
conclusion X bonding with mother X training

Silva's office, Kukuroo Mountain.

"It seems you are stronger than I thought," Silva said looking at Amon. Amon shrugged back. After Limbo started burning his lifespan, Amon got pissed and started using his Martial Techniques freely. One thing Amon was glad of, was the fact that Limbo was only burning his lifespan and that he was a dumb idiot. Like who would just stand there and laugh, while shooting his arms. He could have at least ran away or something.

After the fight though, Amon had gained some valuable information. Not everyone was a genius fighter like Hisoka or Chrollo. Dumb f*cks also existed. He had also gained around 50 Nen infused arms. He estimated the power one arm had was similar to 1/5 of his punch.

"You can leave for now, spend some time with your Mother, she wanted to see you," Silva said looking straight into Amon's eyes. Amon stared back. After a few seconds, Amon broke his stare, and nodded. It wasn't like he hated her or anything, he just found her weird and annoying.

'Whatever, let's just get it done with.' Amon thought, little did he know, that it would take much more than a few minutes to get 'it done with'.


Zoldyck Family Area, Kukuroo Mountain

"Sit here on my lap, like you used to as a child!" Kikyo said while looking at Amon. Amon of course, adamantly refused. He'd rather sit on Biscuit's adult forms laps. At least they were muscular, and who doesn't appreciate some muscle on a girl. Anyway he was not getting anywhere near her, he'd already told her most of the stuff he'd done on his trip to Heavens Arena and also talked a bit about his assassination.

But was Kikyo having any of that, hell na. As soon Amon tried to run way, this time she fired a tiny Nen projectile at him. Amon caught off guard, tried to deflect it with a nen infused punch. As soon as they both collided, the Nen projectile suddenly transformed into a thin silk like rope and wrapped around his wrist tightly. 'F*ck, why is she so aggressive?' Amon tried to chop at the silk by shaping his Aura into a sharp blade, but each time he tried, the silk would just be pushed by the blade. It felt like trying to cut a floating string with a blunt knife.

Of course if a knife didn't work, scissors were next. When shaped his aura into scissors, Kikyo was visibly surprised, after all not many people could control their aura this much. She was also delighted and her son-conness might have just increased even more. Unfortunately his scissors didn't work, as the silk just kept sliding to the end of them and escaping. Just as he was about to add another indent to stop the silk from escaping. The silk suddenly tightened and morphed into a metallic chains and pulled them towards Kikyo. Amon caught off guard could only struggle, as he watched himself magically landing on Kikyo's lap.

"Ara-ara, you can stop with the tricks now, I won't hurt you." Amon of course still tried to find a way to escape. He was pretty shocked by the way his mom manipulated the silk and chain. He had always wanted to try that, unfortunately Bang wasn't really into manipulating and changing other materials. So he was always stuck and the most manipulation he could do was, making small bullets by splitting and manipulating larger chunks of metal. Even that was a bit crude.

"Do you want to learn?" Kikyo suddenly asked, as if having read Amon's mind. Amon started thinking deeply. Kikyo let her son decide, and decided to ruffle his hair with one hand while the other tightly secured him around the stomach. She then started to hum a tune. If a stranger saw them, he would praise them as being a 'Good and cute family'. Of course, after learning they are Zoldycks, he would probably piss his pants.

"Fine teach me...oka-san." Amon said. Kikyo's face flashed a bright smile, she then proceeded to cuddle the hell out of Amon. Amon though was ready, he quickly pushed her away, and ran the fastest he had ever. "See you tomorrow!" Amon heard Kikyo's voice as he ran back to his living place. He had accepted her deal because he really needed the guidance, in the anime, Kalluto was very skilled in controlling his ability, this was most likely due to his training from Kikyo. She was strong enough to join the Troupe, albeit she was one of the weaker members.

Amon figured that if he learnt proper manipulation or even conjuration. His Nen ability would be supremely stronger. Spending time with an annoying mother was just a small setback he was willing to experience. If he could somehow manipulate the Nen arms in his portal storage to combine together, or have a better shape than arms, he figured he could a lot more. Maybe then, he would be able to put his whole body through the portals and transport himself.


A few months later.

"Amazing! Here come give me a hug!" Kikyo said to Amon. Amon reluctantly walked over. These past few months had been very productive. He'd finally met Alluka, he was pretty glad to see her, she was also being taught Nen. When Amon asked why Killua wasn't taught Nen, Silva had just briefly mentioned something about him finding his own path. Amon thought that was bullsh*t and that the real reason Killua wasn't taught Nen was because they didn't want him to get strong enough to escape the shackles of being the family successor.

His training with Kikyo had progressed well. One thing that annoyed him was that once she finished teaching him one part of manipulation, to learn the next, she would always ask for hugs and cuddles. Amon reluctantly came to accept his fate, with the manipulation he'd learnt, he could change the shape of his En. So instead of a circular/spherical En, he could narrow it down to make long lines, this way he could summon portals up to 500 m.

But he had finally been able to teleport himself, granted it was within his En range. He had also unlocked the 6th set of portals. He figured he was getting close to the limit of his portals.

Overall, with all his new improvements. He could confidently state that Hisoka would not be able to kill him, defeat him- maybe, kill him, no. Of course this was just his prediction, the real outcome would never be predicted. Though, Amon had a gut feeling that he was bound to fight Hisoka one day.

His mother's training was mainly studying different objects and properties and then manipulating the object/material into different states.

"Now what?" Amon asked Kikyo.

She smirked, "Now we fight!" Then she proceeded to bombard Amon with her Nen.

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