
Mythical King

Donate: https://ko-fi.com/courtcamp He lived his days out on a snowy mountain, unaware of the disasters that he would have to unfold in his future. Wanting to live out his days enjoying the company of beast and solitude, was ruined. One of his daily strolls through the ice forest was the biggest factor to that change, the body of a human in a icy slope. From then on, the big bully and the affairs of the realm flock to him. Thinking that he would mainly play the role of a cannon fodder in fate of the realm. Sadly destiny had another

Fallingsky · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 30

Please enjoy. 

All in all he had an eternal look, even though the cold around him caused his lips to appear purple in color, but nothing could taken away from his appearance even the bruises and cuts.

Upon gazing at him, the feeling of pain and warmth spread out throughout my body.

The need to ensure that I protect and care for this lite a fight of desire in my heart. Not wanting to see the person who cause such weird emotional reactions for my body, hurt caused me to get out of my stupor and try to assist.

I rushed over to try and help him with his injuries, but the sad thing about this was as my hands proceeded to touch him, my hands went right through him, as if he was not even present their.

Disbelief oozed from my emotions as I could only watch as the injuries got worst. Even though I failed to help, I remain at his side watching as his wounds got worse over the course of time.

His wounds was the only thing that got worse, my emotions went dark and dark. It seem that due to my incoherent need to watch over this man, that was a giant compare to me suffer from his wounds, I didn't notice that the snow and light that had permitted around my for the hours I was stick in the dream faded out.

It came to the point where, by times I notice, only darkness was around. The person I made my mind up to watch till the end had disappeared as well as the whole landscape at the bottom of the mountain.

I wasn't even able to see my hands but I was aware that tears ran from my eyes just knowing that I wasn't able to save the man of my dreams.

I don't know when the dream ended but I woke with a startle from my dreams. I notice that the head rest that was used as cushion was soaked with tears that still leaked from my eyes.

It took a while from me to calm down my emotions and for the tears to stop. I repeated to myself that it was just a dream and that it didn't happen in real life.

Even though I tried to convince myself of that something in the back of mind just kept telling me that this was something that is real.

By the time, I was finish gathering myself the sun had started to peak out from the horizon. I guess start of my day was not the best, I prepared breakfast for me and my Shou Beast.

" Guys, I wanna head to the foot of the mountain. Do you wanna join me?", I asked them, the feeling had gotten more intense since waking up so I will just check the foot of the mountain.

It won't hurt to look maybe I can ease my unease that way.

They all agreed, so I started getting things ready to head down the mountain. I will be scouring the entire area of the bottom of the mountain.

" Let's go now so that we can reach back home before its dark" I said as we started our journey. 

King Elijah POV:

"Is everything ready" I contacted Caius through telepathy and asked if the foolproof plan was set. " Yes Sire, we are all set.

They're bringing him to the specific location as we speak" he answered, assuring me that everything is done and that there will not be any abnormalities.

I governed over the plans to ensure that all casualties will happen outside our boundaries, I couldn't afford for the dragons to flatten this city right now. 

After I am gone, then they can cause all kind of damage, could care less if the people of this kingdom die.

Once I achieve my plans and I I able to create my ultimate Trump card. I was also sure to ensure that none of the people that will be involved in this secret mission is based in our nation or associated with anyone in this kingdom.

A few rogue were shifters have been trained since the beginning of this country and we will use them to ensure that no one associates them with us.

Also a few Dark Elves will be included, it's a shame that they don't know what's coming to them. They probably think that is someone from other nations that we have always had a problem with.

They will get the shock of their life when they learn that it is a dragon,even worse is finding out it's the first prince of the dragon nation, a royal.


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