
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: Fighting an Instructor

It was quite frustrating for Cheon Mujin since he couldn't speed things up a bit faster. The second and third test is a group test, meaning he can't take it alone, so for now, he would just go with the flow.

On the third test, cadets will have to form groups to learn the Seven Demon Sword Formation, a sword formation left behind by the Sword Demon. To pass the third test, they must prove themselves to the instructor using those techniques.

On the Courtyard of the Main Academy Building, every cadet who passed the second test gathered once again by the orders of the Left Guardian Lee Hameng.

"I will now explain the third test."

"Young cadets will form a 12-man group to learn the advanced sword formation taught to every Advanced Level Warrior of our cult."

Then Lee Hameng brought out a stack of books, patted the books, and said to them.

"This is the advanced sword formation of our cult, the Seven Demon Sword Formation, and all of you will have to learn it within 28 days. The third test will commence 28 days from today, and your goal is to defeat the instructor in front of you using that sword formation," Lee Hameng said, pointing at the instructors who were standing firmly in front of the cadets while exuding a ferocious aura.

"As for the leaders of each group, within seven days, the students who can take the name tag of an instructor will become a group leader," Lee Hameng smiled sadistically. Expecting a young cadet who just came fresh into the academy to defeat an instructor is nothing short of insane. This just shows the difficulty of the academy; they are only in the third test, yet it's already so difficult.

From behind the line, Cheon Mujin sighed in frustration. To form a group, he must recruit about 12 cadets into his fold, which, for him, is the most tiring part. Defeating the instructor will be a piece of cake for him, but recruiting the cadets will be tiresome.

"I'm too lazy for this," sighed Cheon Mujin.

Then Lee Hameng said to them.

"All of you have seven days to challenge an instructor, but I'll allow any of you to challenge them now," he said, to which the cadets looked in confusion.

"None? I guess no one is brave enough." But suddenly, among the cadets, four hands were raised.

Cheon Muyeon of the Wise Clan, Baekgi of the Pure Kick Clan, Cheon Mujin of the Emerald Serpent Clan, and Cheon Yeowun.

"Oho? Would you look at that; it seems that some of you have grown to have hair on their chest. Now step up!" The academy director Lee Hameng shouted, and the four who raised their hands stepped up.

The instructors were only allowed to use the Seven Demon Sword Formation to fight. The first one to fight was Cheon Muyeon. Though the Wise Clan's palm technique was powerful, it was still lacking enough to defeat the instructor, so he had to resort to some measure.

During the fight against the instructor, Cheon Muyeon used the secret technique created by the First Elder, the Left Sword Palm Right Blade Palm. A powerful technique that can use two different martial arts in one go, a technique that elevated the First Elder to his position.

Of course, Cheon Mujin stole that; as long as he sees it, it is inevitable for it to be stolen. And so, with that, Cheon Muyeon won the first fight. The second to fight was Cheon Yeowun.

It was quite the fight. Cheon Yeowun won the fight with just the Butterfly Dance Technique, which seemed to have humiliated the instructor he was fighting with. So the instructor utilized a lethal technique from the Poison Clan, but thanks to Nano's monstrous healing ability, Cheon Yeowun persisted and won.

Finally, it was the third fight. Cheon Mujin stepped up and pointed at the Head Instructor. The Head Instructor Hou Jinchang is at the level of Master, or at Transcendent Realm. This is the level of those who passed the Fifth Test, qualifying to be a Clan Head or Clan Founder.

"Head Instructor, may I have the honor of fighting you?" Cheon Mujin asked with a smile.

To which the latter responded with a polite nod and took a step forward.

"I accept your challenge," Hou Jinchang cupped his hands and bowed. Cheon Mujin also did the same as a courtesy.

"I will warn you, Cadet 9; I will hold nothing back since I know you can handle it," Hou Jinchang said in a confident and battle-happy tone.

"Please do."

'Because if you don't, I might as well kill you,' Cheon Mujin thought with malice. Then when the two took on their position, Hou Jinchang unleashed his sword technique with unmatched ferociousness.

Seven Demon Sword Formation!

The Head Instructor unfolded his technique, creating a mirage of splendid sword movements with deadliness hidden behind each slash.

"How's this, Cadet 9?" Asked the Head Instructor as he continued to unfold his technique.

In response, Cheon Mujin also performed his technique, a technique that has its origin inside his Clan. The Illusive Snake Sword Technique, a personal technique of the Emerald Serpent Clan.

Illusive Snake Sword Technique: First Formation, Ten Slithering Blades!

From Cheon Mujin's finger, a wavy Qi sword formed resembling that of a snake. With elusiveness and power, Cheon Mujin unleashed his technique. Its first formation, Ten Slithering Blades, created ethereal, snake-like Qi swords that defied the Head Instructor's efforts to discern reality from illusion.

The battle was intense, and the Head Instructor struggled to keep up. To counterattack, he dispersed Sword Qi in all directions, but to his shock, even his attacks crumbled against the Illusive Snake Sword Technique.

His technique resembled that of a sneaky snake, slithering through the air as if it was its domain and hunting ground, Hou Jinchang failed to follow any of Cheon Mujin's movements as all of them were as illusive as a ghost.

'Shit! This is insane!!' He screamed inside his mind but maintained his composure outside so as to not dirt his image as the Head Instructor.

To counterattack, Hou Jinchang spread his Sword Qi once again and slashed in all directions with the intent to disperse Cheon Mujin's illusion sword.

But he was wrong. Upon clashing with one of the sword mirages that he thought to be an illusion, his Sword Qi was destroyed upon impact.

"Impossible!" It was not him who exclaimed but the Academy Director.

'This is crazy!' The Head Instructor thought. The sword was not a mirage nor an illusion but an actual one.

Due to his momentary disruption, he didn't notice a sliver of Sword Qi slither next to his side. Before he could even react, he felt something cold pass through his left stomach, and there he saw it, a wavy blade struck his side, leaving a flow of blood to gush.

"It's your win, Cadet 9," he said with a struggle, then he ripped his name tag and handed it over to Cheon Mujin.

"Thank you," smiled Cheon Mujin casually, as if he didn't do something very amazing.


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