
Néhel Whiteheart

Nehel_Whiteheart · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 : Visiting Kimi's house

Kimi's house, his house is also my house too, I'm delected by the show he makes with his funny smile, he seems to be the father figure I have never known before. Miss Qinari takes my hand and smile with her boyfriend, nothing to be ashamed about. She then choose to guide me inside the previously mentioned house, inside it's all blue, blue like the sky. I'm looking up, face down, face up right after,I guiding me inside the house and repeat for 35 minutes the same blabla that way I can guess which room is mine. There is a panel inside and outside the bedroom, meaning I can sleep peacefully even when I would be working as an assistant to Miss Qinari, she is my teacher and I respect her a lot, I would try to checkmate her and mister Kimi. However, that young man is quite special and fond of himself, yet I can't stop thinking about that "Stopped Time" thing. I mean, I find him likeable and looks delighted so in any case he throws a lightning bolt towards me, missing on purpose and he repeat the same attack three times, I'm almost worried even if I don't fear death, I fear the Fear just like Shakespeare does, maybe I'm wrong but don't say it to the fictional character that I am.

" Hello, remove o from hello and you get hell, isn't that funny girls ? asked Kimi the onoh to us with his joyful face without forcing himself..."

"I like when people are happy, I hate a lot of things just like anyone, of course but I love a lot of things like anyone, maybe one day I'll be an adventurer at some moment and at some place called The Guild". I purposefully think while being at it checking the lightning attacks marks on the wall, touching them with my own two hands and scratching them."

" One day I'll make all my sisters go here. But not today, also I find the joke funny but what about you Miss Xiao Qinari of the first dynasty ?

- You mean the game Dynasty Warriors ? If so, yes I do.

- No, well actually, perhaps I'm too curious ?

- Remember to keep the secret away from the demons, orders me Miss Qinari

- I'm only 11 and you are asking me to do all the dirty job or you want me to clean everything in the house ?

- Yes and no, yes you will clean, and no it's not a dirty job, says the young looking man with nice abs.

- Néhel, you are the favorite character of your author that made you and he gave you 512 IQ, a family, he is like your dad, actually, he is your dad. Go thank him on my behalf."

After all that, nothing special is noticeable, except that I have a bad feeling, the kind that gives goosebumps. Kimi teleports right behind me with the lightning stilleto and pushes me towards Miss Qinari, they then starts laughing at each other and it does not put a smile on my face, Kimi takes my hands bringing me back into his arms.

" We love you. You've been adopted by us and your mother is fine with it, after all, family is family and anyone that befriend you can become part of that family. You can even have lovers, they become a part of you. You who is reading too, you have to go forward no matter what."they say to me, they hug me tight, headpat me and clean my white hair while also hugging me. Right after that instant, I get goosebumps from a sound "woosh", the sound of an arrow targeting me and I do not have the agility to dodge, Kimi jump, takes the arrow in his very hands, jn the blink of an eye he disappeared from my side and Miss Qinari leaves me alone. I'm begging the author to make me fight a good villain in a peaceful way.