
Mythmaker System: Last Chance

It was the year 2347. Earth was facing the Calamity, with countless monsters now roaming the planet. Within the death of a legend, a myth was born. As Nox took his final breathe, he voiced his regrets to the gods above. “If I had another chance, I would definitely save the world.” Impressed by his strength and willpower, a miracle was granted. Stripped of his memories, he was transported centuries into the future. 「You have met the conditions for transmigration.」 「Activating ■ ■ ■…」 「Welcome back, Challenger.」 Faced against entities with unfathomable abilities, he began his last life. Fortunately, he finally had the gist of it. 「Lives Remaining: 1」 …Or not?

nwov · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Village (4)

Blood spurted from the Otherworlder's mouth as the lizardman pulled his katana out of her. With a swift motion, he threw the seer onto the approaching Nox.

The Mythmaker stopped his attack, opting to catch the injured woman. The monstrous katana extended once more, piercing through Ruby.

Going right through her heart, Nox coughed out blood as he too, was pierced. A lucky wave of verdant energy blew the other swordsman back as his brain calculated his chances. The katana had barely missed his vital organs, still leaving a bloody hole in his chest.

'One minute.' he heard his familiar's voice.

Grasping Opal, his eyes shone with a cold calculativeness. The monster approached, still with a nasty grin on its face. Grabbing the corpse of the Otherworlder with his thick arms, he launched it at the Mythmaker once more.

However, with the fight reaching its climax, the creature should've known better.


The body couldn't even reach Nox as it was cleaved apart in midair, along with the unsuspecting lizardman. He was injured, but it wasn't enough to stop him from winning. The strike was too shallow, with only a few bloody scales to show.

Chuckling, the boy spit out a batch of blood as the grin left the reptile's face for the first time during the confrontation.

"Come, you bastard." He taunted, circling the beast.

Though slightly agitated this time, the other swordsman was smart enough to not make any rash decisions.

He made the first move, thrusting the azure blade. It was easily parried away as the monster leaned in for an elbow to the face.

Nox willingly took the hit. He felt his brain wobble at the impact as the scaled arm smashed into the side of his head like a baseball bat.

The lizardmen tried to follow it up with a slash, but the Mythmaker was ready.

With a few seconds remaining, he had been channeling all his energy into Opal. He was unable to use Slice as any further damage to his arms would remove any chance of ever healing them.

Swinging the glowing blade, the lizardman reacted with a tinge faster than he had hoped. The black katana was already there, diverting the force of his surprise attack.

Just then, Nox smirked. 

"Got you."

Releasing all the piled-up energy, his sword exploded into runes as Opal returned to his consciousness. The impact knocked both swordsmen away, almost leaving Nox unconscious.

He had lost too much blood to continue, but that had been the plan.

With the Challenger almost dead, his divinity finally kicked in.


The monster glared in anger as his hard work had all been for naught.

His torn muscles regenerated and attached back together as his open shoulder was sealed shut. Nox let the sensation flush over him as a torrent of stamina was shoved back into his body.

Thinking quickly, the lizardman tried to grab his katana that had been knocked away during the impact.

But this time, Nox was one step faster. Due to his newly refilled energy supply, he was able to knock the evil blade away before slamming a fist into the beast.

Cracking his steel helmet, fragments of the armor fell as the monster grabbed the Mythmaker's arm and headbutted him. His teeth clattered as he reeled back, slightly dazed.

The lizardman went in for another headbutt, but was stopped when an ivory spike was shoved into his chest. Green blood burst from his mouth as Nox connected it with another blow to the head. No matter how sturdy his scales and armor were, he was unable to defend against an attack that went right into his flesh. 

Stumbling back, the beast fell onto the floor.

Nox's previous attack caused the monster's horned helmet to break apart slightly, dropping a fragment of the ivory horn onto the ground.

Grabbing the cursed katana for himself, Nox frowned at the weapon. He could hear screams vibrating from within the wooden handle as it sent waves of attacks into his mind.

With bloodied teeth, the Mythmaker approached the fallen enemy as he left his divinity leave his body. Brushing off the screams, he stared down at the lizardman.

It had been the strongest monster he'd gone against by far, and it took everything he had and more to win. 

Perhaps hoping to take advantage of his momentary thoughts, the beast rushed in for a desperate attack. It opened his jaws to reveal a row of crooked teeth, aiming for his neck.

Unfortunately, Nox was more than prepared.


With his arms healed, he utilized his second aspect for the third time. Still staring daggers into the Mythmaker, the other swordsman unwillingly collapsed as his body was sliced cleanly in two, armor and all.

The cursed weapon slowly disappeared into the wind as the lizardmen lay on the ground, dead.

[You have slain Twisted Creature: Corrupted Swordsman of Von.]

[You have defeated a Sentinel.]

[You have received a Myth: Extending Blade.]

[Total points: 12.]

Staring up into the golden sun, he felt all the energy leave his body. He was utterly drained.

However, there were still things to do.

Using his hands, he started to dig a simple grave for the fallen Otherworlder. She had helped them stop the possible resurrection of a Constellation, as well as assist the two of them in battle.

In all likelihood, they couldn't have won without her.

Saying a short but emotional prayer, Nox buried the red-haired Challenger.

'May your soul rest in peace.'

He placed a red flower on top of the soil, watching as the winds eventually carried it away into the distance.

Glancing back at the stone monuments, he found that at some point, they had cracked. Now with three slain sentinels, there was nothing else to do on the island.

The last remaining house in the village suddenly shook… and opened. Just then, it started to rain.

Searching around for the Elysia, the Mythmaker found the once again unconscious mage. Inwardly praising the girl for defeating half of the monsters, he brought her to the small hut.

In the building, were three simple pieces of furniture.

A small wooden bed was layered with thin wool sheeting and a small white pillow. Next to it, was a dusty set of wooden tables and chairs.

He carefully placed the mage on the bed as he noticed a black notebook on the table.

[Constellation: Emperor of Noxus urges you to open it.]

Without anything better to do, he blew away the dust and slowly opened to the first page.

「You have been hit with a mental attack.」

「You have been cursed.」

We are approaching the end of Volume 1. Please leave a comment or just a power stone if you've enjoyed my story so far.

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