
The Descend of New Race

After a few hours of her just sitting there on a pedestal I made, she finally have a mental image of how she gonna looks like. A female human in her late teens appear on her display. Silver hair and eyes, white as snow skin, tall and combining with her face, she's like s Goddess of beauty! Wow. She really knows how to sculpt a divine like body. However, that's gonna cost a lot. Probably around 50 points. In spite, of my estimation price, the cost far cheaper than I anticipated. It only cost 15 points!

How? I know my boy creation ain't broken, even though I hastily made it but, how is this possible? Of course, unless she previously look like that before....

That's crazy! If it's really true, that means she's a real bishoujo*!


After she ask me some questions about some few stuff on the body creation she's finally has some leftover points left. What you gonna do with those 5 leftover points, eh?

"I want you!" Huh? Is she proposing we go on an adventure together? Is this real? This mortal soul is taking ME on an adventure?

"Really?" Please don't be a joke! Please don't be a joke!! Please don't be a joke!!!

"Yes!" She replied with full blown confidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've never seen such a generous soul before. I can't believe it. There's actually someone who would willingly be stuck with me. I'm crying tears of joy, mentally. This mortal soul of a human female is by far the only person who ever done this for me!

"Okay," that's the only reply I could give. I'm still so shock and happy about this. Willingly use your 5 points of D&C for me! Truly, the most generous person ever!

"Thank you. I will repay this all I can with whatever power I will have when we are down there. I will not waste the 5 points you used on me."

"U-Um. Ah, Y-You're welcome?"

"Once again, thank you. Now, lets move on. What form should I take to accompany you on your journey?"

"I'm thinking, how about the same race as me?"

"I'm sorry. Can't do that. That's too destructive."

"Destructive? What?"

"I'm not suppose to tell you this but, I think it's fine if you know it," after a few moments, she slowly nods in understanding.

"Well, the reason that I can't is because it will kinda break the world a bit."


"Hmm. I'll try to explain in a simpler form. Lets imagine that the new world you about to embark is a huge mansion. You want to get inside the mansion but, you are a ten meter giant. You're to big for any door to let you in. However, you still force yourself. This would require the destruction of some walls of the entry door."

"O-Okay. So, what happens if we still breakthrough into the mansion with force? What repercussion would comes after?"

"Well, as you might imagine, the inhabitants and the mansion owner inside wouldn't be really happy about it. Instead of asking you for repayments, they'll immediately kill you."

"S-So, um. That's why there's a limit to my body. I understand. Wait, is that why you send heroes rather than yourself? Because you're just to immense?" Oh, a smart lady.

"Yes. Also, I can't really just enter any world. I don't the have visa to do so."

"Visa? So, you need permission to get in?"

"Yes, for a lot of mortal worlds, the mortals themselves don't need any visa. They're free to go anywhere. The Gods and other powerful beings, however, need a permission to do so. And even that, is just the permission to send their Avatars down without being too destructive on the world."

"Wow. That's some huge lore you dropped there. W-Wait, is it fine for you to follow me to the new world?" Awwwwww, she's worried about me.

"Yes, it's all fine. Even though, I am sending my Avatar down there, the Avatar is really weak and it's considered part of your item."

"I see. So, if you can't turn into my race, then how about just a normal human from Earth?"

"That's a great idea. Then, I'll do just that," I immediately form a small portion of myself to resemble a human. I used this form to I sneak down - I mean descend on Earth to read those mangas and light novels.


From the surrounding darkness around me, a figure starts to appear. Slowly, it forms a human male with dark brown hair wearing a hoodie and Jean pants. He looks like a 15 year old high school kid with a short body. And, most importantly, he's cute. Looks cute almost like girl. Wow, this guy knows how to sculpt faces. Well, he is powerful being like a God.

"Fine with this look?"

"Y-Yeah, you look great."

"Great. Now, you've fully used all your D&C points. The next thing would be to test drive your new body. I'll make it right away," with those words, suddenly, I'm surrounded by a huge bubble. Slowly, it fills up with some kind of black liquid and submerge me fully in it. My senses becomes dull and slowly, I succumbs to sleep.

When I become awake and opening my eyes, I see blue skies above me. I could feel behind my head the leaves of grass and warmth of the dirt below it. The sound of wind slowly sways my hair side to side. Sitting up, I look down to limbs. Hands and feet are all there. Then, I heard footsteps coming towards me. Looking to my right, I see Nameless, in his human form coming to stand beside me.

"So, how's the new body? Comfortable?"

"It feels like when I had my body before. No, it feels even better. I feel light."

"Your Super Strength Power is working fine. Now, how about you stand up and try to walk around," he offers his outstretch hands and pulls me up to stand. At first, it feels like I'm standing on jelly. Being a bit unsteady he quickly holds my shoulder so I don't fall down. After a few minutes of walking, running, jumping and even some hand exercises, the testing is done.

"Oh, I almost forgot. You should name your new race."

"Can't I just call it human?"

"No, you can't. It's a totally different species. It only looks the same," hmm, alright. What name comes to mind for such a powerful race? Super S**yan? No, that's would be problematic for copyrights. Let's think on how the race is to reflect it's name. Our power is kinda OP with their excessive power. So, lets pick something that shows that.

"How about, Exceeds? They sound kinda right," his face slowly lit up in cute smile.

"Superb naming sense! That sounds so epic, somehow!" It sounds kinda embarrassing but, at least someone likes it.

"Alright, now for the finale! Do you confirm this body creation? Or......." He kinda just slowly trails off at the end there with a blank look.

"I like this body creation. So, I'm gonna keep it," he smiles happily.

"If that's so. Are you ready to reincarnate in a new world?"

"Oh yeah, probably it's a bit late but, what's the name of the world I'm going to?" Totally forgot about this because about the body creation.

"It's called Enova and it's much bigger than Earth by four times the size."

"Cool. Where exactly are we gonna land there?" Nameless props both of his hand and a display of spherical object appears on it. All manners of color is splattered all around the sphere. I guess that's Enova. Then, the view slowly zooms in and shows a green pasture just like where I'm standing on, with some trees dotting her and there.

"This is where we'll land."

"Can't we land somewhere near a town or city?"

"Not a good idea. Seeing a falling star coming down your way would be mayhem."

"Okay, fair enough. I think I'm all set to go," the display of Enova disappears and Nameless offer both his hands forward.

"Alrighty, hold may hand and take a deep breath and close your eyes," I did as he told and I immediately feel my body being pull downward strongly. My whole body is vibrating intensely somehow and I feel like we're in a roller coaster. Everything around me is all quite. The sound of wind is missing, I couldn't even hear me breathing. I fight the urge to open my eyes to see how it's going. But, curiosity gets the hold of me.

There was bright light of all colors and some spots of deep darkness all around me. They quickly zip pass by me and Nameless. We're like in a rainbow tunnel heading down. Looking pass below my feet, I could see we're coming closer to a big sphere, which is Enova. Slowly, we come nearer to planet's surface and a bright light covers my eyes fully.