
Naruko The Blood Reaper

(I don't own anything or the cover photo so don't sue me please they belong to the original creators) What happens when you add a little bit of Tokyo Ghoul, some light blood bending, a girl that almost act's like Toga Himiko and make her part demon and give her the ability to be a badass ninja. Well you get a very overpowered girl that will become a legend and treat everyone like her bitch all with a crazed smile on her face. So join me as I share the story of Naruko Uzumaki and her journey to do whatever the fuck she wants in life. Discord server invite link: https://discord.gg/NWgS4CC

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Last Straw, Curse Seal, Danzo

Waking up in the morning after an excited night with Ahri in her mindscape. Naruko goes to wake Anko up and check up on her to see how her wound is doing and discuss what she found out about who attacked them.

Knocking on the door and being told to come in, Naruko sees Anko stretching her body most likely from soreness from the fighting yesterday but what made this a rather interesting sight was what Anko was wearing or not wearing. She was currently wearing a deep purple thong and nothing else. Naruko just watched Anko while she continued stretching not seeing any reason to make her stop but something caught her attention while she was enjoying the show.

It was the seal on the left side of her neck that looked like three tomoe, Naruko knew right away that it was a seal and not a tattoo. Curious about it Naruko spoke up "Anko sensei while I'm enjoying the show you're putting on for me. I'm curious about the seal on you, would you mind if I examine it per chance?" Anko's reaction was surprising to Naruko because Anko immediately covered it and a look of shame and anger appeared on her face.

"Naru-chan, you know I trust you but this is something extremely personal to me." Naruko seeing how deeply this affects Anko, Naruko knew that she had to do something for her. Anko had been a part of her life for quite a while now and she saw her as a sister. Stepping forward and giving Anko a hug and whispering to her ear "Anko you know I'd do just about anything to make you happy so please allow me help you. Trust in me like how I trust in you." she said softly.

Anko gave a slight nod agreeing to allow Naruko to look at her seal on her neck. "Good now get your sexy ass on the bed and I'll take a look at it and see what I can do." Naruko then slapped Anko ass making her give a slight yelp at Naruko's action making her give Naruko a slight glare but Naruko just gave a smirk in response.

While examining the seal 'Well this is rather interesting Naru-chan this seal is drawing nature chakra from the sounding and forcing it into the person with the seal on them. That isn't the only thing it seems that a portion of someone's soul is sealed in there as well.' Ahri explained to Naruko what nature chakra was.

'I see, I was curious what that type of chakra that was since it isn't something I've come across before. Hmm I think I know how to help Anko-chan with her seal and also make her stronger but it will have to wait till we get back to the village.'

"Anko sensei this seal that was placed on you clearly has a story behind it, would you be willing to share it with me. Knowing the history of this seal can help me make a decision on how to handle this seal. While I have some ideas already in mind, I want to do what is best for you." Anko hesitated for a little bit but decided to tell Naruko about her past with her old sensei Orochimaru and how she came to receive this seal.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me Anko sensei, I promise you that I will help you get your revenge on that slippery snake bastard. We will handle your seal when we get back to the village so that we can free you from him completely." As soon as Naruko finished speaking a black light surrounded her in response to her promise she made to Anko but Anko didn't notice it because of her having tears in her eyes hearing what Naruko said.

"Now unless you want to have some fun together I suggest you get dressed so that we can head back to the village." Naruko whispered into Anko's ear making her shiver slightly at the idea but not one to be out done "Now Naru-chan you will have to try harder than that if you want a piece of all of this." Gesturing at her voluptuous figure "When you handle my seal we can talk about a special reward as a way to show my gratitude." Anko whispered into Naruko's ear, giving her a light lick making Naruko shiver for a moment.

"Now out with you Naru-chan your sexy sensei needs to get dressed and I don't need you watching me." Anko starts pushing Naruko out of the room.

"Fine I know when I'm not wanted anymore." while Naruko waited for Anko 'Damn we didn't talk about what she learned from those shinobi that attacked us last night well no matter it will take a few days to get back to Konoha anyway we can talk then.

The trip back to Konoha was uneventful for the duo but that was something that they didn't mind so much. Something that did change between the two was that they did a lot of flitting with each other, something that Ahri was happy about, something that she let Naruko know when they had their nightly activities.

**** Hokage's office

Naruko and Anko can be seen in Hiruzen's office about to give their report on their mission "Naruko, Anko how did your mission go? I hope there weren't any problems?" Hiruzen asked putting down his paperwork and picking up his pipe taking a puff while he waited for them to speak up.

Before Anko could say anything Naruko stepped forward first "Old man before we talk about how our mission went please allow me to secure the room for us." Naruko said in a serious tone something that Hiruzen noticed right away and he gave his permission with a light nod, now wanting to know more than ever what happened with a simple bandit clearing mission.

Naruko quickly sealed the room with a privacy seal and a noise cancellation seal meaning that if you were not in this room you were not going to be able to know what's going on in this room. "Now Ank…" Before Hiruzen could say anymore Naruko sensed that there were five anbu guards in here meaning that one of them didn't belong since she knows that he hokage only ever has 4 anbu in his office at any point in time. Naruko quickly went through some hand signs making all of the anbu present alert but the one root anbu didn't react thinking that she was safe and wasn't detected. 'Kinjutsu: Hada Shihai (Forbidden Release: Body Control)' Naruko targeted the root anbu making her freeze up and lose all control of her body.

Using the control that Naruko now has over the root anbu she makes her come out of hiding right in front of Hiruzen. With her hand raised still she uses her free hand to draw a seal on the root anbu's chest suppressing her chakra. "Now old man doesn't this situation seem familiar to you." Naruko gave Hiruzen a slight glare while Hiruzen just sighed knowing who exactly was behind this.

"Boar secure the prisoner." A anbu wearing a boar mask comes and secures the root anbu with some ninja wire and takes away all of her weapons and pouches. "Take her to the T&I department if you could."

"Wait before that allow me to do something first to her." Naruko then quickly released the seal on her tongue "Now you will be actually able to learn something from her." Boar then nodded and disappeared with the prisoner.

"Now report your mission Anko." Hiruzen said in a firm tone, Anko and Naruko then explained everything that happened on their mission informing Hiruzen that Iwa ninja were the reason for the bandit camp and how the root anbu were sent there to capture Naruko and bring her back to Danzo.

Hearing all of this Hiruzen sat there in silence for a while going over everything that he had heard 'It seems that I have to make a hard choice now. Naruko won't let it slide like she did in the past and neither will Anko. Damn I'm getting too old to deal with this shit maybe I should get Jiraiya or Tsunade to take over for me.'

'This old man better kill Danzo or there will be some serious consequences if he doesn't.' Naruko thought while Ahri couldn't help but agree.

'Danzo needs to die for what he tried to do against my precious little Naru-chan.' Were Anko's thoughts.

"Well old man what is your decision after hearing all of the things that your so called friend has done in the name of the village? Choose your next words careful old man." Naruko said in a determined tone looking straight into Hiruzen's eyes showing that she means business.

"Naruko Uzumaki, did you just threaten your Hokage?" Hiruzen then releases his kage level chakra and killing intent wanting Naruko to back down but to his surprise and everyone else she didn't even react and was completely unaffected by it. Not one to show fear, Naruko releases her own chakra and killing intent overwhelming Hiruzen's shocking everyone here. "I didn't threaten you old man, I made a promise. Either you kill Danzo Shimura or I'm leaving the village. If I can't even feel safe here in the village why would I even stay." Drawing back her chakra and killing intent.

"What is more valuable to the village me, a future clan leader, sealmaster, and jinchuuriki or an old man that has constantly betrayed the village's interest for bringing benefits to himself and clearly disregarding your orders on several occasions. Don't forget if I leave I'm still going to kill Danzo regardless of what you say and anyone that gets in my way to him." Naruko said with such determination that everyone here had no doubt that she would do what she said.

'Well said Naru-chan, I couldn't be more proud of it for standing up to this useless old man.' Ahri said with pride in her voice watching this scene. 'Thanks Ahri-chan I'm not letting that old fucker get away with what he tried to do to me Naruko Uzumaki will get her revenge.'

Hiruzen was in deep thought after hearing Naruko's rant. 'What Naruko says makes sense in so many ways. The value that she brings to the village is far too great for me to just let her go while Danzo in the recent years has done nothing but clearly bring the village down in order for him to gain power and become hokage. The decision is clear sorry old friend but for the good of the village you must be sacrificed.'

Sighing aloud and looking a few years older all of a sudden "Danzo won't go down without a fight. What is your plan then Naruko?"

With a smug smile on her face and crossing her arms under her bust "You underestimate the power of seals old man get him to come to your office or any other room in the hokage tower and he won't be leaving it alive." Hiruzen just nods his head to her statement and tells one of his anbu to fetch Danzo.

"I will send him to conference room A and he should be there in about an hour or so. I'll leave everything else to you just take him out quietly and let me know when you are done." Hiruzen then waves the two off letting them know he is done talking to them. After Naruko and Anko leave his office Hiruzen takes up his pipe and takes a couple deep hits of his pipe. 'If only you had listened to me Danzo now you have sealed your fate.'

**** Conference Room A

In the hour or so that Naruko had she created several different seals in the room. She created a reinforcement seal for the room so that Danzo couldn't make a hole to escape, a chakra suppressant barrier that once activated nullifies all chakra in the room except for those that have a special seal on them. Another barrier seal that stopped anyone from getting in and the final seal was a paralysis in the front half of the room. It would only take Naruko a second to activate all of those seals especially with the hidden shadow clones she has in the room that are further hidden with genjutsu.

Naruko sensed Danzo close to the conference room so she sat on the edge of the table in the room with her legs dangling there with a bright smile on her face waiting for her special guest. Once Danzo entered the room he already noticed that something was wrong especially because he didn't see Hiruzen and saw in front of him the smiling Naruko Uzumaki the jinchuriki who he sent Fu to capture one of his best root anbu along with 19 others.

"Uzumaki, where is the Hokage and why are you here?" Danzo slammed his cane on the ground demanding an answer. "Now, now you decrepit old mummy, let's not talk about the old man. Let's talk about how you tried to capture me for whatever reason and consequences of acting against me." Naruko then made a signal with her hand and her shadow clones in the room all activated the seals locking the room down and suppressing Danzo chakra meaning that all he can rely on is his own physical strength. Well he could have if he wasn't paralyzed also.

"Now that is much better, I can't have you escaping or doing anything to turn the tables on me now and while I could waste time talking to you about why you did and for what reason I honestly don't care. You crossed me and the consequences of that is death. Any last words?" Naruko says while she stands up and unseals Em giving it a slight twirl.

'It seems that I have miscalculated somewhere and I'm paying for it now. To think that Hiruzen would allow this of all things considering how spineless he can be. It looks like I was never meant to be hokage after all.' Danzo thought "You could have been so much stronger if you had let me train you into the weapon you were meant to be. Just do it. I regret nothing and everything I did was for the village." Danzo then closes his eye knowing that he can't do anything in this situation and he can only blame himself.

"Being a mindless doll isn't a life I would ever want to live….. Enjoy the consequences of your actions." Naruko then decapitated Danzo's head and watched as his body fell lifelessly to the ground. As Naruko is about to burn the body 'Naru-chan don't, check out his bandage arm and eye. I sense Hashirama chakra on his arm and an Uchiha as well and we both know that shouldn't be possible.' Ahri quickly explains.

Naruko then checks out his arm and was rather disgusted in what she saw, a white arm that had a face on the shoulder with 6 sharingan eyes in the arm itself. Naruko quickly cut it off and sealed, figuring that this can be put to use at a later date and the fact that it was far too valuable to simply burn. Naruko then looked under the bandage on Danzo's head and saw another sharingan eye but this one looked completely different because instead of the three tomoe like all the others this one had a shuriken for the eye pattern.

"Now this looks interesting don't you think Ahri-chan, might as well take this too might find a use for it later." Naruko then plucked the eye out and sealed it as well. 'Well I'll send a clone to inform the old man that the deed is done.' Naruko then burns the building leaving nothing behind but a pile of ash. As she deactivated the seals and left the room she looked back at the pile of ash "Good riddance." and closed the door behind her and on her way to meet Anko up at her house to take care of the curse seal.

Finally Danzo has paid for his crimes while I could of made it a fight. I believe that is how Naruko would of taken him out using her seals. taking out someone like Danzo you have to use seals to take out all of his options forcing him with no way to survive.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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