
Chapter - 71

Morsh untied the corpse of the torturer and inserted dark energy on the chains,

'These chains contains magic formation on them '

The dark energy absorbed the magic formation turning the magical chains into normal chains,

Morsh threw the chains at side and walked up to the sleeping Amira,

Pete angrily said,

"Don't you dare touch her, if you even touch a strand of her hair, I will destroy you "

Morsh smiled and puts his hand on Amira's head and said,

"Look I am touching her hairs... Now destroy me if you can "

Morsh then released dark healing smoke on Amira and She opened her eyes,

She stood up and kneeled as soon as she saw Morsh standing in front of her,

Pete angrily said,

"What have you done to her... "

Morsh said,

"I have enslaved her same as you were but the only difference is she can't think like you after being enslaved "

"Aaaaaaaaaa " Pete shouted with anger and said,

"I never wanted to use this but you leave me no choice "

Pete chanted,

"@#@#!$$%@! Imprison"

Morsh said,

"Just what the hell did you say? "

Pete said,

"You will know in a second "

"Huh " Morsh's soul was tied by golden divine chains,

His soul was then pulled back to his soul space by the chains,

The hole in his soul space was also filled and divine energy entered his soul space which constantly suppressing Morsh's soul,

Morsh tried to break free but was unable to and said,

"So the goddess gave you that power? "

But to his surprise, Pete didn't reply,

Morsh said,

"Hey atleast tell me what you just chanted"

No reply came this time too,

Morsh thought,

'Why isn't he answering... '

Morsh tried to look at the situation outside but the divine energy had blocked that too,

Morsh said,

"So he completely blocked me off from the body"

Morsh tried releasing the dark energy but the chains didn't let the dark energy even touch it,

"These chains are stronger than the holy armor... my dark energy is not strong enough "

Outside, Amira was now standing and was staring Pete,

Pete said,

"Are you okay? "

Amira nodded and said,

"What are we doing in this room? "

Pete told her everything that happened up until now even about Morsh and how he enslaved her,

But Amira didn't even react to anything but said,

"What did you do to my master? "

Pete said,

"He has enslaved you... fight back... I know you are in there somewhere "

"And as for your master, I have imprisoned him in his soul space "

Amira smiled and said,

"You can't imprison my master, he will come back soon "

"And as for the enslavement, you enslaved that little girl Luna too.... so shouldn't you imprison yourself too "

Pete eyes widened with shock,

'I have enslaved Luna... No that can't be, I am a hero and she is destined to be under me '

Pete said,

"She was destined to be under me "

Amira smiled and said,

"I am destined to be under my master too "

Pete said,

"Don't worry, I will find a way to release the enslavement ritual "

Pete then picked up the chain,

Amira said,

"What are you going to do with the chain? "

Pete said,

"It's a precaution so that you won't run away "

Amira said,

"Don't worry, I will not run away... I will wait for my master until the end of my life "

Pete said,

"Is that so... then follow me "

They got out of the castle and headed to the childcare center and picked up Luna from there,

Luna was still scared of Pete and was hiding behind Amira,

Pete asked Amira,

"What did your master do to this little girl "

Amira said,

"He just punished her with the salve mark "

Pete tightened his fists and said,

"How can he do that to a little girl "

"Hahaha " Amira laughed and said,

"Do you even know what the punishment from the slave mark is? "

Pete said,

"I don't know but I do know one thing, that it must be harsh "

Amira said,

"You surprise me... I always thought you were a brainless scum "

Pete angrily looked at Amira but saw frightened Luna,

Luna said with teary eyes,

"Please don't punish big sister... "

Pete puts his hand on Luna's head and said,

"I am not punishing her and nobody will hurt you anymore too "

Luna nodded but didn't say anything,

Pete asked Amira,

"How many gold coins do you have? "

Amira said,

"Why do you ask? "

Pete said,

"We will return to the capital city and I will ask the king for a solution for your enslavement "

Amira smiled and said,

"I have enough for us to travel in a carriage "

Pete nodded and they hired a carriage with a old driver and started their journey to the capital city,

Soon the sun sets but Pete was still in control of the body,

Amira was waiting for Morsh to take over the body but alas that didn't happen,

Inside the soul space,

Morsh can't even move and was thinking of ways to get out of this situation,

"What should I do.... my dark energy is not strong enough "

"With its strength now, it will take couple of years to consume the divine energy and I don't have that amount of time "

After some time, a smile came on Morsh's face as he remembered something,

"My dark energy strengthens when I completely absorb a soul "

"And I have a lot of souls too "

Morsh then started fully absorbing the souls,

"I will just leave the dark master and 10 dark knights and the rest have to be fully absorbed "

Outside the soul space,

Pete and Luna were now sleeping but Amira was staring Pete, hoping Morsh would take over the body,

Soon the sun rose and Amira fell asleep,

They began their journey again,

They stopped whenever they saw a river, lake, mountain or some beautiful scenery,

Some monsters attacked but Pete defeated them easily,

After 3 days, they reached the capital city in the evening,

They directly headed to the Manson and rested there for the night,

In the morning Pete took Amira to the courtroom,

The king was sitting in the throne with some officials sitting in the chairs,

There was a tense atmosphere in the courtroom,

Pete entered the courtroom and said,

"Your majesty, I came to ask some questions "

The eyes of the king and the officials brightened up when they saw Pete,

One of the officials said,

"We are saved now.... the hero has returned "

Pete looked around and saw the bright expressions the officials were giving him and thought,

'Their reaction is completely different from before '

The king said,

"Welcome back hero... you have returned in perfect time"

"The demons have started to evade our territory... also the elves and dwarves are pretty much prepared to launch a combined attack on us "

Pete angrily said,

"I will destroy those demons "

The king smiled and said,

"Good, their target seemed to be our seaport city, you must go there and defend the city "

Pete nodded and said,

"I will go but answer my question first "

King nodded and Pete said,

"How do you release an enslaved person"

King said,

"You just have to remove the mark, some slave traders do that "

Pete said,

"Not that kind of enslavement, I am talking about the enslavement like you did on me when you were under the control of the demon "

The king said,

"Only the caster can remove that... and it requires a lot of sacrifices too "

Pete clenched his fists and said,

"So nobody can free them "

The king said,

"Nobody other than the caster can remove that "

Pete said,

"But I removed that mark... so there must be a way to remove it "

The king said,

"Hmm... You are right, but we don't have knowledge about it "

Pete said,

"Then do you know anyone that might know about it? "

The king thought for a moment and said,

"Some old dragons might know of a way... but it's not easy to talk to one "

Pete said,

"Where can I meet the dragon "

The king said,

"Nobody knows that... but if you want, I can try to locate one "

Pete bowed and said,

"Thankyou, Please tell me when you find one "

King said,

"OK but you have to defend humans too "

Pete said,

"I will, just tell me the direction of the seaport city "

The king said,

"Some knights will lead you there, they are waiting outside "

Pete nodded and walked out of the courtroom with Amira,

There were couple of knights waiting outside,

Pete walked up to them and then knights bowed,

Pete said,

"Don't bow, it makes me uncomfortable "

The knight captain said,

"We are prepared to go, sir hero "

Pete nodded and said,

"Let's go then "

The knights captain whistled and winged horses handed in front of them,

Pete said with a surprised look on his face,

"Are we really going to ride on a Pegasus "

The knight captain said,

"Yes sir hero "

Pete said,

"But I have never ridden one before "

The knight captain said,

"They are trained sir hero, they won't let you fall off them "

"Also the seaport city is under attack right now and these are the fastest option we have "

Pete sighed and climbed on the back of a Pegasus,

Amira and the knights also sat on their Pegasus and they flew towards the seaport city,

The seaport city is situated next to the sea so the one side was facing the sea and surrounded by a dense forest from three sides,

The city was under attack from all sides,

In the ocean, their ships were getting attacked by giant whale like monsters,

These monsters were easily sinking the ships by bashing into them,

And the orcs, goblins and other monsters were attacking from the land,

The demons were sitting in the back, enjoying the attack,

The soldiers, knights, adventurers and even mercenaries were fighting the monsters but they were getting pushed back,

There were couple of knights and a young girl watching everything from the city wall,

A young knight said to the girl,

"My lady, the escape route is ready, we will escort you out to a safe place"

The girl said,

"I am the daughter of the city lord, how can I run away when the city is under attack "

The knight said,

"But the city lord ordered you to escape "

The girl said,

"I don't care... "

A soldier came running to them, kneeled and said,

"My lady, the reinforcement from the capital city are on their way "

The girl nodded and asked,

"How many soldiers are coming and when will they reach here "

The soldier said,

"The hero and 12 knights are coming "

The girl angrily said,

"They are only sending 12 knights and a hero that might only be a second rate warrior "

"Do they not care about the city? "




[Autor Note- Hello readers, I apologize in advance as I might not be able to post chapters after a week or two,

But this is not 100%, I will take out time but the chapters might not be frequent,

You can follow me on Instagram if you want to-

Insta- https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5]

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