
Mythical Version of The Three Kingdoms

Chen Xi looked at the soldiers who had lifted a huge stone of hundreds of kilograms, and then looked at the sky silently. Is this really the end of Eastern Han Dynasty? Lu Bu single-handedly penetrated 10,000 troops, this is unscientific. Zhao Yun really possessed the soul of a dragon, and he cut the mountain with a sword. Is this really a human? Dian Wei protected Cao Cao single-handedly from the enemy army, and slaughtered thousands of soldier on the enemy side. This fighting power burst the chart! Isn't there something wrong with this? Chen Xi touched the goose feather fan and waved it. He sighed heavily, "This is a mythical world, I'm not in the normal world anymore." Disclaimer: This is not my original work. I am just translating it into English from machine translation, so it may not be in proper English and the meaning will be in how I interpret it. This novel can be found in mtlnovel.com. I got this from mtlnovel.com where the author name is Grave Grass (found in other website the name to be Tomb Soil and grass, so I am not sure of the author name) or in Chinese as Fentu Huangcao. Please pay attention to the WeChat public account of Grave Grass: dazhuzaiyuedu

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Chapter 78: Donglai Taishi Ci

It is said that King Zhao of Yan built a high platform at the beginning, which was later mentioned in the poem by Li Bai, "the golden platform, and the case of sapphire". The original high platform has become the golden platform. Since then, there has been the saying that golden platform is use for recruiting and the guests are given a case of sapphire.

Because there is such a thing, Liu Bei needs to build something for the recruitment, which is considered to be in accordance with the ancient ritual. Even if someone is looking to make trouble, it is supported by King Zhao of Yan, who has been dead for five hundred years. We just follow the ancient ritual.

When the recruitment order was issued, Liu Bei planned to follow King Zhao of Yan idea to build a fifty nine-foot high platform. Of course, it was impossible to build a 20 acre luxurious platform like King Zhao. Liu Bei's plan is to just build a mound with a radius of about two hundred meters. There is no way, he is not the overlord during the Spring and Autumn Period, and he is just a lord of Taishan.

Of course, as soon as Liu Bei's proposal came out, before Lu Su and others could second it, Chen Xi directly rejected it. If a group of people agree, it would be a bit contrary to the general trend to reject it. Smart people should always put themselves in the majority. Of course even if he is in the minority, he has the ability to suppress the majority. For now Chen Xi wants Liu Bei to stand on his side.

"Let's build a library of books." Chen Xi said with a smile on his face. "Anyway, the number of engraving prints can produce three to five hundred copies a day. At the beginning, King Zhao of Yan had a case of sapphire, and we can give one book per person..."

Chen Xi's proposal was directly rejected. The first proposal was very good. For the latter proposal, Lu Su was the first to disagree. A thousand-dollar book with ten thousand words, giving it away, you are too generous.

When the proposal was rejected, Chen Xi realized what was wrong after thinking about it. Unlike modern time, a book was definitely a family heirloom-level at this time, and the words he gave out were indeed a bit too much.

"Oh, then let us put the more than 10,000 printed books in the library and those selected by us can take the books back for reading. Of course, the time varies from one month to three months, how about it? "Chen Xi changed his suggestion, "As for the library, the north and south building can be use for the art of war, and the rest of the area is for other books."

"This sounds great!" Lu Su nodded, approving Chen Xi's idea, and then everyone else nodded. Liu Bei decided to build this instead and in order to show his dignity, he used the design of the imperial palace. The library is built in the same way, that is to say, the wall thickness will be more than two meters, and it is a pure stone structure. As for other wooden structures, it is no different, that is, the ancient standard tenon and mortise structure.

Of course, such illegal buildings must be reported, but in this troubled time, Liu Bei, a Han family member, can build such a building, and it was under the name of recruiting talents for the country. It can be said that the probability of the Emperor Xian passing it, is as high as 90%.

Having said so much, it is to illustrate one thing. This thing has not been built yet, so the place for recruiting talents was an open square...

When Liu Bei and Chen Xi came over, they saw a good looking man that was eight feet tall with two short halberds on his back, one long bow in his hand, and a sword across the waist standing next to Zang Ba.

"Lord, this is the Qingzhou Taishi Ci. He heard that the lord was recruiting talents, regardless of origin, so he came to join" Zang Ba saw Liu Bei's arrival, cupped his fists and said loudly.

"Well, I need a hero like Taishi Ci here. I dare to ask Taishi Ci, if he is willing to join!" Liu Bei laughed and asked Taishi Ci.

"I have seen Liu Bei." Taishi Ci cupped his hand and said, "I rushed all the way from Donglai, Qingzhou to Taishan county. Qingzhou has withered, and Taishan is now prosperous. I have avoided trouble in Youzhou and saw the displacement of Taishan counties. It has been less than a year since you entered Taishan, but Taishan has returned to its original prosperity. What I have heard along the way is that Liu Bei is truly generous and benevolent! I would like to follow Liu Bei, and don't dare disobey your order" Taishi Ci kneel on the ground.

Liu Bei hand propped Taishi Ci up, and saw the sincerity in Taishi Ci eyes. Liu Bei knew that this person must be the loyal, "Why be so polite. Taishi Ci please rise quickly. I have another member to revive the Han room!"

"Taishi Ci, this is Taishan county guard, my military adviser, Chen Xi. What you have seen along the way are all the plans made by Chen Xi. In half a year, he gather the refugees, revitalize the farmers, and brought in merchants." Liu Bei smiled and introduced Taishi Ci to Chen Xi.

"Taishan Chen Xi has seen Taishi Ci." Chen Xi respectfully greeted.

"Don't dare. I heard that Taishan county guard was under twenty years old, but I wasn't expecting him to be so young." Taishi Ci sighed with emotion, and said, "When I avoided the disaster in Liaodong county of Youzhou I saw the big Confucian Huaziyu (Hua Xin), Bing Genju (Bing Yuan), Guan Youan (Guan Ning), and Wang Yanfang (Wang Lie). They also governed Liaodong and managed the originally dilapidated Liaodong into a paradise on earth within half a year. I didn't expect to see a similar person in the Central Plains."

"Don't praise so much..." Chen Xi smiled bitterly. Those four are absolutely incomparable people. Wang Lie's moral character is enough to make one feel ashamed, Hua Xin's eloquence makes people feel ashamed, Guan Ning's morals make people feel ashamed, and Bing Yuan's moral persistence makes people feel ashamed.

In short, these four people are all drawn as benchmarks. Whoever dares to compare with them is simply courting death. Naturally, Chen Xi would not specially give people his head, but Taishi Ci revealed a very important message, that is the four hermits are still in Liaodong.

As arranged by Chen Xi, as soon as Taishi Ci came, Liu Bei would pick up Taishi Ci, hold a banquet and entertain him. Then arrange for him to go to Zhao Yun to help train the field soldiers and assist Zhao Yun with some farming matters.

After all, Taishi Ci can be regarded as a native of Qingzhou. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei now have surreptitiously invaded the territory of Qingzhou, and Zhao Yun is now leading the Qingzhou refugees to reclaim the land in the area of ​​Qiguoguan countie in Qingzhou under the banner of humanitarian assistance, to prepare them to sow winter wheat.

Chen Xi has always felt that he needs to have a leading party or something, and Taishi Ci was a local, isn't this very familiar? And Taishi Ci's righteousness has spread throughout Qingzhou, isn't this fame? Well-known and familiar with the terrain, isn't this the most suitable party to lead the way?

With this arrangement, Taishi Ci was very satisfied. First of all, he had gotten more than 5,000 field soldiers and more than 1,000 infantry soldiers. He was also asked to clear the Yellow Turban bandits near Qingzhou and rescue his fellow villagers!

This is simply too much for Taishi Ci! Naturally Taishi Ci slapped his chest to ensure that he would clear all the Yellow Turbans who dared to approach Taishan county, and promised to turn the Yellow Turban bandits into labor...

For Taishi Ci, Chen Xi was confident to hand over the troops to him and let him lead the soldiers. But now, the person standing in front of him, Chen Xi was not all relieved, "We have never said that we will recruit child labor!"