

"You should've just stayed in your own world. Do you realise what you've set into motion by stepping into this realm?" She muttered as tears started to flow from her eyes.

'Tears?' Shiro blinked her eyes in confusion.

"What's started can't be stopped anymore… As expected, not even you can escape the cycle she's set out for us hahaha… What's done is done. I'm sure you can track me down whenever you want now. Make it quick." 'Shiro' chuckled in defeat. Her eyes seemed to be devoid of hope as a wave of sadness could be seen on her expression.

"Find the other foreigner that arrived. I can only delay things for so long and she's already overstayed her welcome years ago." Looking at her own phantom body that seemed to fade away some more, the Shiro from the side of creation forced a smile before snapping her fingers.

Suddenly time resumed its flow as Gazir looked at Shiro with confusion since she suddenly stopped walking.

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