
Chapter 26

Chapter 26:

"The third test will not be a fight against the instructors, instead it will be a hands-on fight against a real opponent, a criminal to be exact that you will have to kill to pass the third test." Cheon Mujin announced to them as they stood in front of him in one neat file line.

"Don't ask me how I got my information." He said then he grabbed the wooden sword provided to him and pointed it at them.

Upon having pointed his sword at them everyone felt their knees become noodles, their face paled, and their breath were sut short. It was just a simple gesture of a wooden sword being pointed at them but it feels like they were in front of death.

That was because when you reached a level so high you could intimidate anyone below you with a simple gesture. And to be fair Cheon Mujin isn't even imbuing any intent, he was just pointing the wooden sword at them yet they are already succumbing.

"I can easily teach you all the Seven Demon Formation. But, that doesn't mean you will pass. So instead what I will teach you all is to move even when being intimidated and remove the hesitation inside your blades." He said then imbued a tiny bit of intent behind his wooden sword and suddenly everyone feel to their knees and vomited.

"This will be our first session. Try to hold out for at least ten seconds." With a sadistic smile Cheon Mujin begane his training.


Cheon Yeowun, in order to gather more trusted teammates Cheon Yeowun started recruiting under the advice of his new teammates Go Wang Hul (name can be changed depending to translation later on) otherwise known in the future as First Sword of the Demon God's Six Sword, The Fist.

He was a tanned man with a huge build, abnormal for someone his age, but despite his large build and the misconception of big equals muscle head, Go Wang Hul is an extremely smart strategist. And under his advice he said that Cheon Yeowun should recruit Beak of the Pure Kick Clan.

"Are you threatening me Prince Yeowun!?" Stood up Baek Gi from his seat as he glared at Cheon Yeowun.

In order for him to recruit him Cheon Yeowun revealed that Baekgi's life is in danger but the latter perceived it as a threat not warning.

"I didn't mean it like that. Let me get to the point."

"You have been poisoned." Cheon Yeowun revealed which shocked the latter more.

"What do you mean!?" He shouted demanding an explanation.

"During the duel earlier I noticed that you had some red spots and your face was unusually pale." Now that Cheon Yeowun pointed it out Baekgi does feel like there was something amiss lately.

He has been feeling a little weak ever since he fought against Cheon Jongsum, the Poison Clan Heir for the position of team leader.

But there was still some doubt inside him.

First of all, why is Cheon Yeowun telling him this? Is it out of compassion? In any case it shouldn't have been the latter's concern yet here he was going out of his way to tell him this. Somehow this made him respect Cheon Yeowun a bit.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you earlier." Apologized Baekgi while bowing his head slightly.

"But I still have some hesitation. You said that I've been poisoned right? But why didn't I feel it during my Qi mediation."

"You still feel fine?"

'This is indeed unusual.' Cheon Yeowun thought.

Then he looked at Baekgi and said to him,

"Why don't we ask Doctor Baek?" He then guided Baekgi towards the clinic where Doctor Baek made him exhale some substance.

"Just inhale deeply."

As Baekgi inhaled with his nostril, a deep coursing pain suddenly welled up inside of him. He started coughing violently as he fell to the floor clutching his chest.

Seeing this reaction Doctor Baek let out a concerned sigh and said with dread.

"This is definitely Micro Poison."

Micro Poison doesn't flow through veins, instead they settle through the lungs making it unnoticeable to Qi Meditation. That's why Baekgi didn't realize he was poisoned even after performing several Qi Meditation.

Upon hearing the word Micro Poison, Cheon Yeowun's blood boiled. His mother died due to the same poison, he can't help but clench his fist in anger and frustration.

"Thank god you discovered this early. If it persisted some more time then even the Godly Doctor won't be able to save him." Doctor Baek said.

"By any chance are you living inside a dorm with a Poison User?" Asked the Doctor then it hit him.

When he won against Cheon Jongsum the latter gave him an empty threat that he thought at that time was a careless threat only driven by shame but seeing the poison spreading to him right now he now knew that those threats weren't empty ones.

He clenched his teeth from anger as the madness inside him penetrated his heart.

'That damn bastard Cheon Jongsum!!' He screamed inside his mind.

"But don't worry, I can cure it in seven days. You should really be glad that this guy found put that you have been poisoned otherwise you would've been left dead." Doctor Baek said to Baekgi which brought the latter out of his thoughts.

He looked at Cheon Yeowun with grateful eyes as if he was his eternal savior. Grace and gladness alongside overflowing gratefulness filled his eyes as he looked at him.

"Thank you very much Prince Cheon!! You have my eternal gratitude!"

"No need to thank me. And besides I still need to find the one that's been spreading this dreadfulness. Thank me later when I caught that bastard."

With that Cheon Yeowun left the clinic leaving behind Baekgi who was to be treated by Doctor Baek.


Deep in the night, a lamp can be seen brimly lighting up the dark forest. Holding the oil lamp was the Heir of Poison Clan Cheon Jongsum.

"Hehe, after taking in the dark dragon medicine ball I have gained over 20 years of Qi." He laughed.

Currently he was inside the forest foraging for poisonous plants to add inside his arsenal.

The poison clan is represented by one powerful martial art. The Poison of Destruction. This is an art where one can store seven types of poison depending on their level inside their Energy Core/Dantian/Qi Center whatever you want to call it.

After he have taken the elixir his technique have broken through and was almost at the 5th Stage of Poison Destruction.

"That fucking Baekgi. After I broke through the 5th Stage I won't even let the Micro Poison kill you, I'll get you first even before that poison, HAHAHAHA" Laughed Cheon Jongsum as he continued his journey.

Then suddenly behind the shadows of the forest a voice perturbed him.

"What are you laughing about?" Quiackly with his sense as a martial artist he immediately got on fighting position and faced where the voice came from and there he saw from the darkness emerging, was Cheon Yeowun.

"What are you doing here you fucking bastard!!" Cheon Jongsum shouted furiously.

"The Red Spots on Baekgi's neck. Did you really think I wouldn't be able to figure it out?" Asked Cheon Yeowun.

"Oh! Ohhhh! Ohoho! HAHAHAHA that's right!" Exclaimed Cheon Jongsum, quite happy.

Now that he thought about it, Cheon Yeowun' mother died due to Micro Poison, so this is why he is showing such aggressiveness.

"Now that you mention it, your filthy mother also got kill—-" before he could even complete his sentence a fist struck him on his face with blows that could've crushed a stone in fine powder.

"Guuaahahhhh!!" Cheon Jongsum was sent flying away for about a hundred meters and then he slammed into a hill crushing the stone he impacted to.

"Don't be such a lil bitch and get up." Cheon Yeowun said as he further approached Cheon Jongsum.

"You did something you should've never had. Do you know what you did?" He asked with contained fury.

Before the latter could open his mouth Cheon Yeowun plunged his fist into his face repeatedly.

"You should've never insulted my mother with that filthy mouth of yours." He continuously punched Cheon Jongsum without mercy.

"You! You lowly bastard!!" When he regained back his bearings Cheon Jongsom launched a fist but Cheon Yeowun caught it.

"Fuck youuuu!!" Then without even a consideration he released poison from his other fist and sprayed it to Cheon Yeowun.

Seventh Poison! Deadly Acid!

The Clan Head of Poison Clan warned him not to use this against any Cadets since this would grant him a sure way expulsion but he was feeling desperate and humiliated so he didn't think of any consequences for now and just released it.

When the green acid made contact on Cheon Yeowun's skin, the epithelial barrier broke down and was melted through painfully.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This is what you get for messing with me!!" Shouted Cheon Jongsom drunk on victory but suddenly he saw something that was straight up monstrous.

Cheon Yeowun's skin healed as it melted. His skin healed real time, Cheon Jongsum witnessed how Cheon Yeowun's skin wriggled up as it continuously healed itself. It continued on healing until the acidic effect of the poison subsided.

"W-w-what are you!!!???" Screamed Cheon Jongsum confused and scared of the monster in front of him.

"You're a monster!!"

Cheon Yeowun approached him with gritted teeth and clenched fist.

"Poison. Poison. Goddamn poison!! Of course as a member of the Poison Clan you would use poison."

"But here's the thing, I've thought about it. That I don't want any of you jackasses to live any longer." Cheon Yeowun then plummelled his fist into Cheon Jongsum's stomach.

It didn't stop there though. He punched his chin, kicked his head, and slammed his foot. From the despairing pain Cheon Jongsum can't help but beg for mercy.

"Please have mercy!! Please! I beg you!" He begged as he slammed his head to the ground in a desperate attempt to save his life but Cheon Yeowun wasn't playing.

"How dare you beg for mercy when you Six Clans made my mother die in pain." Cheon Yeowun continued on breaking his bones. He shattered his bones and broke his arms.

"It—- it wasn't the poison clan that killed your mother—-"

"So please spare me,,"

"Then is Lady Beak not related to my mother's death?" Cheon Yeowun asked desperately, Lady Baek was Cheon Jongsum's mother.

"Y-yes!" Answered Cheon Jongsum but Nano said otherwise.

[There was a change in his facial muscle and pupil movement.]

[The probability of him lying is 75%] The mechanical voice insurged.

This further angered Cheon Yeowun as he continued on battering Cheon Jongsum. Then in a trance Cheon Yeowun did the most unthinkable and most despicable act to a Martial Artist.

Cheon Yeowun placed his hands on Cheon Jongsum's stomach and flooded it with Qi.

"You! What are you doing?!!" Screamed Jongsom.

"Doing something I should've done ages ago." Then Cheon Yeowun shattered Cheon Jongsum's energy core, erupting a painful and despairing scream from the latter. The energy inside him disperse ending his life as a martial artist.

"AAAAAAAARRRGHHHHHHH!!!" With the most primal scream he could muster, Cheon Jongsum bellowed and after that he fell unconscious.

As Cheon Yeowun looked at Cheon Jongsum's unmoving and broken body a sudden ominous clap emerged from every corner of the forest.

'Omnidirectional Sound Projection!!' This was the same technique the Lord showed when he first showed himself to the cadets.

Meaning whoever this person who is projecting this sound must be at the same level of the Lord.

"That was really ruthless." The voice said in all directions.


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