
na yea na yea

After death, Amon's soul is sent through space-time to Hunter X Hunter. Reborn as Killua's twin brother. How will Amon, from being an 18 year old high school graduate morph into a ruthless assassin of the Zoldyck Family. First Few Chaps are 1st Person, changes later. ------------------------ Doing this for fun. Novel cover from- https://www.deviantart.com/al-lamp If artist wants it taken down please send a message to https://www.deviantart.com/nightrox18 or my discord nightRox#9968 Disclaimer: I do not Own Hunter X Hunter

nightRox · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

leaving X they knew?


MC's age currently is 12, by the Succession War, he will be 14.

14 is too young for any serious romantic relationships.

A tag of this ff is #late-as-f*ck-romance

I mean that.

The comments on the last chap were to messy to add up.

So I made a poll.


Link in para comment above

MC will be alone on his travel to the Begerosse Union, but might meet some one, the some one being the winner of the poll.


Kukuroo Mountain, Zoldyck Estate

A few days had passed since Amon, Killua, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika had arrived at the Estate. The minute they arrived, Gon, Leorio and Kurapika were introduced to Zebro and Seaquant. Then their training abrupty began. Amon decided to chill with them for the first few days, but then he would leave the Estate and travel to the Begerosse Union.

Why there? Mostly because it was the Hunter X Hunter equivalent of Australia. Though this Australia was a powerful country, being a part of the V5. The country was mostly desert, with the coastal areas being much more lush and full of greenery.

On his journey through the estate, he was suddenly interrupted by a flustered Amane.

"Amon-sama... eh welcome back." She said.

"Yo... what's up." Amon started, Amane wasn't the type of person to just greet him out of nowhere, most of the times, she was instructed to by someone, at least according to Amon.

"Master Silva has requested your presence."

Amon frowned.


"What are you really?" Silva asked while seating relaxed on his sofa. Amon sat opposite him on smaller seat.

"What do you mean?" Amon asked. Amon only had a slight inkling on why Silva was asking this question.

Silva stared deeply at Amon. "Our family is centuries old, and throughout that entire period, we have remained in the top echelons of society. Many other factions have fallen, but the Zoldyck's still remain. Tell me, why do you think our family has prospered so much?"

Amon remained silent for a few seconds, frankly he had no clue and didn't give a f*ck. "We are strong and talented..." Amon half hearted replied.

Silva chuckled. "Haha. Of course, but where does that come from?" Just as Amon was about to answer, Silva continued speaking, "Every now and then, an abnormality appears in the family, the current abnormality is you..."

'Of course he knows, even though I tried my best to act my age, there must have been some slip ups, but what is his attitude to me being an *abnormality*' Amon thought.

Seeing Amon unresponsive, Silva continued his dialogue. "Illumi, Milluki, Killua... Amon. The names don't make sense do they? Imagine my surprise when I found out that Kikyo, who was pregnant with one child, gave birth to twins."

[A/N: Obv. used nen to find out about the baby]

'Holy sh*t, they suspected me from my birth, no wonder my name wasn't Alluka or something.'

"But, even if you are an abnormality, the day you were born into the family, you became a Zoldyck." Silva said with a kind smile.

Amon visibly stiffened seeing that smile. But after a few seconds, he sighed, "You are correct, this is my second life."

Silva's eyes brightened instantly.

"In my previous life, I had a single use Hatsu that could reincarnate me as a newborn baby to a random family... Why aren't you more wary of me?" Amon asked.

"You are a person who likes to make familial bonds. Even if you might not consider yourself a Zoldyck, your relationship with Killua and Alluka, it cannot be faked."

After digesting all of that. Amon finally asked. "Who else knows?"


Amon felt very light. After his chat with Silva, he felt that the burden of being an outsider basically disappeared. Even though he had kinda half lied to Silva, it didn't really matter if Silva didn't know that this world was an anime, that was irrelevant...

His mother, Kikyo, also knew, along with Zeno and Maha. His siblings had no clue, but Silva would tell them soon. 'Illumi's reaction is going to be unpredictable' Amon thought.

As he walked aimlessly around the Estate, thinking about his future plans. He ran into Alluka, who had just returned from a mission.

"AMON!" She shouted while jumping at him.

He quickly caught her and swung her around.

After putting her down. He inspected her. Right now, she was wearing combat clothes, different from here usual feminine dresses. The clothes were all black in colour, but he could faintly see some faint red splotches here and there.

Alluka hadn't really changed much. She was still the happy-go-lucky girl. Unlike the canon, now she spent more time with her mother and Kalluto, spending time as in killing people together.

"HAHA, you are finally back!" Alluka spoke.

"Yea, but I'm leaving again soon."

"AGAIN! AMON WHERE ARE YOU GOING THIS TIME!" A shrill voice echoed in the corridor Amon and Alluka were in.

Amon turned around and saw Kikyo along with Kalluto. Kalluto was wearing the same kimono, while Kikyo had a frilly dress, the visor and bandages wrapped around her head.

"Hey mum, how's your face. Sup Kal." Amon replied with a smile.

Kalluto flashed a smile, came over to Amon and gave him a hug. Then abruptly dashed back to Kikyo.

Kikyo smiled, "my face... so now my rebellious son wants to know about the injury he caused?"

"But Kil did it first." Amon protested.

"Forget that! Where is my dear boy going this time..." Kikyo spoke with a creepy smile while inching forward towards Amon.

Amon's smile faltered. He quickly summoned a portal and jumped through it. Just as he jumped through, a Nen chain struck the ground he was previously on.

"Tsk, he escaped." Kikyo mumbled. Then turned around to face Alluka and Kalluto. "Now, you two boys can't act like that when you grow up kay?"

Kalluto nodded.

Alluka also nodded, but she couldn't help but let out a sly chuckle.

"Come lets go now." Kikyo spoke to them. But just as she was about to take another step, a portal appeared and a paper plane flew towards Kikyo. Kikyo caught it and after unfolding it she smiled.

"Begerosse Union." She whispered while smiling.


Airship To Begerosse Union

Amon had investigated some of the more dangerous places of the Begerosse Union. He ended up deciding to go to this remote tribal area where some of the Indigenous People of Begerosse Union lived. On the Hunter site, the place was classified as a D-Class Danger Area. The Chimera Ant situation was only a B-Class Danger Area.

The most dangerous thing were the people there. The area they inhabited was considered Sacred by them and outsiders were prohibited. Though, after multiple negotiations, the Chairman of the Hunter Association and the Leader of the Indigenous Tribe came to a agreement to allow Hunters through.

After browsing through other Hunter's experience there. He had discovered that even though the Indigenous People had no clue of Nen, they had strange weapons that seemed to making use of Nen.

That had intrigued Amon enough to get him to make a trip there. Of course, that was just the first stop to his tour of Begerosse Union.