
Chapter 37 1 thought

  Naruto returned home, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a person standing in a dark room.

  He smiled wryly and said, "Since I'm here, I don't turn on the lights. Although I'm on relief food, I won't save the electricity bill."

  As he said that, he turned on the light with a click, revealing the true face of the person in the room, he was Dou.

  On Naruto's bed was a brand new ninja suit and a gray-black cloak.

  Seeing this, he couldn't help but said again: "Danzo's work efficiency is really high, and he sent me the uniform here."

  Gen belongs to Anbu, the leader of Danzo, and is also Anbu, so there is no difference between Gen's clothing and Hokage Anbu.

  Naruto used to read the original book and often wondered how to distinguish the identities of the two parties, but now he caught a glimpse of the tattoo on Dou's arm, and he was slightly stunned.

  I used to think that Anbu's tattoos were all the same, but now that I look closely, I realize that there are slight differences between the two.

  The tattoo of Hokage Anbe is a burning fire pattern, which symbolizes the will of fire that Hokage will pass down from generation to generation.

  The root is slightly different, the arc at the bottom of the fire pattern is not completely raised, but twisted downward, like two intertwined roots, which is also in line with the original intention of its existence.

  "This is just daily clothing. If there is a task, there will be corresponding work clothes, but it has to be replaced by the headquarters." Dou mechanically explained to Naruto.

  As he spoke, he stared at him nonchalantly.

  "Don't stand, just find a place to sit!" Naruto sat down on the bed and greeted casually.

  "When are you leaving for the Land of Earth?" Naruto asked.

  As for his question, Tou didn't react much anymore, the shock Naruto brought to him had already numb his nerves during the daytime fight.

  "This is a task, I can't say it and I can't say it." Dou shook his head.

  "That's right, the members of Gen will let Danzo put a seal of silence on the back of the tongue, but I forgot." Naruto nodded and said, "However, I can help you lift the seal, but this is not the case. It's easy to arouse suspicion."

  Naruto's words were a bit brazen, but it was strange that Toku didn't think he was bragging.

  He just wondered why Naruto was so unscrupulous in front of him.

  "Aren't you afraid that I will pass on your words to Lord Danzo?"

  "After all, you are not the same people." Naruto shook his head and said, "You said that you joined the root voluntarily, but in fact it was not. For the dean, for the orphanage, this is the reason why you joined the root."

  "Uzumaki Naruto, we didn't seem to have met before, right? Why do you know me so well?" Dou was full of puzzlement. Even the dean and those in the orphanage didn't know these things. He really didn't know where Naruto came from. understand.

  "There is a very magical spell in this world called prophecy." Naruto made up an excuse.

  It's just that prophecy is not a fiction. The Toad Immortal of Miaomu Mountain has this ability, and the old man of the Six Paths can also do it.

  As an intelligence officer, Dou has naturally heard of these legends.

  However, those people are all immortals!

  Looking at Naruto in front of him, Toku's already numb nerves felt pulled again.

  "You...you don't want to say that you know the prophecy, do you? This... how is this possible?"

  Naruto didn't continue to explain, some things can be just clicked, and it is easier to say too much.

  "I've been to the orphanage, and I like it too, I like Sister Nonoyu." Naruto skipped the above topic and said, "However, I saw a bad picture, about you and her."

  Naruto's words are very groundless, but if combined with the prophecy, then everything can be explained.

  Dou couldn't believe that he would understand the spells of immortals, but Naruto's performance made him believe it, and what he said involved the dean, which made Dou no time to doubt his ability.

  "What did you see? What happened to me and the dean?"

  "In this mission, Sister Nonaiyu will die in your hands."


  Naruto's words made Dou's heart skip a beat, and he said ferociously, "Impossible, how could such a thing happen? I will kill the principal, what are you talking about?"

  Tou grabbed Naruto's collar, with an angry expression on his face, as if he wanted to swallow Naruto in one bite.

  "I said that I also like Sister Nonaiyu very much, how could I say such nonsense to curse her to death?" Naruto ignored the horrible expression, looked straight into his eyes and said, "Today After seeing you, I went to the orphanage."

  As he spoke, he took out a few photos from his pocket.

  "I took this out of the dean's room, you can see for yourself."

  Dou slowly took these photos, inside was a boy with round black framed eyes like him, and a boy with short silver hair.

  "I asked the children in the orphanage, and they said that the person in the photo is a bag." Naruto continued, "With your intelligence, you should realize something when you see these photos, right?"

  "Why?" asked puzzledly, "Why did they do this?"

  "Danzo is a cold-blooded careerist." Naruto said, "He doesn't allow anyone out of his control to exist in Genri. As intelligence personnel, you and Sister Nonoyu are too good. Compared with force, sometimes intelligence The damage that could be done would be even more horrific. So you two were doomed to be wiped from the start."

  "How did this happen? Then what is the meaning of my existence for so many years?" Dou's eyes gradually became hollow, "It was the dean who gave me this pair of glasses, and the dean gave me this name, but now I But it's nothing in their eyes? Then who am I? Then what am I?"

  "Du, can you wake me up?" Naruto never thought that Dou would start to doubt his own life just by seeing these things. His heart is so fragile, so it's no wonder that he in the original book will end up like this in the end. of paranoia.

  "Who am I? Who am I?" Dou still muttered to himself.

  "Who are you, who else can you be? You are the pocket, the pharmacist's pocket, the orphanage's pocket, and the pocket that Sister Nonaiyu cares about most!"

  Naruto said coldly.

  "I'm Dou...but who is he?" Dou pointed at the impostor in the photo.

  "Whoever he is! This is just Danzo's trick. Now that we know about it, let's just destroy it." Naruto looked at Dou and said, "Or should you tell the dean and those partners in the orphanage? They don't have confidence? Which one are they more willing to believe, a real person or a photo?"

  He recalled the days when he was taken in by the dean after the Battle of Kikyo Mountain.

  He couldn't remember anything before the war. It can be said that his memory began when he met the dean.

  Since then, he has a name, a partner, and people who he cares about and who care about him.

  Can such a bond be broken easily with a few photos?

  "No, it's impossible!" Dou's eyes regained some light slightly, "And even if it is really cut off temporarily, I will definitely have to put this bond back!"

  Hearing his words, Naruto finally showed a smile on his face: "That's right, no one can break the bond between us and our relatives and partners, no one!"

  Looking at Naruto, he said solemnly: "Naruto, thank you!"

  "Don't thank me in a hurry. Speaking of which, our matter has not been fully resolved."

  Today's Dou no longer dares to treat Naruto as a child. Hearing what he said, he also became serious and said, "What are your plans?"

  Naruto nodded and said, "I do have an idea."