
Chapter 41 The Unstoppable Ahead

Translator: 549690339

Under normal conditions, the stronger individuals naturally strive to climb higher in rankings. Therefore, the students guarding the arenas with later rankings tend to be weaker.

But the absolute oppressive force displayed by Jack Clark didn't seem weak in any way.

Therefore, after the second challenger was cut down, for a moment, the students observing from two or three surrounding arenas looked solemn and hesitant, with no one stepping forward.

On the arena, Jack Clark looked around and asked, "Does no one wish to challenge?"

"I will."

Just then, a male student carrying a huge sword like a door panel on his back approached. Seeing that no one had taken the stage of No.49 arena, he eagerly leaped onto it.

"Class 1, Mullen Weisz."

"Class 3, Jack Clark."

Both announced their class names politely, then Mullen Weisz drew his forty-centimeter wide, over 2 meters long huge sword and cautioned.

"Brother, I practice the Advanced Skill Imperial Capital Giant Sword, which involves large and powerful sweeping strikes meant to overwhelm opponents with strength. Be careful later on."

Jack Clark was caught off guard by his opponent's straightforwardness, revealing even his skill focus up front. He paused slightly before divulging his own skills: "…I practice the low-level martial skills Dragon Elephant Art, focusing primarily on strength; my power is rather 'huge.'

"What… low-level martial arts?"

Mullen Weisz was first taken aback, then a relaxed smile appeared on his face: "Brother, although I don't want to take advantage of you, for the extra contribution reward points, I'll have to take your ranking."

Jack Clark's gaze turned odd: "No worries, if I lose, it would simply show that I was out-skilled."

"Let's begin, and may the better one win."

With that said, Mullen Weisz pointed his long sword, his demeanor suddenly changing, engulfing the surroundings with a heavy oppressiveness, his aura imposing.

This strength… Jack Clark's eyes narrowed, his expression getting a bit more serious because he felt that Mullen Weisz might be as strong as Marcus Lindsay.

Boom! Mullen Weisz stomped down forcefully, the ground shaking slightly under his formidable strength as he lunged at Jack Clark with both hands on his sword, slashing down in one swift movement.


The instant the sword and the blade collided, sparks flew in all directions, the collision sending an invisible shockwave dispersing through the surrounding air.

How is this possible! Watching Jack Clark block his sword strike, Mullen Weisz was startled. Didn't you say you practiced low-level martial arts?

Out of respect for him, Jack Clark held his blade with both hands. After blocking Mullen Weisz's first strike, he let out a burst of Furious Power from his arms, propelling his opponent back.

Then came a dragging slash… Clang! Sparks scattered again.

Another horizontal strike.

With both hands on the blade, he spun and delivered a full-strength slash… Clang, clang, clang!!

After five consecutive ferocious slashes, Mullen Weisz was pushed back to the edge of the arena, overwhelmed by Jack Clark's overbearing strength.

At that moment, another blade's light tore through the raging wind appeared before him, too fast to dodge, so he instinctively blocked with his sword in front of him.

Clang! Under the massive force, Mullen Weisz fell off the arena.

Jack Clark exhaled lightly, sheathed his blade, and stood upright, looking down at a somewhat bewildered Mullen Weisz with a smile, "Student Weisz, it seems that No.49 is still mine."

"I… Student Clark, are you really practicing low-level martial arts?" Mullen Weisz was still in a daze.

Jack Clark nodded: "Indeed."

A distressed look crossed Mullen Weisz's face: "Damn, if I had known, I wouldn't have challenged you. This is a huge loss."

Originally, he had seen that students in the front rows of arenas were quite fierce and, without being absolutely certain of victory, had purposely come to challenge at the back.

He thought that the students guarding these latter arenas would be weaker, allowing him to win easily. Since the rewards for the Top 50 were the same, he didn't care about his specific ranking.

But to his surprise, by picking an arena at random, he had encountered a freak who practiced low-level martial arts yet could crush him with absolute strength.

And with everyone having only one chance to challenge, all he could do was watch from then on.

At this thought, Mullen Weisz felt even more frustrated.

But there was nothing he could do, having lost, he could only turn and leave.

After witnessing Jack Clark's strength, no one from the surrounding arenas dared to step up. After waiting a moment, another female student came from the front.

This female student, similar to Mullen Weisz, hoped for easy pickings at the latter part of the arenas. Excited to see No.49 unclaimed, she eagerly jumped onto it.

And then... Jack Clark was sent flying with three slashes.

After winning four consecutive matches, Jack Clark securely held his ranking at No. 49.

Huff, huff!!

At the neighboring Number 50 Arena, Zac Maben, who had just defeated a challenger, panted and admired Jack Clark from ten meters away, "Dude, you're really impressive."

Compared to how exhausted he was every time he defeated an opponent, that expert across from him was like a breeze sweeping away leaves, sweeping all challengers with just a few slashes.

Jack Clark smiled slightly and humbly said, "Not at all, just got lucky."

Zac Maben rolled his eyes, "Brother, no need to be so modest, we all saw how fierce you were just now."

"Brother, with how strong you are, why don't you go to the front?" Zac Maben was a bit curious.

Jack Clark shook his head and humbly said, "The students up front are too strong, I don't see myself as a match, it's good enough to mix in and get a ranking at the back."

"...Suddenly, I don't feel like talking to you anymore." Zac Maben was speechless, put down his weapon, and sat down cross-legged to rest and recover.

Just like the first round, there was a bit of time to rest and recover after each battle.

Standing on the Martial Arts Arena, Jack Clark looked into the distance. Fierce battles were still going on at those arenas, and it was estimated that the second round would take another half an hour to finish.

While waiting in boredom, Jack Clark quietly analyzed his gains from the day.

Although he had easily resolved most of his opponents, during the battle, the opponent's reactions and countermeasures were, from another perspective, worth learning for him as well.

Besides, the reason he could do this so easily was that his strength had improved over the past few days, with his strength attribute already reaching 68 points.

Now his arm strength was about 450 kilograms, which is already the equivalent of 9 times that of an average person, not just the six-plus times indicated by the data.

It seemed that the higher the Four Major Attributes were, the greater the overall growth, instead of increasing according to the normal multiples.

In the audience seats, Justin Welan was numbed with shock, gazing at Jack Clark on the Number 49 Arena bewilderingly, "What's going on? How did Jack become so fierce all of a sudden?"

You should know that there are over a hundred 'geniuses' in the school who made breakthroughs within a week, and except the few unlucky ones like him, the rest have all entered the Top 200.

In such circumstances, Jack Clark, one slash per challenger, consecutively knocked down four challengers off the arena, exhibiting a crushing strength that is enough to enter the top ten of the year.

Is this still the Jack Clark he knew? Is it that friend who barely managed to reach the Foundation Establishment and cultivated two low-level martial arts half a month ago?

Or was it that Jack Clark was just pretending during their practice a few days ago?

Freya Louise smiled faintly and spoke softly, "It's because of the True Martial Compatibility, he said that during the days he practiced Dragon Elephant Power, his strength strangely doubled."

"...True Martial Compatibility, no wonder."

With realization, Justin Welan said, "I remember during his Foundation Establishment, Jack had a very high cultivation skill compatibility with physique and strength-enhancing types, but I didn't expect..."

Pausing, Justin Welan's face showed a hint of pity.

Because Dragon Elephant Power was only a low-level martial art, its potential was limited.

Even if Jack Clark's compatibility was high and he could quickly break through the First Layer Heaven and Second Layer Heaven, the gap with those who had cultivated advanced skills was still significant.

This gap was not only in terms of the upper limit of the cultivation methods but also in their enhancement and burst moves.

In the First Layer Heaven, where True Strength had not yet been cultivated, the gap between low-level martial arts and advanced skills was not very obvious.

At this stage, the low-level martial arts provided an enhancement of about one times, while advanced ones were around one-and-a-half times.

But when reaching the Second Layer and cultivating True Strength, low-level martial arts only offer a twice enhancement, whereas the True Strength from advanced skills starts at three times.

Some with very high compatibility could even burst forth with four or even five times enhancement.

It meant that at the early stage of the Second Layer Heaven, when everyone's basic strength was around four hundred kilograms, the strength type low-level martial arts could burst out with over two thousand kilograms of impact force.

However, with the True Strength enhancement from advanced skills, this same base strength could easily burst with over three thousand, or even four thousand kilograms of force.

That was just basic strength, not considering the burst moves that come with advanced skills.

So, in the aftermath of the Second Layer Heaven, the gap between both sides would widen rapidly.

Additionally, breaking through to the Second Layer with advanced skills, it processes Heavenly Energy faster, and the True Strength cultivated is purer and comes with other advantages...

Thinking this, Justin Welan looked regretful.

If Jack Clark's initial talent had been just a bit better, able to reach the Foundation Establishment within a week, he could have cultivated an advanced skill by now, but now... Sigh!