
Chapter - 27

The butler looked ahead and saw the soldiers coming toward them in a distance,

He then said to the girl in the carriage,

"Young miss, the Rose city army is coming toward us "

The girl in the carriage said angrily,

"Did father send the army to escort me again "

The butler looked at the army and said,

"I don't think that is the case, there are more then 1000 soldiers coming toward us "

The girl said,

"Father can't get overboard like this to just escort me"

Pete asked the butler curiously,

"Is she a princess and you are her strong and loyal bodyguard "

The butler looked at Pete and thought,

'How did he know I am a warrior... even the princess doesn't know about it '

Morsh said inwardly,

'What kind of bullshit is he spouting now '

Pete was drooling while thinking,

'A princess and a hero... same as novels... '

The butler said,

"Why do you say I am strong "

Morsh was also wondering this but didn't say anything,

Pete quickly cleared his drool from his sleeve and said,

"It was just a guess "

Pete smiled and said inwardly,

'This was the plot of almost every novel for fateful encounter, a princess is escorted by a strong bodyguard disguised as a servant '

Seeing Pete smiling, the butler thought,

'If my guess is right, then he is a high-level warrior and hiding his skills '

'And I don't think a high level warrior like him would be a bandit '

They got close to the army,

There were six peoples wearing armor on horses and all of the soldiers were walking,

Morsh sighed while thinking,

'They would be turned into dark soldiers if I was controlling the body right now '

The driver stopped the kart and the butler was sitting in the middle so he said to Pete,

"Get down "

Pete nodded and got off the kart and then the butler got off the kart,

The butler went ahead a little bit and stood at the middle of the road,

A man in the horse saw the butler standing on the path and said to the person in middle,

"Vice-captain, the lord's butler is standing on the way "

A vice-captain was a young guy in his 20s,

He looked at the butler and raised his right hand signaling the troops to stop,

Everyone stopped including the 5 other horseman,

The vice-captain then dismounted the horse and walked up to the butler,

He stopped a few steps away from the butler and said,

"Master... why are you standing in the middle of the road "

The butler looked at vice-captain and said,

"I am not your master here... I am escorting the young mistress "

The vice-captain smiled and said,

"If you are not my master here then why are you not bowing down when you saw me "

The girl said from the kart,

"Why are you not bowing when you heard this is my kart "

The vice-captain smiled and bowed down,

"I apologize from the bottom of my heart if I had offended you in any way young mistress "

The butler said,

"Why are you here with the army Vincent "

The vice-captain looked angrily at the butler and said,

"How dare a mere butler call me by my name "

The girl walked out of the kart,

She was a teen with blonde hair and a beautiful face with curvy figure,

She was wearing a light blue gown with a big hat,

She then walked up to the butler and said to the vice-captain,

"You didn't answer vice-captain... why are you here with this many soldiers "

Vincent looked at the girl with salacious eyes and said,

"You look beautiful today young mistress "

The girl angrily said,

"Answer the question otherwise I will tell father about you "

Vincent said,

"We are going as the reinforcements for the Lotus city "

The girl asked with little surprise,

"What happened to the Lotus city "

Vincent said,

"The city was attacked by orcs and we have to go there as soon as possible "

Vincent then bowed and said,

"So I will take my leave now "

Vincent then turned around and walked back to his horse and mounted it,

He then waved his hand and the army started their march again,

The army then walked around the girl and the kart,

The girl was looking angrily at Vincent and he smiled back at the girl,

Vincent looked at Pete with a piercing gaze as he crossed the princess,

Pete then asked the butler,

"Why did he called you master "

The butler looked at Pete and said,

"Why would I tell you that "

Pete then looked at the girl and was lost in her beauty while drooling,

The girl looked at Pete and his expressions and said,

"Why are you looking at me like that... are you some sort of pervert "

Pete quickly changed his expressions and said,

"No I am not a pervert, I was just looking at the forest past you "

Morsh sighed and said,

"That was the lamest thing I had ever heard "

Pete turned red as the girl was entering the kart,

The butler saw Pete's expression and said,

"How dare you look at the young mistress like that"

Pete quickly turned around and started looking around and said,

"I was not looking at her... I was just looking at the beautiful scenery "

The butler then turned around and climbed the kart and sat down with the driver,

Pete also climbed up and sat with the butler and said,

"How long would it take to reach the Rose city "

The butler said,

"We will reach the city tomorrow so we have to spend the night in the forest today "

Morsh sighed when he heard this,

'I would have killed you tonight but that bastard Vincent have seen Pete with you '

Pete smiled and said,

"Is it dangerous to camp up at night "

The butler said,

"Ofcourse the forest is dangerous in night "

Pete was going to say something again but the butler puts his index finger on his mouth signaling Pete to keep quiet,

Pete shuts up and didn't say what he was going to say,

After travelling the whole day the butler saw a small open area and said to the driver,

"Stop there, we will set the camp there for tonight "

The driver nodded and when they reached the open area, he stopped the kart,

It was evening so the sun was setting and it was getting dark,

Pete, butler and the driver got off the kart as the driver stopped the kart,

The butler looked around and inspected the area for couple of minutes,

After he checked everything, he said loudly,

"I have checked everything young mistress and its safe here "

Two girls got off the kart, first the young miss and after her a girl in maid uniform,

The maid carried a luxurious cushion with her and put it in on the ground,

The girl then sat on the cushion and said to the butler,

"How much time would it take to set up tent "

The butler bowed his head and said,

'It would take atleast half an hour to set up the tent "

The girl nodded and the butler started setting up the tent,

After half an hour, the butler has finished setting up the tent and said to the girl,

"Young miss, the tent is ready and you can now rest in there "

The girl then entered the tent with the maid following her,

After she went in the tent, Pete said to the butler,

"You are quite fast for your age sir "

The butler glared at Pete and said,

"What do you mean by my age "

Morsh said,

"Why is every old bastard in this world so insecure about their age "

Pete started laughing when he heard Morsh,

The butler got confused as he saw Pete suddenly burst into laughter,

He then said with some aura infused in his voice,

"Did I tell you a joke or something "

His aura mixed voice was so loud that the nearby birds flew away,

The girl also ran out of the tent and said with an annoyed tone,

"What happening out here "

The butler looked at the girl and said politely,

"It was my fault young miss, I lost control "

The girl confusingly said,

"Just who made you lose your cool "

The butler pointed toward Pete,

The girl then looked toward Pete and said,

"Just what did you do "

Pete's face was turning red as he saw the girl and said,

"I just said something about his age "

The girl sighed and moved her head left to right and headed inside the tent,

The kart driver has made a campfire until then and said,

"Sir butler, you can cook now "

Butler nodded and walked up to the kart and took out cooking utensils,

He then looked toward Pete and said,

"Why don't you go and hunt something in the forest "

Pete said,

"But I don't know how to hunt "

The butler said while smiling,

"And that's why you are still an iron rank adventurer "

Morsh said,

"That old bastard just roasted you Pete "

Pete couldn't say anything and just turned and headed toward the forest,

The butler sad,

"Now where are you going "

Pete angrily said,

"I am going to hunt something "

Pete then ran toward the forest,

The kart driver said,

"Sir butler, why did you send him to hunt, we have plenty of food here "

Butler smiled and said,

"He has to do something to earn his keep "

Pete stopped running as he entered the forest,

It was evening so the forest was already dark,

Pete looked around but didn't see any animal,

"What am I going to do now "

Morsh said,

"Why are you just standing around "

Pete jumped back due to fear as he heard Morsh's voice and said,

"Don't scare me like that "

Morsh sighed and said,

"Just head back to the camp "

Pete said,

"But what about the food "

Morsh said,

"If there was no food then the old bastard would be the first to go hunt "

Pete said with determined eyes,

"If that's the case then I will have to hunt something to show him that I can hunt "

Morsh said inwardly,

'Stupid, how can you hunt when you don't know anything about hunting '

Pete then around the dark forest and got scared,

Morsh said inwardly,

'You are scared now '

Pete then started walking toward the camp,

Morsh said,

"Why are you heading back now "

Pete was scared and was looking around to see if anything is following him and said,

"I will hunt near the camp so that I don't have to carry some dead animal "

Morsh sighed but didn't say anything,


Back at the camp,

The butler was making stew in the pot and the kart driver was feeding the horses,

The butler sensed something and walked up to the kart and took out a sword from the kart,

The kart driver got confused when he saw the butler suddenly grabbing the sword and said,

"Sir butler, why are you holding the sword "

The butler drew the sword and said,

"Get find a safe place... we have been surrounded "

A tall and muscular man walked out of the trees,

After him more than 50 men walked out of the trees all around the camp,

The muscular man said,

"You took this long to notice us... You are rusting old man "

The girl and her maid also came out of the tent and saw they have been surrounded,

The butler ran up to the girl and stood in front of her with the sword in his hand and said,

"Don't you know who we are "

The muscular man smiled then drew his saber and said,

"I am well aware of your identity "

The butler angrily said,

"Then why are you attacking us "

The muscular man said,

"We want something from the city lord of the Rose city and for that we need something for exchange "

The butler threw his scabbard on the ground and tightened his grip on his sword,

"So you want to exchange young miss "

The muscular man started laughing and waved his hand,

All of his men started closing to the butler and the girl,

The muscular man then said,

"If you surrender quietly then we can exchange her in one piece "

"But if you kill even one of my men, I will cut her hands and legs "

The muscular men manifested aura swords around him as a warning for the butler,

The butler hands were shaking due to anger but he dropped his sword on the ground and said,

He then manifested aura swords around him and said,

"Don't touch her otherwise I will kill all of you "

Next chapter