

IT’s medieval Europe and a sickness spreads rampant that it’s turned to an endemic, many call it the Black Death, while a few call it “Nanoric Plague” a sickness caused by parasites called “Nanoir” which seek solace in a human host, once these parasites get in a human, they cause the host to evolve bringing on a new race of humans called Nanoroids. The Nanoir’s give superhuman feats the humans they possess, in exchanges they take a part of the hosts being, the Nanoroids create a civilization for themselves and their goals to be a peak Nanoroid. The story centers on Germini Regalia a prince who stumbles on the Nanoir powers and try’s to maintain the normal life he has always known, Germini comes to terms with his condition and makes the Nanoroids goals his.

Note_The1st · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 -- “I am called Triskele”

It's been 7hours and Gemini still hasn't returned, the Queen is anxious and she sends out Alfred, he moves with some guards and search the perimeters of the kingdom, even as far as the lake.

"Prince Gemini, where are you?"

They called out to him but no response, two guards moved deep into the forest, and one of them spots a body and moves in, he confirms the body to be Thunder.

"I found something, two bodies, w…w….wait it's prince Gemini"

The lot of the guards gathers at the spot where Gemini was spotted and beside him was Thunder lying lifeless, the guards carried both bodies back to the palace. It was the next morning and Gemini started to regain consciousness.

"W….w….where am, how did I get here"

Gemini stood from the bed, he recognized the place as his room but he didn't know how he got there, he called out to Alfred who rushed over at his call.

"My prince you're awake, you scared the queen and the king is scouring the place where you were found arresting who ever was found there"

Gemini took two steps forward and staggered, he placed his hands on his head trying to recollecting what had happened in the forest, he tried but it wasn't coming back, a guard walks through the door and calls out to Alfred.

"Alfred! the body found beside the young prince, identified as Thunder has started disintegrating"

Shock came over Alfred's face as he spoke out.

"So it is true once a Nanoroid dies its body decomposes in days, we kept that one in hopes to study it"

Gemini on the other hand felt a shock in his head, he fell to the ground, he started to recollect all that happened, even after the creature jumped on him, he raises his hand to his forehead lifting the hair in the area, he walks up to a mirror and sitting on his forehead was a black circle, it was designed like the eyes, two circles, one drawn on top of the other.

The inner circle had extension of runes written in form of a line and stretched towards the border of the outer circle, Gemini fell to his feet.

"Oh no, what have I done"

The following words leak from Gemini's mouth , Alfred rushes over to him and immediately sights the mark he steps back speedily and calls the guards to help pin down Gemini, they immediately lock him in his room, he tried over powering them but it was effortless, he bangs and bangs at the door but it wasn't budging.

Gemini fell to tears, in his despair he hears a loud ringing in his head, he started panicking, he starts again to push at the door and in the act he could feel a very painful sensation, he looked at his hand and there was a line of written tunes stretched from his forehead straight to his palm, a dark sphere emerges from his palm and in a flash a large chump of the doors centers disappears.

The guards run, Gemini searches a way to leave the palace but he is chased by guards at every turn, while he ran through the lobby he sites a window and runs towards it.

On getting to the window he leaped, broke through the glass and headed down. While heading down he could only think to himself that it was the end for him, it was a very long fall from the top of the castle, Gemini could feel himself getting anxious again, he recollects the event of his room; he couldn't leave with the fact of what he had become.

"Where will I go now, who would accept a freak, why did I go to that lake, and worst of all I killed someone."

Gemini kept falling, his life of the previous day kept flashing before his eyes, he kept regretting and he started getting closer to the ground, he gives up on trying to survive and accepts it as his fate, just before Gemini could reach the floor, he starts to hear a ringing and again the runes spread through his body.

As he makes contact with the ground, the areas where he lands on start to vanish leaving a very deep hole in the earth. Gemini opens his eyes and to his shock he was still alive. He couldn't believe that even when he wanted to die he couldn't.

"Search the premises, his body should still be around, he couldn't possibly survive that fall"

Gemini heard these words and immediately he stood and ran for his life. He was limping but he continued out of the palace gates, he pushed further till he was out of the palace reach. He came to a lake and stopped there to rest.

He couldn't help but still recollect all that happened, he broke down. He cried and cried it seemed to him that his life was over, in another minute he fell asleep. As Gemini was still deep in sleep, a man came along, he looked like he was in his middle thirties, he came by and sat by Gemini, and threw stones into the lake.


Sounds of the stone as they make contact with the lake and sink to its bottom, Gemini could hear this and not help but wake up as it disturbs his sleep, on his waking he notices the man and stays alert as he felt killer vibes coming from the way he dressed, like a delinquent.

"What is the dear son of the zodiac royal family doing beside a lake?"

Gemini looked at the man with a fierce face.

"Whoa…whoa….whoa, don't get angry at me, I'm here for the view just like you, so be nice"

Gemini calmed and spoke back to the man.

"Why are you here?"

The man smiled, he brought out a loaf of freshly baked bread wrapped in paper, he splits in two and throws the other half over to Gemini, he picks it up and holds it out as if he were not interested in it.

The man laughed at Gemini and said to him as he takes a big bite of the bread.

"It's not poisoned"

He swallowed the bread and spoke again.

"Now let's try this again, this time with manners"

The man takes another bite at the bread and with his mouth full he speaks again.

"I am called TRISKELE"