
Naruto's Hashira Journey

what if you give Naruto the breathing styles of the Hashira's from demon slayer

Jojo016 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs








Naruto suddenly found himself in a sewer-like place with water on the floor

"What is this place? I should be in bed by now" Naruto questioned

Naruto looked around and walked to try to find a way out. As he was walking he thought

'This place looks like a sewer it has pipes and stuff but it doesn't smell like one'. He stopped and saw a door, thinking this is the way out, he ran to it and opened the door and entered.

As Naruto entered he looked around but saw nothing other than the same sewer like area

"Aw C'mon! How big is this place?" He said

He continued to walk trying to find the way out but in the distance he saw a large cage. Curious he went towards it but stops a few feet away from it. Inside he couldn't see it but he saw a large silhouette, then a large eye opened and looked at him with a piercing gaze

Naruto was stunned, eyes widened and jaw dropped, couldn't believe what he was seeing

"So...my jailor had come to visit me" it said

Naruto was again shocked and saw the silhouette moved to get a closer look at him

"Come here boy. Come closer"

Naruto didn't know what to do but did what it says. As he goes closer to the cage he hears something then suddenly time slows down to him, his body instinctively dodge away from a claw that was about to pierce him on that spot

Naruto was scared and paled that if he continues to get closer he would've been killed.

"Tch! Almost had you, you got some nice reflexes but that won't help you once I got out of this seal" it said with a voice filled with malice and hatred

Naruto tried to compose himself and asked

"W-who are you" he stuttered

It scoffed and showed himself. Naruto saw a huge fox with nine massive tails towering over him. The nine tailed fox, Kurama

His mind suddenly realization and said

"You're...the kyuubi" Naruto said

The kyuubi raised a brow and said

"Yeah, I'm surprised that you've entered in your mindscape at this age"

"Wait. This is my mind?" Naruto questioned

"Yeah. It's an unpleasant place to be at"

Before Naruto could ask more questions he suddenly vanished leaving the kyuubi alone

"He's waking up...tch! good riddance brat" he said now laying down and falling asleep












Naruto was awakened by his alarm clock, he turned it off and thought

'Was it a dream or something? But how? It felt... real' he said in thought

Naruto looked at the time and sighed, decided to think about it later since he wanted to be at the academy early, he went to take a bath











After taking a bath and eating breakfast he went straight to the academy

(Hiruzen Pov)

After finally finishing his battle against his enemy, the enemy of all Hokage's.....paperwork

*Sigh* "Finally, it's done" I said, looking at the neatly stacked paper beside the desk

Suddenly, Cat and Badger appeared in front of me and said

"Hokage-sama, Naruto has departed from his apartment and he is on his way to the academy" Badger said

*Nodded* "Good, anything else?"

"Yes. He has new clothes and suspiciously has a katana" Cat said

I raised my brow at this

"Did he bought this katana?"

"No, it just appeared out of nowhere"

I tried to think on how did a katana appeared to Naruto, when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the two anbu and said

"We will discussed this in another time. Dismissed"

"Hai" "Hai" they said and they left the premises

"Come in" I said and the door opens and in came a chunnin

"Hokage-sama, it's time for the academies entrance ceremony"

I nodded and stand up and walked out of my office with the chunnin with me












Naruto arrived at the academy and saw people in there. He saw civilian families with their children and saw children from each shinobi clan with their parents.

Naruto felt left out, which makes it worst he heard whispers from the civilians making him depressed. But his expression changed when he heard the system and looked at the panel Infront of him

/Host do not think on what others said. Just ignore them and push on/

That gives him confidence and smiled at this, thanking the system.

His thoughts were cut off when he heard a cough and saw Jiji at the podium and started a speech about the new generation and the Will of Fire. Naruto stopped listening and started to think about Ramen









After finishing the speech, he and other students were sent to classroom and there they waited for the teacher.

Naruto sat at the same place from canon and he looked around. He saw some kids from civilian families, he saw a kid with red like fang markings on his cheeks, he saw a girl with navy blue hair, a chubby kid with swirls on his cheeks, a boy with a spiked pony tail, a girl with pale blond hair and a girl with pink hair, and a quiet kid with glasses on.

He heard someone took a seat beside him and saw a kid with black hair with a brooding look. He heard all of the girls squeel, which hurts his ears, the loudest were the girls with pale blonde hair and pink hair



"He's so cool!"

"Please look at me!"

Naruto looked at the boy named Sasuke beside him, but he just ignored them

'What the heck was that?' he thought

/That Host are fangirls/


/Fangirls. Those girls will just care about their clothes and looks for the boy beside you. Not being serious at being a shinobi. Which would get you killed/

Naruto looked at the girls in the class, who are still squeeling and thought that they might hopefully change when they graduate. Key word "hopefully"

He heard the door opened and saw a man with a chunnin flak jacket and a forehead protector with the symbol of the leaf and a scar across his nose

"Hello, everyone my name is Iruka Umino. I will be your instructor in this class. Now quiet down and pay attention" he said with a smile on his face

"Hai. Sensei!" They all said

"Now please introduce yourselves" Iruka said

"My name is Ino Yamanaka" she said in a cheerful voice

"Yo! I'm Kiba Inuzuka" with a loud voice

"Shino Aburame" he said bluntly

"M-my name i-is Hinata H-Hyuga" she said stuttered a bit

"I'm Sakura Haruno"

"What a drag...I'm Shikamaru Nara" he said with a bored look and lazy voice, which all of the class sweat dropped

"I'm Choji Akamichi" he said while eating potato chips

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki"












It hasn't been 10 minutes on the lecture, Naruto felt bored already. He was about to doze off when suddenly he heard the system

/Host do not fall asleep. You must pay attention in class/ the system strictly said

'But it's so boring. Why can't we just do something else other than this' Naruto whined


The system didn't say anything but gives him a task instead


Listen to the lecture and win the spar

Warning: if not completed, you will receive penalty


'Wow. Real original' he rolled his eyes and just do the task since he doesn't want to know what will happen to him if he didn't complete it

(Some boring lectures later)

Naruto and the other students were outside doing a sparring match by Iruka, which Naruto was ecstatic about

After watching some students duking it out on each other some of them were....interesting, like Shikamaru Nara Vs Choji Akamichi, Choji was nervous about fighting Shikamaru, but he immediately gave up. Iruka asked why, Shikamaru said "it's a drag doing this spar". Naruto heard Iruka mumbling "yup he's a Nara alright" then they did the Seal of Reconciliation.

Naruto watched Ino Yamanaka Vs Sakura Haruno, and he could tell that this isn't a spar but a cat fight on who will be with their Sasuke-kun. Iruka immediately broke the cat fight and did the Seal of Reconciliation. Now it was his turn versus Kiba Inuzuka

"Alright, this will be easy!" Said Kiba

Naruto got ready and he heard

"Just give up blondie or you'll just get hurt" said Kiba

Naruto got annoyed by Kiba but he just ignored the taunt, courtesy of Guy-sensei's teachings











Before Kiba could land a punch on him, Naruto quickly charged in front of him and punched his gut.

Now the only thing that Guy forgot to teach Naruto, is about holding back. Naruto doesn't know how to hold back his strength since his strength stats are on genin and his opponent is at academy level


His punch knocked the air out of Kiba and sent his ass on the ground clutching his stomach

The whole class and Iruka were so shocked and wide eyed at the scene

"Um... Iruka-sensei, did I win?" Naruto said

Iruka quickly composed himself and said

"Oh...yes you won Naruto, now you and Kiba do the Seal of Reconciliation"

He and Kiba, who was still clutching on his stomach did the seal

After Naruto went back to the group he heard them are whispering and some are still staring at him, he just ignored it and went to observed the next spar. He didn't notice that he was being watched by Sasuke with a challenging look on his face

(Timeskip no jutsu)

Now it was time for the spar of Naruto Vs Sasuke. Facing each other, Sasuke's fangirls were by now screaming for him to win including Kiba talking about payback. Some boys were screaming for Naruto to win cause of jealousy on Sasuke because he was hoarding all of the girls attention, to which Naruto was confused

Iruka pinched his nose and used his Big head no jutsu to get them to quiet down

"Quiet!" Iruka shouted

That got all of them to pipe down and listened

*sigh* "Ready..."

Naruto and Sasuke got ready. Naruto with his arms in front of him and Sasuke with his hands on his pockets to which make the girls scream even louder about him being so cool


Naruto charged first and threw a punch on Sasuke but Sasuke just sidestepped. The girls are still screaming at the top of their lungs which irritates Naruto but he saw Sasuke's smug face, which made Naruto scowled

'Overconfident much?' Naruto thought

'try this' Naruto threw another punch, Sasuke was ready to dodge it and end this spar but he felt something hit his chest. Turns out Naruto threw a feint punch and using the momentum he did a roundhouse kick. The kick hurt Sasuke and threw him off balance, he tried to retaliate by throwing a punch but was blocked and Naruto finished it with a uppercut to the jaw sending Sasuke on the air to the ground

Sasuke falled on his back, he tried to get up but Naruto quickly got on him with his fist ready to punch

"Stop!" Iruka said, stopping the sparring match

Naruto immediately stopped and looked at Iruka

"I've seen enough. Naruto Uzumaki is the winner"

The boys clapped for Naruto, that made him blush at the praise, the girls were just silent not believing that their Sasuke-kun lost

"Now you two do the Seal of Reconciliation" said Iruka

Naruto extended his hand, Sasuke stands up and begrudgingly did it too while staring daggers at Naruto










They got back at the classroom and were now conversing each other. Naruto looked at the rewards he received

/Congratulations Host for claiming the mice summoning contract. The scroll will appear when you go home/ {If you know, you know}

'what, mice?' Naruto said in thought

Naruto felt someone is looking at him, he turned and saw Sasuke brooding and glaring at him

*Sigh* 'this is gonna be a rough school year

To be continued

pls share this story and send some power stones

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