
Nano Machine: Stolen Destiny

What is a man’s greatest dream you ask me? Is it beautiful women, true love, money and power? Well if you asked me the answer is all! And I would do anything to achieve those dreams. But amongst all of this one of the things that stands out the most is different from all those listed above. It is every man, women, child and old’s dream and that is to be a character in a movie, novel, anime and manga they love. Sounds childish but it is true! And by mysterious reason I was transported into the novel I loved the most! Nano Machine! A world of martial arts, a place I have always wanted to be on. And finally here I am baby!!

Holy_Chad · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Wait for now.

I will stop uploading for a while because I'm going to start stacking up some chapters first before releasing them so you guys can enjoy a faster release of chapters.

Also I'm working on some Volcanic Age fan fic so look out for that one.

Anyway, Peace!