
Second Napoleanic wars(first coalition)

It was around September 5th,2042 France launched a attack into Belgium with 200k troops and 2.5k tanks while the Invasion also triggered neighbouring countries which cut all there diplomatic ties with france and Uk Germany Netherlands and Spain even declare war on France for there imperealist actions.

In Paris the Angel returned and gathered lots of french people and said "I am the Angel from Heaven and I brought back Napolean also the old and glorious french leader!" The public suprised by seeing the Angel said "Where??" And Napolean showed up saying "We will coup the government" and agreed to him being Napolean The french public somehow believed Napolean and helped stage him the coup and he was returned to being the emperor.

Napolean updated his tac tics and gathered upto 700k men and 5k tanks he firstly invaded belgium with 400k troops and 4k tanks against the allied army of 500k troops and 3k tanks he masterfully split his enemies into two and defeated the allied armies and sent them running to germany while the outnumbered belgium troops which where cut off and numbered at 100k were forced to surrender and belgium got annexed.

Napolean also started a pro napolean revolution in Spain leading to them leaving the war. Also Napolean got about a million troops in his grand army then just marched and incircle the Dutch army leading to them surrendering and Dutch being puppeted by France meanwhile Austria,Hungary, Italy ,Czech Republic, Slovenia and Slovakia declared war on france but after seeing that Napolean stated "Well looks like tiny countries joined war against me."

Napolean split his army to two 500k manned armies and he took over one of them and took the first army into Germany by crossing the Rhine while also 60k Dutch troops arrived to their help and they began their chase of the allied armies which numbered at 700k Napolean managed to get the Dutch chase after the British and make the British think Dutch have a huge force against them though it was 60k vs 250k and the British countinued retreating unless when they camped at hanover and set up defensive position while the Dutch recieved 20k more troops and they numbered around 80k against 250k british so the Dutch also camp near hanover

Meanwhile Napolean chased the Germans to Hamburg where the Germans stopped and where ready for a fight and the Germans were outnumbered it was 100k vs 150k Napolean sent artillery and air bombardments into hamburg damaging it's supply lines and supplies after an hour of bombardment French send about 40k troops into western flank on hamburg and broke in the city but where stopped by 45k troops while Germans kept sending reinforcements to western flank and had 70k troops in their western flank vs the 50k french troops but then Napoleans main army got through and defeated the defending troops by incircling them and reached the gates of Berlin with 200k troops

Berlin had about 300k defenders while french troops used a tac tic to make it seem they numbered a lot which made the Germans inforce their flanks more than the middle which led to french troops entering the city from middle and splitting the forces in half then defeating them seperately and the war for first coalition ended with Treaty of Hanover saying France will annex western germany expect hamburg and hanover and europe will be at peace after 6 months of war