
na yea na yea

After death, Amon's soul is sent through space-time to Hunter X Hunter. Reborn as Killua's twin brother. How will Amon, from being an 18 year old high school graduate morph into a ruthless assassin of the Zoldyck Family. First Few Chaps are 1st Person, changes later. ------------------------ Doing this for fun. Novel cover from- https://www.deviantart.com/al-lamp If artist wants it taken down please send a message to https://www.deviantart.com/nightrox18 or my discord nightRox#9968 Disclaimer: I do not Own Hunter X Hunter

nightRox · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

isn't that Old Man from OPM


Heavens Arena, Floor 150

Nearly 2 months had passed since Killua and Amon first entered the arena. The journey to the 150 floor was pretty smooth for them apart from a few bumps. Killua and Amon were both only 6 years old, it would have been surprising for them to not lose any battles. Even though that was the case, Killua was the one that lost the fights. Amon had only lost two. While one of the losses was because he couldn't get to the arena on time, the other was because the opponent was too strong for Amon currently. And as he couldn't use nen, without anyone noticing, Amon had to accept his loss.

Amon's hatsu control had also progressed greatly. His ability now named Twin Portal, had progressed to the point that he could move two pairs of portals easily. He could even rotate them around his body at high speeds, to create a shield almost, however to make an impenetrable shield, he would need many more portals. He had tried to use it like how Leorio did when he punched Ging and to his delight, it worked basically the same, but he had to infuse his whole arm in nen, otherwise without it, the Black Portal would refuse entry.

Of course, half of his nen, that was in the arm was taken. So using the Twin Portals resulted in a greater range but exactly half the power of a normal punch, Amon wasn't complaining though. He hadn't tried jumping into the portal as he was afraid of not being able to control where and when he was ejected. Killua had been making his progress up the floors quite slow, he estimated it would only have taken him less than a month to reach floor 150 and then probably around 4- 5 months to reach floor 200 if he was alone and without Killua. He'd decided that after talking with Killua and somehow convincing him to stay at the Arena with all the sweets he'd bought with his earnings from the arena, he would then quickly leave the Arena as soon as floor 200 was reached.

A few minutes later.

"Yo Kil, finally moved up," Amon said while waiting for Killua to get off the elevator. Amon had already waited for a day for him to catch up.

"Hmph!" Killua pouted, "Yea yea, but did you see MY FIGHT?!" Amon caught off guard by his sudden excitement didn't know how to respond.

"Ah, yea I did, as soon as you won, I rushed over here to meet you," Amon lied. Obviously he wouldn't be interested in seeing Killua's fight, besides he would always investigate each of Killua's before hand so that in case his opponent was ever too strong and cruel. [A/N: Not too sure if during floors 1-200 you can find out about the opponent before hand, but whatevs \_: |_/]

"Really... Ok then I believe you, but did you see the part where he thought I had fallen off but I was actually-"

"Wait, I need to tell you something," Amon said, Killua wanted to argue but after seeing Amon's serious face, he shut up. "I won't be waiting for you at each floor."


"Listen first, after I reach the 200th floor, I won't be going back home, not for a few years at least."

Killua at first looked shocked and sad but then after a few seconds of pondering he suddenly got excited. "Why...forget that, I'm coming as well!" Killua shouted. Amon, as if aware Killua would say that, smiled wryly. He knew him and Killua were due for a very long chat.



After bribing Kil with almost 1 million jenny [AU$10,000] worth of chocolate and candy, he finally agreed to not tell anyone back home about this. I also told him to tell dad, that I was still in Heavens Arena, even though he might get suspicious, he will probably hold off from coming until 3 years have passed. 4 months have passed since I bribed Killua, I've lost a few matches that I would have won if I used my hatsu, but I have been winning most. Right now I'm at the 190th floor. Killua is also not doing too bad, as he is at the 170th floor, but he keeps losing and winning.

I currently have a match in like 5 mins. All I know of the opponent is that it is an old man who is strikingly similar to a person I've seen in my previous life. After looking at his match footage, I discovered he has a martial art technique really similar to an anime characters. The technique he uses is Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. I felt like I have heard that before but I can't recognise.

But after seeing his footage, one thing that can be confirmed, is that he is really strong. He seems to be able to use nen, but for some reason he does it unconsciously. He physique is also top-notch. Much stronger than mine. He even resembles an anime character, but who was it?

I scratch my head and decide to think of it later.

As I walk towards the stage, my heart started beating faster, in anticipation for the upcoming fight. This is probably the only time I am regretting not being able to use my Hatsu openly, even though I can use Ten, Ren. It won't helpp much in this fight. But if I did know how to do advanced techniques like Ko, a combination of Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo in which all of the user's aura is concentrated into one particular body part. Basically the concentrated body part becomes super powerful while the rest of the body is weak.

Ken, the advanced version of the basic Ren and Ten techniques. This is mostly used for defense for the whole body but it is highly taxing to be able to maintain it for long period of time. Ryu the term for use of Gyo from a state of Ken to perform real-time offensive and defensive value adjustments. Ryu can balance the amount of nen used on body parts, for example I could put 70% of my nen in my fist to punch while the other 30% is around by stomach to block an attack.

Anyway, all I need to learn this is a teacher. That's why I am in a hurry to complete the Hunter Exam and get assigned a teacher.

"Please Enter Contestant #4200!" That's my number, time to go, as I walked out the walking area, the crowd erupted in cheers. When I finally arrived on top of the stage, I found the opponent already there. He was wearing a long-sleeved black martial arts jumpsuit, light-colored pants, and Tai Chi slippers. The ref was also standing in the middle of the stage wearing the weird red outfit they usually wore.

"Floor 190, Amon vs Bang... BEGIN!"

The only thoughts I had before we charged at each other were, 'Oh his name is Bang, isn't that martial arts hero also called Bang? Doesn't he also kinda look like this? Don't they both use the same technique? What the F*CK! This is HXH not One Punch Man! At this point I'd finally realized that I was currently battling the 3rd ranked hero form OPM, a master martial artist. I am going to get destroyed. Even if I used my Hatsu, as I only have access to 2 pairs of portals, at most I could reflect a few of his cursory attacks but then I would just be defeated by his higher battle experience and barraged by his onslaught of faster attacks.

*sigh* I guess I willl probably have to do a few more battles to reach floor 200.

Thinking of making MC Bang's disciple. No Bang did not transport to this world from OPM. Yes Bang from this world knows nen, so he can teach MC the advanced techniques. MC will probably just do the Hunter Exam with Gon and Killua.

Also Sorry for the super late upload, holidays ended here in Aus.

Bye, hope you liked it!

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