
Chapter 126 Today's Potential

  "Huh, it's okay." After hearing Nonaiyu's last words, Ye Cang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

  The restriction of this ninjutsu Eight Doors Dunjia can be said to be much higher than that of Taijutsu Eight Doors Dunjia, so even if she can create a way to help ordinary people open the inner Eight Doors with external force, but the chakra meridian of the other party is not strong enough, all this It's also useless.

  As she said, the toughness of the chakra meridian is more difficult and unbearable than increasing the strength of the human body.

  The physical version of Bamen Dunjia is not something ordinary people can learn, especially the ninjutsu version. With all these restrictions, it is impossible for Ye Cang to realize the collective appearance of a large number of people with movie-level strength in Ye Cang's imagination.

  However, after hearing this introduction, she admired Bai's persistence even more.

  At such a young age, he can endure the intense training of the chakra meridians, and persist for many years. This person's endurance and patience are unimaginable to ordinary people.

  "I really don't know what you gave her to make her love you so much." Ye Cang shifted his gaze to Naruto, and she could feel that this little guy is the real master here.

  "It's just a heart-for-heart exchange, not as magical as Ye Cang's sister thought." While they were talking, Naruto had already created a small bed with parasitic spores, and asked Nonaiyu to place Shiro on it.

  There is his wood escape chakra in it, which can be of great help to Bai's recovery.

  Seeing him taking care of Bai so much, Ye Cang also gradually understood the meaning of his phrase "heart for heart". Thinking of Ye Cang's face, he couldn't help but get a little gloomy. Even Naruto, a child, understands the truth, so there is no reason that those high-level people in the village will not understand.

  But in the face of interests, they completely ignored her heart to protect the village. She could accept fighting to death for the village, but she couldn't accept being stabbed in the back by the person she trusted the most.

  "Sister Ye Cang, I'm not you, so I can't understand your mood at the moment." Seeing her expression, Naruto immediately guessed that his words touched the pain in her heart, "But, I have a word I want to tell you—don't let the ugliness of some people prevent you from seeing the rest of the beautiful scenery. You have to believe that if you give sincerely, you will always get sincere rewards."

  "What I get now, is it really a reward?" Ye Cang's voice was affected by emotions, and he was slightly agitated.

  "You're still alive, aren't you?" Naruto ignored her indignation, and said unhurriedly, "There is a saying that if you are well, it will be sunny. As long as people are still alive in this world, there is no obstacle that they cannot overcome." , Be more optimistic, and the future will be better."

  Hearing that Naruto started to fool people again, No Naiyu was amused, but he really admired his little head, and I don't know where he read these words.

  And Ye Cang, originally full of resentment, now gradually calmed down in Naruto's unhurried words, and she no longer only saw the high-level Sain who sold her out, but more of her. Sand Hidden Villagers who desperately guarded for it.

  However, in everyone's eyes, she should have died a long time ago. Is it possible for her to return to the village she loves?

  Taking ten thousand steps back, even if she can go back, will those higher-ups allow her to continue to survive?

  "Sister Ye Cang, I don't know if Sister Nonaiyu told you about our affairs?"

  Naruto's voice interrupted Ye Cang's thoughts, and she looked at him dully.

  "It doesn't look like it yet." Naruto said, "The place we are now is the original Uzushio Village of Uzumaki Country. According to what we discussed, there should be a new village under construction on this ruins. Its name is It is called Hidden Village. And the meaning of the name at the beginning is to lurk and wait for an opportunity."

  He looked at Ye Cang and said, "I know what you're thinking, don't worry, I promise, one day you will be able to return to your village again and receive the most heartfelt acceptance."

  "You..." Looking at Naruto's firm eyes, Ye Cang had a lot of doubts, but he didn't know how to ask them.

  Naruto, however, saw her doubts right away, the corners of his mouth curled up, and the banner of prophecy was immediately resisted by him. Even the chance meeting with her in the land of water was attributed to his magical prophecy. among.

  "Is what you said true?" The previous shock was not as strong as this time. Ye Cang never expected that Naruto, who is full of mystery in her eyes, would really bring such a huge impact to her. .

  Prophecy, this is the art of the gods!

  However, seeing everything in front of her eyes, she had to admit that this was the truth.

  "Sister Ye Cang, stay and help us!" Naruto looked at her expectantly and said, "I can't promise that your future will happen according to the prophecy picture I saw, but I can tell you with certainty , The future ninja world will usher in a day of true unity. The decadent and old-fashioned old generation will withdraw from this stage, and the future world belongs to us."

  People who have experienced the war cannot imagine the scene Naruto described, but those who have experienced the war are more willing to look forward to the era he mentioned.

  "The era when all villages and countries live in peace..." Ye Cang met Naruto's gaze, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com "I don't believe that the future you mentioned will come, but I can try to look forward to it. You have to pay as much as you get in return, and if the ninja world can really achieve such peace, I am afraid that there will be a huge catastrophe before that. My life was saved by you...Okay, I will stay."

  Naruto had reservations about Ye Cang's narration, but she herself had already guessed a certain part of the information.

  Hearing her words, Naruto smiled happily and said, "That's all right, we have another tiger general in our dive."

  "I finally have a helper who can share the work." At this time, Nonaiyu also let out a long sigh of relief.

  But looking at the appearance of the two of them, Ye Cang couldn't help being startled, why did he feel like he was on a pirate ship?

  She hurriedly asked weakly: "How big is your potential?"

  "It's yours, it's ours." Naruto corrected a sentence before replying, "Sister Nonoyu is really in charge... By the way, sister, these days when I'm away, you have developed potential into What's it like?"

  "I count one ninja, one for nothing, even if you don't come once a year. As for the samurai, the atmosphere in Uzumaki is too bad, and none of those samurai are useful at all. Now the samurai around here have almost been abandoned by us." I rushed to another place, and I am currently recruiting local children to start training them to become ninjas, but it will take a long time for them to become successful."

  No Naiyu said such a long passage, and he was a ninja, a samurai, and a commoner. At first he heard that the scale of the potential was so large, but everyone was involved. But at this moment, Ye Cang's mood is messy.

  "That is to say, the whole potential is really counted by the two of you..."

  "It's three, plus you."
