
Mythmania: A Showcase of Souls

Freedom from reality itself. To be unbound by mortal restraints, and do whatever you want, whenever you want. The cosmos is filled with countless worlds to explore, and Ramiel is not the only one who craves for this power. Mythmania, an event for beings that reside within the stagnant space-time that is limbo. These broken souls are reincarnated to kill each other. The last man standing is not only free from limbo, but becomes blessed with cosmic energies. There is no time limit for this battle. All is fare and just in pursuit of freedom. So smile, and enjoy the carnage these combatants will bring to an innocent world.

Boundary_7272 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

2 Chapter 01: A Favour Taken

Ramiel wakes from his deep sleep. Finding himself embraced by the corner of a dark prison cell. The light on the passage wall beyond the metal bars is barely functional. It emits a feeble glow.

Being alive means mortal shortcomings. At this moment, he is hungry and thirsty.

'My powers have not yet returned to me. This is going to make escaping difficult. And my lack of knowledge about this world is not helping. All I can do is wait. Let's see what happens next.'

Footsteps echo through the passage. Ramiel doesn't even care to see who it could be. He continues to sit, staring at the ground.

"So it is you!" a familiar voice says.

Ramiel raises his head, "Zera? What are you doing here?"

"I meet with Lord Makin today. We were discussing whether the trade route to the south would be a possible venture, but on my way in I saw work being done on the roof so I had to ask. It was quite the destruction, and the lord's vassal mentioned your name. They also told me that you're being held here. I had to confirm this myself."

"You're negotiating trade deals? How long have you been here?"

"A month."


"You shouldn't insult the god's so blatantly. Do you understand?"

An urge to comply with Zera's words flood Ramiel's body.

Ramiel rises to his feet. "I will not obey you!"

"You resisted my command. You're not as powerless as I thought. Calm down, I was only checking if your powers had returned. It's too coincidental that you and me would be in proximity. Your powers must be in a passive state. The god's do truly despise you.

"Nevertheless, I've come to set you free. I don't know where the other players of this divine game are. So do not engage them without your powers."

"Where is this generosity coming from?"

"Thank you for bringing my son back to me." Zera starts to leave. "They'll release you in the morning. And give you some food to eat."

After awhile the sound of Zera's footsteps fade and silence returns to the prison cell.

Ramiel reclines against the wall. He mutters, "Your son was a fool. He was just playing pretend."

The night proceeds uneventful. Ramiel returns to sleep despite his stomachs protest.

The morning arrives. It's hard to tell from here. His only clue being the rise in chatter above.

A man in blue uniform had brought him breakfast. Zera's generosity continues to astound.

''I wonder what bird this is. Its meat is tender and slides easily down my throat and warms my stomach. Its eggs are orangey. And a side of buttered bread? My hunger has met its match'

After the satisfactory meal, Ramiel waits for his eventual release.

'Where will I go? If Zera has been here for a month, it's most likely the same for the other participants. This is annoying. I have to find a vantage point to get a sense of my bearings.'

The officer from this morning returns. This time he is accompanied by a taller, slender man. He wears red robes that reach his knees. The symbol of the fire pendant decorates his attire. It's like somebody decided to dress a lamppost with drapes.

The man introduces himself, "I am Archpriest Vusiki. You'll be coming with me."

"And if I decline your invitation?"

"Force will become necessary. You're at our mercy." A thin smile is set on the archpriest's face.

"So he sent his superior to fetch me. I am honoured." Ramiel mocks the priest with a poorly performed bow.

"Darne showed too much mercy. I wish he didn't." He turns his attention to the officer. "It is time that we leave."

"Oh, yes Father." The officer quickly unhooks the keys from his belt, and unlocks the prison door. It makes noise as it is slid open.

Priest Vusiki enters the cell. A wave of heat radiates from him. He approaches Ramiel, backing him against the wall.

"So what happened to my freedom?"

"Zera Keel, I don't know why he wants you free. Frankly, he is new here. But somehow he is able to command authority. I will not let this continue." The archpriest fails to maintain his smile.

Ramiel pats him on the shoulder. "No need for intimidation. I'll be coming with you voluntarily."

The heat dissipates.

'Zera your enemies want to make an example of me. You promised freedom. They want to take it away.'