
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 12

Walking into a park, I sit on a bench thinking about my past.

It was filled with grief, sorrow, and just overall crushed hopelessness,I stared down at the ground. Holding my head I almost yell.

'I need to keep control of myself, of my emotions, it was way easier but no with this legacy its like my pride, judgment, and just overall emotions have been amplified'

I kept telling myself, 'It's gonna be ok mael, keep being strong. You will get them back for this'

'You will show them, the might of a God' a voice laced with slight anger appeared in my voice, and..it wasn't mine.

My vision starts to blur.


Waking up in my mind again, I glance around.It was a palace made entirely out of gold.

'What the hell is this place' stumbling on my feet I look around trying to comprehend how I had arrived here.

Suddenly a pressure descended upon the castle. It castle shook violently as another aura clashed with the one that just descended.

It was as if two beings were fighting with each other using their pressure, trying to sense who is the stronger of the two.

Suddenly a voice echoed through the castle

"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn!

You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart, "I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne. Above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the most high" But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.

The voice's authority was almost shocking. but almost immediately a voice that sounded oddly like mine said

"I refuse to be a scapegoat for something, I bear no responsibility. It's a theme in my life."

A Being of light arrived above the castle speaking, I got shocked to my core.

It was me, but I looked different. The strange being said, "Father you named me Lucifer Morningstar, a name worthy of the respect of admiration, and yet you wish for me to bear a responsibility that no one is evil enough to bear."

"This verse was fated to die from the start after creating a despicable race such as humans, you gave them intelligence that could almost rival yours's and the ability to evolve"


"Lucifer calm yourself, I gave you the power of the stars and yet you request to be free? After all, I've done for you son. Either you marry the princess of the conquest clan or bear the weight of becoming Death, Abaddon was a promising figure but you are more suited for the job"

"I REFUSE. Take your power's, take your responsibilities. You may my creator but only I decide my destiny"

The being made of light tore all of his 12 wings off, one by one, but then an army appeared in front of him. They all had wings, ranging from 1-10 wings each, none had 12 like the strange being that just tore his off though.

My jaw almost dropped, immediately turning and running, I stop.

I wanted to see what would happen, so I hid next to one of the rocks.

The strange being now identified as Lucifer said "Father, you have broken your promise"

Almost coughing out blood he continues " Brother's it will not end this way. We can still decide what we want to be. We can decide what we do"

A flaming aura surrounds lucifer as he continue's "All my life I have served father will all my might. It was why I was created is it not. I was the closest to being to his heart, and yet he finds his compassion in a race of lesser beings. He gave them free will to think and act freely, and yet, we the angels of Yahweh suffer in silence."

The aura around him got hotter as he continues " I am Lucifer Morningstar. A being loved by the stars. It may be his power but I make it my own. I have become strong enough to create my own destiny. After all only the strong can decide how things go, am I right Micheal ?"

Another angel came out of the crowd of flying beings, He looked exactly like Lucifer.

With tear's in his eye's he says " Lucifer I am sorry, but I am loyal to whoever created us, and at the moment it is Yahweh. I hope in our next lives we become comrades and brothers again"

"Hope, hope huh" Lucifer cocks his head back laughing

"Hope is just a word, The concept of hope is nothing more than giving up. A word that holds no true meaning. Power is necessary to make the decisions"

A flaming scythe appeared in his hand. "Her name is Rhitta, a maiden favoured by the sun"

Gasping the being he was talking to earlier says "So you have comprehended the concept of fire, destruction, and the stars. I was right to pick you."

But then something else happened, a golden aura encompassed lucifer's being, in his eyes was a look of disgust, it was as if he looked down on the other beings like they were inferior to him in nature.

He had become, The embodiment of Pride.

He was Lucifer Morningstar, The 1st prince of Hell and the Sin of Pride.

Micheal looked at Lucifer with fear in his eye's he say's "Brother do not harbor hate in your heart"

"HAHAHAHA" As he laughed the pressure he exerted became denser.

He stopped laughing and a frown of disgust appeared on his face as he says "I have no reason to feel hatred towards those beneath me. All I feel towards them is pity."

As he twirls his scythe he disappears from everyone's vision as the heads of 14,000 angels go missing.

Dodging a sword strike, he gabs the angel's hand flipping him over his shoulder as he rips their wings off.

A huge fireball appeared above the battlefield, it radiated pure heat.

Using the distraction as he takes off the head of another angel.

Dodging a projectile aimed at him, he catches it and throws it at an incoming angel.

He kicks an incoming angel in the stomach causing him to fly back at light speed and turn into meat paste.

Grabbing another by his shoulder kicking him in the face and jumping off his shoulder, he lands in the middle of a group of angels.

Kicking one back and grabbing him, he throws him at another angel, causing them to both turn into paste from the force he used.

Dodging another sword strike he grabs a random angel close to him and use's him as a meatshield for the incoming projectiles.

Having enough fun in pure combat, a fire circle surrounds the army then it turns into a fire pillar, exterminating all but one.

Micheal had serious injuries from that attack. Coughing blood he turns to lucifer saying

"Brother, please come back. You have been corrupted, come back to us. We can be a happy family again"

Stretching out his hand towards lucifer he looks at him with a smile.

Hesitating lucifer look's at Michael's hand, stretching his out to take Micheals his eyes widen.

Micheal got hit with a blast of dark energy, it was disintegrating him slowly.


Grabbing his only brother, he tried to suppress the invading energy in his body.

With murderous intent in his eyes, he turns to a hazy figure sitting on the throne.

"Father what have you done"

"Oh nothing, you see my hand slipped since I had the inheritance of death in my hand" the voice said oozing with obvious sarcasm

"Father.....if you don't tell me what to do now, I will murder all those pathetic insects you love called humans" Lucifer said murderously, Rhitta appearing back in his hand having a reddish golden glow

"Oh, that's easy, just accept the legacy and you can cleanse his body from the death energy"

Gritting his teeth he says " Fine but promises me you won't do anything to Micheal while I am gone"

"I promise" the voice said rather quickily.

"No swear it, swear it on your concept, on youre very being" Lucifer asked again, his voice seething with anger and poisonous rage.

"I (&*(&*(&^& Swear to not harm The 2nd brighest fragment of light Micheal, If harm comes to him intentionally from me, I shall die a pure death, leaving another to take my position as the *&^&&(*"

Walking up to the figure shrouded in mist, he takes the orb of darkness he swallows it in one gulp.

Mael who was hidden this whole time felt a thumping in his heart. His consciousness joined with that of lucifers.

His body was thumping in pain. Suddenly his memory became clearer. He was Lucifer, The Sin of Pride, A being accepted by the stars.

So what if he was prideful, he would accept himself for who he is. It was his Sin, he was who he decided to be.

As he was busy immersing himself in understanding who he truly was, The being shrouded in darkness took out a circular object with strange symbols.

He placed that on lucifer's forehead.

"We could've been friendly kin, but then you committed a deadly sin"

Wiping lucifer's memories, he then teleports him into the unknown.

He then gets off his throne, and use's his mysterious power to heal Micheal, but he also took out another ball, this time bright red in color, it had a blood-thirsty vibe to it, and inserted it into Micheals forehead.


As this was going on in his head.

In the outside world, the area that Mael had fallen asleep in was radiating intense heat.

Soon it started to spread, affecting everyone in the park.

Someone then called the police for illegal use of legacies in public area's.

As the police arrive they see a man floating inside of a cyclone of pure reddish-gold fire.

His hair had turned gold. His eye's stayed red but a dragon's pupil appeared in his eyes.

A tattoo appeared on his body, they were red lines that appeared on either side of his body.

His body looked as though it had been crafted by god's themselves.

They all stare in amazement, but suddenly it stopped.

The newly transformed mael layed on the floor.


As this was happening, millions of light year's away. 3 beings floated together. The being that glowed red said.

"My brother Lucifer has finally awoken. Our leader Death will soon be born"

The other 2 nods as they then scatter into thin air.


The wheels of faith have started to spin faster.

The end will come.

The wrath of Death will come upon all.

No one escapes Armageddon.