
Mythical Hunter

[Ancient Dragon Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 200,000,000/200,000,000 State: Aggressive] [Mountain God Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 250,000,000/200,000,000 State: Furious] [Eye of Cthulhu Rank: Demi-God Level: 900 HP: 150,000,000,/150,000,000 State: Murderous] Three god-like entities face a human in a desolate land where space had been distorted. Just being near one was enough to kill any living organisms much enough to face one. This mysterious man didn't look pressured as he was enveloped in a white transparent orb that nullified the distorting space. "Let's end this madness and go home." The man summoned a steel staff in his hand. One diagonal wave, the steel staff expanded into the length of a skyscraper as it radiated the heat of the sun. The entities let out a wild roar as they fired an attack. The Ancient dragon roared an energy beam burning in purple light. The Mountain God fired a golden streak of light. The Eye of Cthulhu shot a powerful red Lazer. A single attack was enough to vaporize an entire planet and each one of them was aimed at the man. The man didn't cower nor flee from the incoming attack and simply stood as he etched a grin. "It's useless." The beams of light shot at him and as they made contact with the white barrier that encased him, it disintegrated into nothingness. Seeing that their attack didn't even work on the man, they felt angered and terrified at the man but they didn't falter as having the reputation of Demi-God, they continued to attack. They shot fires of attack but the man was completely unscathed. They began to slow down showing signs of their mana being depleted so the man immediately counterattacked. With a weave of his giant staff, the three entities were flung away into another continent, and the man chased and bombarded them with the staff. Their body was burned from the flame that enveloped the staff and beaten into chunks and mush. Their health quickly depleted as they couldn't do anything to defend against an attack that penetrates any form of defense. It was a one-sided massacre that left the demi-gods on the brink of death. A single hit from the staff was enough to kill them. Suddenly, the white barrier began to flicker as its effect duration was ending. The man was startled so, at the last second, he threw the final attack which killed the three simultaneously. Ting~ [YOU HAVE KILLED THE ANCIENT DRAGON] [YOU HAVE KILLED THE MOUNTAIN GOD] [YOU HAVE KILLED THE EYE OF CTHULHU] [+1,345,678,900 EXP] [LEVEL UP] [LEVEL UP] [LEVEL UP] . . . . . Window panels appeared on the man's vision as he lay on the ground. As the final second passed, the white orb had completely disappeared. Soon the man began to suffer excruciating pain, he quickly return his staff to his inventory as the flames had burned his arm into char. He unequipped the items he wore as the side effects of the equipment came into effect which strained his body. [HP: 610/2,450,500] He was now on the brink of death as the debuff continued to stack. He wasn't sad that he was gonna die he was happy as tears fell out of his eyes. "Finally, I can go back home." His body uncontrollably twitch as foam covered his mouth. His eyes turned white and his veins became very visibly red. He turned purple and stopped twitching as he turned cold, becoming a corpse. Ting~ [YOU HAVE DIED!] [YOUR FINAL LIFE PASS HAS BEEN USED, YOU WILL BE FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM GOD'S DOMAIN] Ting~ [YOU HAVE REVIVED!]

Lerex · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 17: I Shall Return

Xerel went closer to look at the man and no matter how much he tries to differentiate him from a humanoid, he was a human.

'There's no way he could be a human, the system has already stated that I'm the first human to set foot in this world so he could technically be from another race that just coincidentally looks like a human. Now that I observe him more his body doesn't contain any mana at all! A normal human would have a trace of Mana even if they try to conceal it unless, of course, it's a master on that category, I don't know anyone who can do that. Let's check his information.'

Xerel went closer to check on the man, although the man wasn't able to detect his presence, Xerel made sure to be very silent with every step he makes because the man gave off a dangerous vibe.



Rank: Sword Saint Kepler

Level: 820

HP: 10,000,000/10,000,000

State: Calm, Enigmatic]

'Shit! This guy is bad news!'

Xerel immediately speed up to escape the man but suddenly, a voice reverberated on his head. So he halted his steps.

"Once you've entered my territory, there's no chance of escape."

The voice had come from Almadeas who had used [Mana Translation]. Xerel averted his gaze on the man and Almadeas was still in his position, and had not moved an inch.

'I don't think he can see me though...was he just mumbling to himself or he did detect me but why does his state not show any change of alert?'

Xerel didn't think hard of the words of Almadeas as he left using the small hole on the wall of corpses where he had previously passed through.


He suddenly felt as if his head just hit a wall but there was none in his front. He placed his hands on the hole and realized that there was an invisible barrier that blocked his escape.

'An invisible forcefield? But there's no Mana in it, if it was an ability, Mana should be present but why do I not feel any magic from this barrier?'

The barrier was like an invisible glass, Xerel wouldn't be able to see it despite having x-ray visions. There was nothing yet there was something, there was no way for you to know its existence unless you physically felt it and even if you did feel it, without having sensitive senses, you'd think that it was just some mind trick that's playing with your senses.

"I already told you, escape is futile. Once you are inside my territory, not even death lets you escape this place."

' Don't make me laugh.-!'

As soon as Xerel averted his gaze back to Almadeas, the man was already in front of him. With his golden eyes, he locked his gaze at Xerel at the point that his stares seems to look at his soul. It was a deadly jumpscare that could kill anyone with a weak heart.


Almadeas held Xerel on his neck as his Invisibility disappeared revealing him in his chimera ant state.


Xerel struggled to remove Almadeas' hand away from his neck as he dug deeper with his gauntlet through his throat that easily broke his hard exoskeleton.

"Tell me, who are you?"




Xerel began to scratch Almadeas with his sharp claws but his nails had shattered like glass after he made an impact with his armor. It gleamed in golden light as his eyes brimmed like diamonds.

White faint energy was slowly being drained out of Xerel's body. This was his soul being sucked by 1% every second. He was slowly fading out of consciousness and soon would die.


In an instant, Xerel escaped from his grasp but he wasn't able to escape the barrier and was just a few meters behind Almadeas.

His soul returned from his body as he panted in exhaustion.

'Although I didn't feel any pain from his grip, the damage he dealt was still a lot.!'

"I expected you wouldn't die just like that, but I didn't expect that a monster like you has spatial abilities. What race are you from?"

Almadeas asked as he stared at the panting humanoid ant in curiosity.

"I'm just like you okay? Here."

Xerel morphed back to his human form in glee. He was expecting a surprised reaction but seeing his state unchanging, his doubts went straight to his expression.

' What's with that awful look on your face?'

Xerel looked at the man confusingly as he started to remove his clothes and revealed his half-naked body to show the man that he was really of his kind. But seeing his passive reaction, Xerel wasn't so sure if he believed him.

"See? I'm the same species as you, although our race is called Human, we still look the same."

"I'm impressed. So you're a race of shapeshifters called Humans that can change to any form they wish with terrifying accuracy. But even if you're telling the truth, one thing that distinguishes us Keplers from other species is that we don't contain the blue essence. Our powers derived from our spiritual energy and so we are the only Noble species in the world connected to the great creator."

"Ah, so that's why I couldn't detect any presence from your powers at all. I mean having powers like that, you'd be more of a grim reaper than a sword saint."


In a millimeter of a second, Almadeas held his greatsword and aimed it at Xerel's neck. Xerel was shocked at the scene as he didn't even sense the sword in his neck as he just saw it on the ground beside him.

"How do you know I'm a Sword Saint?"

Almadeas asked in a serious tone. His calm state was replaced with Suspicion. Realizing the mistake Xerel did, he swallowed his nervous saliva.

'Shit, I shouldn't have said that!'

Xerel couldn't think of any excuse to say as one slip-up, his head would surely be lopped off from his body.

"Shit! [Vineyard]!"


5 golden vines spread out from the ground as each one latched on to Almadeas and restricted his movements.

"I'm not here to fight you okay? I don't mean any harm and I just arrived here out of curiosity, if you let me out of here, I'll tell you the direction to the World Tree, how about it?"

"So you're also chosen by that Tree huh?"

"Exactly so if you let me esca-"

"That's the more reason I should not let you escape."

Like thin paper, Almadeas simply shrug off the vines that held his body and they fell on the ground not even dealing single damage.


Xerel was dumbfounded at what he saw. It was a skill that he was confident to lock in position any strong opponent but Almadeas simply moved his body a bit and the vines had lost their purpose. Almadeas could understand Xerel's reaction as he spoke.

"Our Noble bodies are made to resist the blue essence, anything that is imbued with the blue essence is practically useless against me. The only thing that could deal the slightest damage would be physical power. So if I were you, I wouldn't waste my energy on those petty tricks of yours and fight me like a real man."

'If what he says is true and I don't doubt that he's lying considering his prideful status, defeating him is virtually impossible. I don't have good hand-to-hand combat experience and I rely mostly on my skills, fighting him is no different from suicide.'

Xerel sighed upon the realization of the dire circumstances he was currently in. Equipping his armors to add for his lacking status was a choice he could choose but seeing that the monster core had been damaged a bit after making contact with him, he was afraid that the same thing would apply to his equipment. He already lost some great weapons and he didn't want to lose one again but in this situation, that was the only choice he had if he wants to increase his chances of survival.

"Fuck it!"

Xerel summoned Deathly Hallows and used its sickle mode as it was the more closed range and fast. He pushed the blade away from his neck by parrying it with the sickle and crouched like a mantis.


Almadeas' great sword was flung by a meter and was surprised at this outcome. He intently focused on the weapon in Xerel's hands and could feel a weird aura covering it.

"You have an odd weapon."

"I know, I just got it a while ago. Are you interested? Well, it's not for sale since it's my only weapon."

"I'm interested but I don't want to use it...I'm gonna destroy it!"


Almadeas weaved his great sword towards Xerel and he blocked it using the sickles as he was pushed farther back to the barrier. Sparks generated from the two clashing weapons.


'Urgh! It's so....heavy!'

Xerel's wrist was about to snap if he continued to wrestle with the strength of the sword so he immediately rolled down to avoid the slash and it clashed with the barrier.


The sound of the collision echoed around the place and Xerel stood up. He collected his mind ready to defend against any incoming attack but Almadeas was already in front of him thrusting his sword right at his chest.




Xerel coughed up blood as he manage to dodge the blade from a fatal hit. Although the sword was able to graze his side, it still dealt quite a heavy damage.


The sickles brimmed in the red aura and by using the ancient elven technique, his movements were more refined and fast.

"Too slow-keuk?!"


Almadeas was surprised as the sickle manage to pierce through his armor and dealt massive damage. He coughed up blood as he hurled himself back.

Xerel had aimed at the shown weak point on his body and was even surprised himself seeing that he was able to deal bigger damage than he expected it to be.

Almadeas looked at the wound in his chest but it didn't heal by itself as more pain spread through it causing him to kneel on the ground as he groaned.






'It seems like the corrupting effect of [Touch of Death] works on him since there's a blood-red number above his head indicating the death mark.'

Almadeas veins bulged on his head his face turned red. He started chanting a spell as his hand glowed in a golden light and began healing his wounds.

The wounds were slowly healing from the light and he could see his health regenerate and the death mark disappear. Xerel clicked his tongue at the sight and now that he could find a way to defeat Almadeas, he was pumped up and ready.

"Now let's do th-"


Before Xerel realized it, his body suddenly fell to the ground. Confused, he looked around and saw Almadeas move past him and went on his front aiming his blade again to his neck.

'Why can't I stand up?'

Xerel wondered as he watched the ground, his confused face quickly inverted to a sullen look as he saw his lower body on the other side of the floor.

He was cut in half before he could even notice that his pain receptors didn't trigger until he realized he had been sliced up.

"Now tell, what are your last words?"

Almadeas slowly pushed his sword through his throat but Xerel was still able to speak.

"I shall return."


Xerel's head was lopped off as it rolled and tumbled to the ground. Almadeas was about to grab on the sickles on Xerel's dead body as the body and the weapon dispersed into dust but he wasn't much surprised by this as he knelt on the ground with his sword.

"Oh, great Asmodeus, the creator of all. Your descendants have managed to vanquished another soul for your return."

A golden wisp started to swirl around Almadeas as it spoke in a very eerie voice.

"G O O D"

Sorry for the late upload~

Lerexcreators' thoughts