
Nameless King

Once all people received Souls and incredible powers. Some were lucky enough to obtain the Soul of an ancient and powerful creature, but fate was not favorable to all. The world began to change, and creatures evolved. But, it was not the beginning of a new era. It was the end. A couple of months later, a dark mist appeared and destroyed the world. It was a dictate of destiny from which no one could escape. Wain Norheim was the world's best assassin and the only one who didn't get a soul. However, he was destined to gain the power to confront fate. Escaping through a portal into another world, he unknowingly began the apocalypse. Even the world failed to expel him.

Arlemit · Fantasy
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1149 Chs


[Lightning Boots]

[Lizards Boots]

"There are only two choices this time, which is a bit of a surprise. However, as far as I know, the number of options does not depend on the strength of skills. 

What's more, the names of these skills are similar. It's probably a natural progression for this skill." Wain muttered and opened the description of the first skill.

[Lightning Boots (Primary Chronicle Active Skill, Epic Rating)

When you use this skill, a large amount of Soul Essence accumulates at your feet, which gradually becomes dense, electrical discharges. In this way, you create something similar to lightning boots.

You become considerably faster, and every step you take is like a lightning bolt. You can instantly cover a distance of five meters several times in a row. 

However, this skill puts a severe strain on your body, especially your legs. If overloaded, the tissues on your legs can tear and begin to bleed]