
Chapter 92 Unno Iruka

  "Mr. Iruka, there seems to be that child among the students applying for the exam this time, do you need help..."

  "Mr. Mizuki, as a teacher, how can you look at a student with colored glasses? As long as you are admitted based on your own strength, no matter who it is, he is my student of Iruka."

  "Oh, that's good, I'm just worried about you..." Mizuki smiled lightly, "After all, it's only been six years since that incident. Although time can dilute everything, it just doesn't seem to be able to dilute the shadow caused by that incident."

  "Mr. Mizuki, it's the exam period, and all the focus is on the things in front of me." Iruka said seriously, "Please don't talk about other irrelevant matters at this time."

  "I know..." Mizuki nodded with a smile, but before he finished speaking, the door of the classroom was pushed open from the outside, and another student came in to take the last test.

  Iruka and Mizuki turned their eyes to the person coming at the same time.

  "Ha, Iruka, this is really..." Seeing the candidates who came in, Mizuki almost laughed out of his mouth, but in the middle of saying this, Iruka stared at him fiercely.

  "The subject of this exam is Transformation. If you are ready, you can start at any time."

  Iruka's voice sounded, interrupting Mizuki's words, he is a qualified teacher, even if there is still some resentment in his heart at the moment, he will not bring it to school.

  However, when his eyes touched the eyes of the students in front of him, he couldn't help being startled.

  He saw something different in these eyes, which was the firmness to face the difficulties no matter how many obstacles he would encounter ahead.

  This look was something he had longed for but hadn't gotten yet.

  After his parents died in the Nine-Tails incident, he became an orphan, and he did a lot of stupid things to attract the attention of others. But slowly he understood that this kind of self was just escaping reality and the misfortune brought to him by suffering.

  If you want to be recognized by others, you can only gain recognition from others little by little through your own efforts. You need to have the belief that you will never give up, and you need to have the determination to face any difficulties.

  Iruka gradually realized this through his teaching work at the ninja school, and his efforts made him a qualified teacher. But he knows that this is only a small part of progress, and he still needs to pay more and work harder.

  However, the unknown way forward often makes him content with the status quo, and he lacks the courage to move on.

  But today, he saw this courage in a six-year-old child. Iruka looked at the child in front of him, and the images of his childhood flashed through his mind with empathy.

  Lonely, lonely, sad, sad, in an empty home, there is only a figure sobbing alone.

  Slowly, the appearance of the child in memory overlapped with the child in front of him.

  That kind of look, without that kind of experience, there is no way to get it.

  "Everyone regards him as a demon fox, but no one has ever considered that he is just a child."

  At this moment, the resentment in Iruka's heart is less, and at the same time, he has more admiration. He can get out of that kind of loneliness with his own will. This child is better than him.

  And when Iruka looked at Naruto carefully, he also looked at Iruka carefully.

  Perhaps Iruka is not a powerful character, but he is the guiding light in the original book that Naruto can go all the way on his own path.

  It can be said that without his approval, there would be no later Naruto.

  Now, although he is no longer the Naruto in the original book, Iruka is still the same Iruka, the respectable and lovely teacher Iruka.

  Thinking of this, Naruto couldn't help but see the scene of Iruka teaching transformation in class in the original book, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

  "Teacher, I'm ready, can I start now?"

  Naruto's voice pulled Iruka's thoughts back, he nodded and said, "Yes."

  His eyes moved slightly, looking forward to Naruto's performance.

  "Can anything be changed?" Naruto's posture was all set, but he stopped suddenly a moment before transforming.

  Iruka, who held his breath for a long time and waited for him to start to change, was depressed, but Naruto's question was not unreasonable, so he could only answer honestly: "Yes, you can use what you are best at to change. "

  "Are you the best..." Naruto smiled slightly, and opened his posture again.

  "Hey wait a minute!"


  Iruka hit his head directly on the table: "What's wrong?"

  "Teacher, can you really change the best?"

  "Are you questioning my authority?" Iruka said depressedly, "I say yes, and the scoring standard starts with changing the shape and spirit of things. The appearance and spirit are full marks, and the appearance and spirit are not like the second class. Resemblance to spirit is the third class, and resemblance to body and spirit is disqualified. Do you understand?"

  "Oh." Naruto nodded obediently, and began to pose again.

  "I'm going to start... Teacher, is it really all right?"

  "You can't finish it. There are still many people waiting for the exam. If you don't take the exam, don't waste other people's time!" Iruka ran away, and he realized that he must have been fascinated by a ghost just now, otherwise how could he be such a problem child? Will he be captured by his damn eyes?

  "Then I will start. The teacher told me to use the best one to change, so I can't blame me."

  "Hurry up, I blame you for..."

  Before Iruka finished speaking, Naruto's Chakra was already in motion.

  "Ninja method: the art of seduction!"

  There was a soft bang, and amidst a puff of smoke, Naruko stretched out his hand, hooked his finger at Iruka in front of him, and said, "Teacher... Do you think my transformation technique has passed?"

  "Uh..." Iruka seemed to hear the sound of his jaw falling to the ground, and then his nostrils became hot, and two tubes of blood spurted out.

  With a sound, he had collapsed to the ground.

  After a while, a big hand stretched out from below and slapped the table hard. With a loud snap, Iruka's nostrils were stuffed with toilet paper and his head popped out with an unfriendly face.

  "You idiot, who taught you such a boring ninjutsu?" Iruka said angrily, "Unqualified!"

  "Teacher, you are unreasonable!" Naruto unlocked the transformation technique, stared at Iruka and said, "You told me to use the best transformation, and you judged me to be unqualified. How can I use my transformation technique?" Is there a problem?"

  "I say unqualified is unqualified!"

  "You are powerful, I refuse to accept it!"

  "Don't accept, you change again..."

  "Ninja method: the art of seduction!"

  Phew, Iruka flew upside down again.

  "UU Reading www.uukanshu.com you idiot, did I make you change into this?"

  Naruto enjoys the way of getting along with Iruka very much. He pouted his little mouth and hummed softly: "You let me take the best change, I did it, you let me Change it again, I did it too, I'm not wrong, if you want to disqualify me, there's a notary next to it."

  As he said that, he looked at Shuimu and said, "This teacher, you don't know how to help relatives or not?"

  "Haha, Iruka, this kid is interesting. Although his transformation technique is a bit unrealistic, it's still pretty good. It's really unreasonable for you to judge him as unqualified."

  After saying this, Mizuki looked at Naruto and said, "Boy, I have passed your nomination, don't lose your temper with Iruka anymore, maybe he is your teacher."

  "It's better to be this teacher. Mizuki..." Naruto said, looking at the nameplate in front of him deliberately, "Is this the teacher's name? Okay, I will write it down. Mizuki-sensei, do you need me in the future?" If you can help, come to me."

  "I didn't expect that I earned a favor!" Mizuki chuckled, "The result of the exam will be announced tomorrow. Now you can go back first. I will find a chance for you to repay this favor."

  "Mizuki, do you still take his words seriously?" Seeing that Naruto did not forget to make a face at him before leaving, Iruka felt really helpless.

  "Just talking, I think you and that fox kid..."

  "Be careful! Don't forget Hokage-sama's prohibition." Iruka interrupted him, "Also, he is just an ordinary child, Mizuki, I hope you will stop looking at him with such thoughts."

  Mizuki nodded and didn't speak again, but there was a flash of light in his eyes, as if some idea was forming in his heart.