
Mythical King

Donate: https://ko-fi.com/courtcamp He lived his days out on a snowy mountain, unaware of the disasters that he would have to unfold in his future. Wanting to live out his days enjoying the company of beast and solitude, was ruined. One of his daily strolls through the ice forest was the biggest factor to that change, the body of a human in a icy slope. From then on, the big bully and the affairs of the realm flock to him. Thinking that he would mainly play the role of a cannon fodder in fate of the realm. Sadly destiny had another

Fallingsky · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 21

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He also mentioned that he has a title that makes him more powerful. He also mentioned that only Dragons are bestowed with titles, the titles provide each dragon with a boost of power that allows them to surpass their current power grade. I was also able to learn from him about how we are able to determine who is stronger and weaker than our current self. 

Due to the insistence of the Shou siblings, the Ice Dragon, Elliot, was able to confirm the siblings rivalry to see who is more powerful, all 6 beasts are Phoenix Grade, Yi Shou, Er Shou and San Shou are all High Phoenix Grade. And Si Shou, Wu Shou and Liu Shou are Medium Phoenix Grade. Sadly, the Ice dragon refused to provide me with my power grade or his. 

Even though he didn't provide me with my power grade, I am aware that it is higher than the Shou beast because I am more powerful that all of them. I was also able to learn that my pets are known as wild beasts or animals to outside nations. 

Throughout the months, I have learned that I can only communicate with the animals and beasts through telepathy, this puts the seed of confusion in my mind. Will I ever be able to communicate with other races when they are in their humanoid forms? The memories with my grandparents are those really, I recall talking aloud to them and not through telepathy.

So I went to find King Elliot. " I have a concern, I hope you can help me. '' I shouted at the entrance of the grand glacier cave to get his attention. I could hear his approach due to the huge wind turbulent that gathered from the back of the cave. 

"What is it that you want help with, Aro '' A chilly voice resounded in my head, his voice no longer startle me seeing as we communicate on a daily basis just like this. "Will I be able to communicate with the other races? I can only interact with you guys through telepathy.

If we are able to speak like that, why can't you speak out loud like I can?"I asked him through telepathy, waiting anxiously for an answer so I can dispel this knot in my mind. 

"Youngling, you are different from the average Beast Race, shape shifter wolf. You are special, you are born with the innate ability to understand all living things from this realm. So yes you will be able to identify and communicate with the other shape shifter. " Really" I beamed;

"Will I be able to have a title like the Dragons you mentioned, does the ability to understand and communicate with all living things give me a power boost?"I asked with glee, I didn't think that I would have something like the ability to speak to each being. 

"Haha, it's not that easy. You first have to be a dragon, next a ritual would have to be completed in a ritual at the time of your birth to cement that your title was accepted in the presence of a Spirit Dweller" Elliot replied,laughing at my so-called silly idea. "I think your gift is rewarding enough and pup remember that you're not a dragon" he finished, we spoke about a few different topics, such as, the different beast race shape shifters.

Dragons, Mer-people, Golems, Light Elves, Dark Elves, were shape shifters, I am said to fall under the last category, it is also said the Were-people are the most abundant, because of the many types of Were-people. 

Werewolves, were-coyotes, were-lion, were-jaguars and panthers all fall under Were-cats. Werewolves, especially Elemental Wolves are the most powerful of that race. 


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Short chapter, sorry.