
Mythogius: The New World

Mythogius is a world filled with war, adventure and romance. This is the story of two families and their destiny.

evilzero123 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

"Thanks, Astra."

"You're welcome."

"Now I have a second scar. Who would date me now?"

"Arthas probably."

"I doubt… Maybe… No, he's like that to everyone."

"If everyone is you and Drake then sure." She teases handing Marcus his shirt. "How'd you get that one?" She asks, pointing at his chest.

"I got hurt during an encounter and instead of letting my mom heal me, I forced my sister to do it."

"Woah, how old were you?"

"Oh, 14. Yeah, it was the day I met Fiona."

"Ah… a girlfriend."

"Soon. Along with her sister."


"Yeah, I want a harem."


"You're goddamn right. I am… but I won't back down. Everyone needs a reason to keep going." Marcus finishes dressing and looks at the school in the far distance. "Come on, class is about to start. Do you have the ingredients?"

"Yeah… are you sure you're fine?"

"Of course, you were with me the whole time."

"I'm not joining. Flattery will get you nowhere." Astra states as she walks away.

"Never say never." Marcus laughs as he follows close behind.

Once the students return to school, they immediately head to Class B. The absence of ten students loomed through the class. Even though some ask for clarification on the missing students, Ms. Reeves dismisses it. Simple quests are given to students, like collecting flowerite or other materials, investigating areas that might have dangerous creatures. So it's not unusual for them to die. They did prepare themselves once they got accepted to the school.

Ms. Reeves sends them to another room with alchemist tools. Each pair of students are given a recipe book and a set of tools to create a potion. After reading the recipe they begin the process of crushing and mixing the ingredients into a thick wooden bowl filled with water infused with a steady stream of magic, the liquid starts to increase its density and shift to a brighter shade of the flowerite used.

Six different types of potions are made. The Potion of Regeneration is red, it could instantly seal cuts and small wounds with a side effect of losing ones sense of balance for a brief moment.

The Potion of Calm Mind is blue, mental boundaries and limitations are temporarily erased allowing the mental abilities to be completely unrestricted or subject to blockage with a side effect of gaining a massive headache for a few moments.

The Potion of Sensitivity is yellow, it enhances the five senses to their peak for a brief moment with a side effect of wanting to faint.

The Potion of Health is green, it reduces the effects of common and weak diseases from the body with a side effect of drowsiness.

The Potion of Recovery is orange, it instantly recovers a small percentage of fatigue with a side effect of losing all senses for a few moments.

The Potion of Physicality is purple, physical capabilities are increased by a decent percentage for a few moments with a side effect of becoming completely exhausted for a few moments.

Ms. Reeves explains to the students and states that only a single potion of any rank or type can be consumed once per day otherwise it'll have no effect. These potions are considered simple and common, costing about ten silver each. The reward for completing the quest is the knowledge of how to make potions and the ones that they have already made.

They go back to class and finish the rest of the day. Before they are excused Ms. Reeves has something to say.

"In a week the first years are going to have homecoming. If you misbehave you will be banned from participating. During this week all exploration outside of school grounds is off limits."

"Is there a dress code?" Drake asks.

"Yes, don't wear anything inappropriate and no school uniforms. Keep in mind that not everyone has to go. You can stay in your room or continue training, the choice is yours." Ms. Reeves says, leaning back on her chair. "After that we will hold your first exam with another class. More information will be given as the dates approach. You are dismissed."

"Nice, hey Astra." Marcus turns to face her.

"No, I don't want to get close to someone who wants several wives."

"Does that mean our relationship is done, reduced to atoms?"

"What? No, I still want to be friends."

"Okay." Marcus flicks her forehead. "Don't scare me like that." He exits the classroom clinging onto Drake and Arthas. Astra touches her forehead.

"Idiot." She whispers. Sarah gives her a smug grin before running out. "So annoying!"

A few days later, Drake invites his close friends out to hangout around the school's stores.

"Let's go shopping!" Drake yells once class ends.

"I don't think I'm going to go." Arthas responds.

"Don't be a baby. It'll be fun and if it's not we can always just leave."

"I already have a suit so I'm fine." Marcus answers.

"Oh yeah, the one your ex got for you." Drake teases. "New event, new suit."

"We never really dated so not really an ex." Marcus mumbles.

"That's ridiculous. I already have one." Arthas argues.

"Stop being a cheap ass. Don't you want to impress Akane?" Akane looks at them and smiles at Arthas. He hides his face quickly.

"Shut up, it's not like that. We're just friends." They start to leave class and walk around.

"Friends… who are going to homecoming together… and she asked you?"


"Even more reason to dress nicely, dumbass. Marcus, don't you want to have Astra and Sarah in your fantasy harem." Drake smoothly transitions the topic towards Marcus.


"I mean you spend so much time with them whenever you have the chance, sooner or later you're going to ditch us for them."

"I do want them, but I would need to get their approval to be in a relationship with me. Plus they don't see me that way. I already asked them and they both declined." Marcus explains.

"Didn't you say something about two other girls." Arthas asks.

"That's right, I have to find a way to contact them and my family. Rayner, do you have a spell that'll let me communicate with someone far away?"

"Yeah, but we have to do it in the room." Rayner says, walking behind them.

"Cool thanks. I owe you one."

"I asked out Rurena… she said yes." Rayner interrupts.

"The girl that sits next to you? Didn't think you'd do." Arthas says.

"Nice." Drake replies. "So we have four new suits to get before homecoming."

"Three, suits." Arthas announces. Drake gives him a confident look and the next thing the boys know is that they are leaving one of the school's stores with new clothes in bags.

"Why did I pay for everything?" Marcus questions.

"How did he do it? I swear I wasn't planning on coming." Arthas mumbles to himself.

"Well, the school hasn't given us any quests, that gives us money, so we aren't in a position to pay." Drake claims, carrying his bags. A group of students step in front of them, three girls and two boys.

"Are you guys from class B?" A black haired male student asks.

"No." Drake responds instantly. Marcus gives him a nudge.

"Yes, we're from class B. What can we help you with?"

"Marcus, let's go. They're from class D." Arthas whispers tugging on his sleeve.

"Why?" He asks before noticing the glaring eyes of the boys targeting Arthas.

"They're dragonslayers." Arthas says.

"I, Lance Bovidae, challenge you freaks to a duel." The boy with black hair announces.

"No thanks. Better luck next time. " Marcus says, walking past them. Two of the girls try to hold in their giggles. The one with dark violet eyes met Marcus' for a moment before swiftly glancing at Arthas. Arthas follows close behind, avoiding eye contact. Though with curiosity he keeps glancing at her, admiring her beautiful fair-skin. Soon the others follow as well. The girl with dark violet eyes grabs Marcus' wrist to stop him. She has black, smooth hair that reaches to her upper back and is tied in a half-up-half-down bun. She is a fairly tall girl with a slender, yet well-endowed figure. She's about the height of Arthas, not to mention she is built like a fighter. She wears a black and purple dress as if it was tailored for her.

"You embarrassed my companion." The girl claims.

"I just said no to the duel."

"After he announced his name. How about a four v four, one at a time with no weapons, elements or magic, unless of course both parties agree."

"I'll agree only if you tell me why we're fighting." The girl releases her grip and begins to give a short explanation.

"Well it's simple. We want to get stronger to complete our goals and fighting others will give us new knowledge and hopefully, teach us our own weakness."

"Fine, but we're making it a three v three." Marcus states, before his name is called in the distance.

"Marcus!" A familiar voice shouts.

"Astra? What seems to be the problem?" He responds, turning around noticing Sarah besides her. "Sarah?"

"You left us alone, with a stupid message!" Astra yells walking towards him getting close to his face.

"What was the message?" Drake asks.

"Train by yourselves until after homecoming." He explains.

"So because I declined your invitation, you ditch both of us? How is that fair for Sarah?"

"She didn't tell you?" Marcus gives her a grin. "She declined me as well."

"Not something to be proud of." Drake mumbles. Arthas nudges his arm. Astra gives Sarah a quick glance.

"I'll go with you." The girl says waving her hand. "If you can beat me."

"Who is this?" Astra asks.

"This is?" Marcus starts glancing at the girl for help.

"My name is Celeste Durandus. I'm a demon." She reaches for a hand shake then retreats once she realizes Astra isn't in the mood. "The one hiding behind me is my cousin Lilith." Celeste says, showing the girl behind her. She has black, straight short hair, and short bangs with a strand of hair that runs across her cheek. Her orange eyes stare at the ground, as she tightly holds onto Celeste's arm, trying to tiptoe to whisper something in her ear. She's at least 5 feet, maybe a little taller. "She's a little shy, with new people. Come on, Lilith. Where's your introduction?"

"Not necessary." She whispers, burying herself against Celeste back. She has a straw hat with a bright blue flower attached to it, it almost slips off with her current actions.

"Hi, my name is Kathrin Basilisk. I'm also a demon." The girl that giggled with Celeste says, offering her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. I didn't know your class had so many demons." Marcus says honestly, observing her silver hair gleam in the light, as her ponytail reaches her hips. Her clear ocean-like eyes look him up and down with a coy smile before strolling back towards the back of her group with her hands behind her. She wears a white duangua with a red piping top, with black duangua bottoms and black boots.

"I won't help you with your training if you can't greet them properly." Celeste informs Lilith.

"Not fair." Lilith mumbles. Lilith removes her hat and finally faces Marcus. "I'm Lilith… Nox." He offers his hand which causes her to step back. Instead of relying on Celeste to hide she puts her hat back on and tilts it to hide her face slightly.

"My name is Marcus Cain." He says, giving her a smile. "What's your favorite animal? Mine are Dragons." She lifts her hat to a more stable position and grabs his hand without a moment of hesitation. "Woah." He can see her more clearly. She's wearing a dark blue sundress that reaches slightly past her knees.

"Dragons! I love dragons." Lilith shouts excitedly, giving him her full attention. Her smile says it all.

"What type of dragon is your favorite?"

"Blue! Or maybe black?"

"Ha, dragons aren't animals, they're monsters." Lance intervenes. Lilith quickly quiets down and releases Marcus' hand. He glares at Lance as his comment leaves his mouth.

"If we continue this duel. I'm fighting Lance Bovidae. An angel should teach a demon some manners." He declares. Lance grins at the challenge.

"Fine by me." Lance states.

"Astra, we'll talk about this later." Astra furiously heads off towards the training ground with Sarah close behind. "Let's end this fast."

"Wait… so who am I fighting?" Celeste asks.

"Whoever you want, I guess." Drake states.

"Mmm, I want to fight you." Celeste points towards Arthas. "I'll fight you."

"Nope." Arthas answers flatly. "I won't do it."

"Why?" Drake asks.

"She'll kill me. Don't you see the necklace! She's a dragonslayer!" Arthas argues, pointing at the small metallic dragon skull necklace around Celeste's neck.

"How will you survive in these times when you're afraid of death?" Celeste spoke in a seductive tone.

"You're an idiot if you're not." Arthas argues.

"Tell me your name." She orders.

"You don't need it since we won't be fighting." Arthas argues in a serious tone, piquing her interest.

"His name is Arthas." Drake speaks out loud.

"Dude, what the hell."

"It's just a name, stop being dramatic," he argues.

"She won't kill you, I'll be there as support. No one will get more than a few cuts and bruises." Marcus states. "Unfortunately." He leads the way towards an open area. Arthas hesitates for a moment before following them.

"We still need permission!" He shouts.

John follows Helena, who is upset with him for a particular reason. They stop at a pond within school grounds. She sits on a bench nearby and stares at the pond observing the creatures that inhabit it. The trees shadow her letting only a few strings of light pierce through the branches.

"Why are you avoiding me?" She spoke, not giving him a moment of her sight. The soft frown on her, alerts him that this was the reason for her mood. He sits by her, before speaking his thoughts.

"I wasn't avoiding you. I just spent more time with my friends. Darius even told me that you have a great friendship with his sister. So I just assumed that you were fine."

"I am fine!" She shouts, scaring the fish. "I was just abandoned for another girl, by a man I… respect and would happily follow. I care about you, John and our relationship, but I can't maintain my view of you if you keep pushing me aside for that woman."

"Who? Momo?"

"Yes, her!"

"So you're jealous? If that's the case then we-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND A THING!" She snaps at me with a glare obviously holding onto her tears. "I left my position for you! The path already set by my family, thrown away for your dream! Just because I fell- I want to help you achieve your dream of being the Demon King. I truly believe you could unite all the factions together, especially after the Battle of Bloodhills." She pauses for a moment, fixing her hair from her face. "I'm not sure why we're here wasting our time when we could be in the army increasing our rank together."

"I told you before, I have to do something. This continent is the best place to do it." He stares at the bright sky. "I need more information before I can pursue being a candidate of a Demon Lord and I made a promise to a very important person that I'll help her find an island that might not exist. The journey to becoming the Demon King isn't short or easy, but with you by my side I know I can pull through." He turns back to Helena, staring deeply into her eyes. "Do you want to be my date to homecoming?" She stares blankly for a while, most likely feeling confused.

"What?" She answers with a slight smile. She wipes her eyes to get rid of the teary build up. He stands in front of her with confidence, offering his hand.

"I said, do you want to be my date?"

"What about Momo? Isn't she your girlfriend." She responds almost regretting it.

"I'm asking you, not her." Her face lit up with joy.

"Sure. I'll go, but only because you begged." She takes his hand and he pulls her up. He leans in and whispers in her ear.

"I look forward to seeing you in a dress." She grows red as a tomato.

"John… how about we go on a date tomorrow?"