
Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Snake Grass Troupe (1)

It was the monthly meeting between the Clan Leaders and the Lord. Near the Lord's throne was twelve seats apart from each other with twelve powerful individuals sitting in one of it.

However at the seat of the most important elder, the First Elder, instead of seeing an old man there was instead a young man named Cheon Mujin seated.

On the lord's seat there were two individuals, the Right Guardian and the Great Guardian. Left Guardian Lee Hameng is not present since he had some obligations inside the academy.

"The monthly meeting will now begin." Great Guardian Marakyum stepped up and said.

He bowed lightly to Cheon Mujin's direction and said out loud.

"First of all I would like to formally welcome our new First Elder, Elder Cheon Mujin. Please all rise and give out your respect." Everyone stood up except the lord. They then cupped their hands together and said in unison.

"Welcome First Elder."

Cheon Mujin stood up from his seat and also cupped his hands.

"Such a warm welcome. I gratefully accepts everyone's gesture of goodwill." Mujin said with a friendly smile.

Everyone can't help but feel fascinated about Cheon Mujin. His expression has always been constant, always smiling. And that is what's the most scary trait a person in high rank could have. It's easy to threaten and it's easy to push your words around but what is not easy is to hide your true intention behind a smile.

Yet Cheon Mujin has perfected this art. Always smiling with an enigmatic tone.

And so the meeting started. The meeting goes on like it usually does, people saying their concerns and getting approval from their lords. From time to time Cheon Mujin would express his opinion regarding matters.

After that the meeting ended.


Snake Palace: Cheon Mujin's Pavilion.

In front of Cheon Mujin are twelve individuals each radiating a presence as powerful as a Clan Leader.

But even though each of them was at the level of Super Master, Cheon Mujin still looked at them with a disappointed gaze.

"It's been three months yet I don't see any improvements on any of you at all." Said Cheon Mujin disappointed, when they heard Cheon Mujin's dissatisfaction they all kneeled to the ground and banged their heads to the floor and said in fervent tones.

"We're sorry to disappoint you! Master! We are lacking!!"

This is the Grass Snake Troupe. With a total of 16 members all cultivated by Cheon Mujin to his liking.

They are loyal, powerful, and most of all they are efficient.

Each of them have their own story. And all of them owed their lives to Cheon Mujin as their master gave them a good and luxurious life and also taught them martial arts. He was their savior, the messiah for them. Or so they were made to believe by Cheon Mujin.

"Master! We'll promise we're going to work harder!!" They pleaded as they banged their heads on the hard floor once again. They felt ashamed of themselves since their master got disappointed in them


"Sigh… since all of you are important to me, I'll let this slide but I expect some good results next time. I'll give you all three months."

Cheon Mujin then handed to them a bunch of martial arts books that he memorized from the Library. He also gave them his draconic pill which he got from passing the test. Any amount of draconic pill would no longer be beneficial to Cheon Mujin so he just decided to keep them all and give them to his toys.

"Thank you master!! We're not going to disappoint you again!" They all shouted. Mujin nodded at them.

Then he looked at the man at the cery front and asked.

"Ma Jongwok. Have you all eaten yet?" He asked like a concerned parent. When the Grass Snake Troupe saw their master's concerned expression, they all felt warm inside their heart as even the latter got disappointed. It seems that he still cared for them (or so they thought.)


The Story behind the first Grass Snake Troupe Member.

Ma Jongwok, the son of a prosperous merchant, was a symbol of humility despite the luxurious life he led. Adored by the servants and the townsfolk, his kindness knew no bounds. His extraordinary talent in martial arts had garnered the attention of the revered Gongdong Sect, but his unwavering love for his parents prevented him from leaving their side.

"Ah, there you are, my Jongwok!" his father's warm voice rang out, pulling him away from his thoughts.

"Father!" Jongwok rushed to meet his father, displaying the deep filial respect he held for him.

"How was your day at school?" his father inquired, his tone filled with genuine interest.

"It was wonderful! I learned so much from my teacher!" Jongwok replied, brimming with excitement.

His father's expression softened, yet an unmistakable hint of concern clouded his features. After a brief pause, he gently broached the subject that had been weighing on his mind.

"My son, are you absolutely certain that you wish to continue with your studies? You could simply enjoy leisurely days, without the need to exhaust yourself. I could teach you how to manage our merchant group right here at home," his father suggested, his worry evident in his voice.

A determined look flashed across Jongwok's face as he firmly replied, "That would be convenient, Father, but I don't want to be a burden. I wish to be of help, and I believe that through my studies, I can gain valuable knowledge to contribute even more effectively."

Overcome with emotion, his father drew Jongwok into a tight embrace, his eyes shining with pride and affection. Jongwok's heart swelled with warmth as he returned the embrace, a genuine smile lighting up his face. The simple joys of familial love and understanding filled their tranquil abode, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.

As the night deepened, an abrupt, blood-curdling shriek shattered the serenity. Jongwok jolted awake, his heart racing, as the realization of imminent danger set in.

"Help! The manor is under attack! We're being attacked!" The words, though muffled, pierced through the darkness and reached his ears.

"What?!" With a surge of adrenaline, Jongwok raced out of his room, beads of worry dripping down his forehead.

As he flung open the door, a blinding glow met his eyes. The once serene night was now devoured by the ravenous flames, casting an eerie light over the chaos unfolding before him. Servants scurried about in panic, desperately attempting to salvage what they could from the blazing inferno that had consumed the Ma family manor.

His gaze locked onto his parents' private quarters, now engulfed in smoke. A surge of fear and helplessness coursed through him as he sprinted towards the heart of the conflagration.

Blinded by terror, he paid no heed to the scorching debris beneath his feet. There was only one thought pounding in his mind — he had to reach them.

When he finally reached the scene, the sight that greeted him was a nightmare etched into his memory forever. His mother lay motionless, a pool of crimson slowly spreading around her, while his father, held in a vice-like grip by a towering figure with a mane of fiery red hair, stood on the brink of death.

The attacker wielded a massive, flat greatsword, its lethal edges glinting in the flickering light. A gruesome scar marred the left side of his face, making him appear even more fearsome.

"Kekeke! Oh, there you are, young one! I was just about to savor the main course!" The assailant's callous laughter cut through the air like a blade.

"You monstrous fiend! Release my father this instant!" Jongwok launched himself forward, his fists clenched in fury. Despite having declined the Gongdong Sect's offer, he had still mastered several martial arts techniques.

"Great Illuminating Step!" he shouted, his feet emitting a brilliant azure light as he accelerated towards the assailant with unparalleled speed.

But all his efforts proved futile as the red-maned brute effortlessly sent him hurtling through the air with a single swift kick to the stomach. The monster's derisive laughter echoed around him, mocking his valiant but futile attempts to protect his family.

"Kekekeke! How delightful! They were right about your potential."

"Shall we unleash the monster within you?" The man's words were laced with malice as he drove his greatsword into Jongwok's father, leaving him gasping for air, blood spilling from his mouth and stomach.

"Run! Jungwok!!"

Despite his father's feeble plea to flee, Jongwok could only watch in sheer horror as his world crumbled before him, consumed by an unfathomable darkness that threatened to swallow him whole.


The echoes of his anguished scream reverberated through the night, lost amidst the roar of the flames that now engulfed all that he held dear.

He lunged forward at the monster with ferocity. He swung his hand like he was crazy, his mindless swings soon turned into organized attacks. But even though he was making progress he wasn't making any damage at all nor the latter looked unfazed.

"You know what? I'll come back here." The red maned man kicked Ma Jongwok in the head, making the latter unconscious.

After making Ma Jongwok passed out. He moved his gaze and looked at the burning manor and laughed.

"Such beauty!"

"Oops almost got my skin mask off," He said as he pressed his face.

(I'm pretty sure you all know who this guy is)


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