rebellion. And then convincing Sarutobi of the need to thin out the ranks of the Uchiha will be easy, but collect enough Sharingans . But their quantity and quality has grown significantly recently, and here again it was not without jinchūriki .

After all, the awakening of the Sharingan in two students of the academy that conflicted with the jinchūriki is just a coincidence, but the awakening or development of a dozen more kunoichi is already statistics.

The question of how it affects the Uchiha remains unanswered, perhaps this is another facet of the abilities of his genome. After all, as it turned out, in addition to moving through the shadow, he is able to hide in it, so much so that it is almost impossible to detect him other than a Sharingan or Byakugan . How much I had to suffer so that this information did not get to Hiruzen .


Game Forum

Worlds group " Naruto "

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - Native, found a passage to another world.

Lady of Life and (Sakura Haruno ) - Congratulations.

Grand Strategist ( Shikamaru Nara) - What is this world? Is the task difficult?

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - The task is easy, and the world is a reflection of the "world of Naruto ".

Pathetic nagibatorov ( Naruto Uzumaki ) - A rare phenomenon, typically about which throws away.

Great strategist ( Shikamaru Nara) - Is the timeline lagging behind your world or is it far ahead of you?

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - The time is the same as mine, I was surprised at first, but in principle, it's okay, just think two Yoshikawa . But they burned me all the same, almost an hour before returning.

Pathetic nagibatorov ( Naruto Uzumaki ) - I had to break with the battle?

Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - Yeah, twice, I don't have my own nine-tailed chakra reactor in my stomach , I'm a weak fragile girl.

Phantom Avenger ( Sasuke Uchiha ) - And aren't you weak and fragile, on the last mission, you rolled five of the jounin .

Lady of Life (Sak ura Haruno ) - How did you manage to leave?

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - Yes, at first she was pretending to be a weakling and was playing for time, but when these idiots were already going to drag me to Morino, and I would dig them quietly , and hope that they would not beat me up before sending me , as from the nearest bushes ...

Pathetic nagibatorov ( Naruto Uzumaki ) - Departed piano, were known.

Food Priest ( Chоji Akimichi ) - Hare , no dramatic pauses here, tell me.

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - Okay, not a piano, but close, Naruto jumped out with a shout of " Fucked in horror, imbits ", while everyone was walking away from shock, I made my legs.

Great strateg ( Shikamaru Nara) - Not canon.

Phantom Avenger ( Sas ke Uchiha ) - Maybe one of ours?

Food Priest ( Chоji Akimichi ) - Or just a hit , we've already met.

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - Here is all the oddity, I looked at his status before dumping , but he does not understand a damn thing.

Pathetic nagibatorov ( Naruto Uzumaki ) - There has probably level up here and see some question marks instead of performance.

The Lady of the Elements ( Aika Yoshikawa ) - The fact of the matter is that instead of questions, in each column "Unknown" is written.

Great strategist ( Sh ikamaru Nara) - Some kind of crap .

Food Priest ( Chоji Ah Kimichi ) - Aha, Unknown crap!

Pathetic Naguib ATOR ( Naruto Uzumaki ) - Tin).


- Apchkhi - I have a cold or something, I need to cook something for a cold.