
Nano Machine: The 8th Young Master

What if a morally unhinged ex- gangster gets reincarnated into Nano Machine? Well this is the story that would answer that question. God chose him for his entertainment giving him the opportunity to live inside his favorite Manwha but there is a catch. He must not kill the main character and he must not steal Nano Machine.

Marcus_Adderley · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Second, a Prolonged Prelude to Disaster

Right now, Cheon Mujin is playing along with everyone in the academy, but he plans to change his pace after passing the second test.

He plans to complete the six tests in only one year, which is insane if anyone were to hear it.

But that is very easy for him. At this moment, Chen Mujin's martial prowess is at the level of the Five Strongest of Murim. That's why even the Great Guardian Marakyum couldn't detect him when he was stealing Seob Meng's martial arts.

(A/N: God wasn't kidding when he granted the MC God-level talent.)

Even though he is already as strong as someone from the Five Strongest, he doesn't plan to settle yet.

There is so much more for him to do, and he can only achieve those once he is outside the Academy.

He is insanely strong right now, but Cheon Mujin doesn't plan to idle around. Since he is not allowed to kill Cheon Yeowun, there is nothing that could stop Cheon Yeowun's progress. The only thing he could do is steal his fortunate encounters while he still could.

He is certain that Cheon Yeowun would reach the level of a Demon God later on, with or without Nano Machine, since he saw both novels. Since he can't kill him, he would only steal his fortunate encounters. But that isn't enough because whether he steals it or not, he is sure that Cheon Yeowun would reach the Demon God level.

So for him, it's better to arrive at the Demon God level very early on so Cheon Yeowun won't stand a chance, and from there on, he could play him around.


The Day of the Second Test:

A heavy tension filled the air. The palpable pressure could be felt by the cadets as they lined up behind their group leaders for the second exam.

Their emotions varied. Some felt their stomachs churn from nervousness, some felt quite confident, some were hesitant, and some were feeling afraid.

But among those varying emotions, there was one that was cut above the rest, and it was boredom coming from Cheon Mujin.

"When are they gonna get on with it?" he muttered boredly while fidgeting with the hilt of his strange sword.

The shape of his sword attracted quite a bit of attention since it looked so unusual. It was wavy with no straightness, and the edges and blade also followed its pattern. It looked fancy, but quite frankly, it was very impractical.

But that is if the user who holds this is just an ordinary mainstream martial artist. In the hands of someone specialized with it, there's no greater weapon than this.

He looked left and right, and when his gaze landed on Cheon Yeowun, he chuckled.

Since his eyes and sensitivity around the academy were so perceptive, he saw what transpired between Cheon Yeowun and his brother, Cheon Mukuem, the heir of the Spring Clan.

It was quite entertaining, to say the least. He saw the exchange between the two as they fought inside the forest late at night.

Reminding himself of what happened, he chuckled. For him, it was ridiculous to watch these two exchange their flimsy techniques.

"Cadets! Get ready!" As he was minding his own thoughts, a shout was heard from one of the instructors.

"Mado!" Everyone shouted as they straightened their backs and got ready.

"I have taught you all what you needed to do! Now it's time to put it to the test!" Screamed the instructor, then he pointed at each of the group leaders of each group and said:

"All of you step up and draw out a number," he patted the box next to him with a circular hole in the middle top.

"Group 1, step up!" When he called out, a young man from the first group stepped up.

He was a handsome young man with pale white skin, and his hair was neatly tied. It was Cheon Muyeon of the Wise Clan.

He pulled out a tag from the box which had the number three on it and nodded.

Match 1: Group 1 vs. Group 3

Match 2: Group 2 vs. Group 4

Match 3: Group 8 vs. Group 6, this is where Cheon Yeowun is from.

Then finally, the match where Cheon Mujin is fighting from Match 4, which is going to be Group 9 vs. Group 5.

The second test is for the cadets to establish a hierarchy in their group and evaluate their knowledge and skills, as well as the application of their tactics in utilizing Battle Formations and Strategies for Team Battle.

It was a battle between two groups who would attack and counter-attack each other using tactics and formations taught to them by the instructor for the last twenty days.

The fight started with Cheon Muyeon's fight. It was a boring fight, to be honest. Group 1 completely overwhelmed their opponent with sheer strength. Group 2 was the same with just a couple of tweaks in formation, while Group 8's fight was at least the most entertaining.

Cheon Yeowun didn't suppress the other with sheer power; he utilized Nano's monstrous computing ability and used it to calculate formations to perfectly counter-attack the latter's army formation.

'Tsk, that machine really is useful,' Cheon Mujin thought with envy.

"Match 4!"

"Get ready!"

Cheon Mujin removed his hand from the blade hilt and looked at his opponent. His opponent was Group 5, where a red-headed beauty from the Sound Clan belongs.

Cheon Won Ryuh, the heir of the Sound Clan and also the young lady of the Cheon Family. She's Cheon Mujin's half-sister.

She had beautiful red hair that swayed on one side and a curvy figure that could enchant any man; she was a package. But unfortunately, they were blood siblings.

But fortunately, he doesn't care.

Seeing her beautiful face, Cheon Mujin thought of something.

'It seems that I'll have some entertainment tonight, kekeke,' he deviously laughed, which made everyone look at him with a creepy look.


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