

"Ah man, I'm so bored right now.", said the guard at the gates of an immense wall. This easily spanned 50 miles and reached a height of 4 miles. At the point where the stone paved road connected with the wall, there was a massive moat that was 500 feet wide and a mile deep, spanned by a wide drawbridge made of 4 layer's of toughened wood. This was the Great wall of the city of Ajax, one many cites in the world of Alona with similar or greater defenses.

"You already said that, can't you complain about something else?". The other guard next to him replyed.

"Nothing has happened for the past few weeks, no bandits, no refugees, not even a mythic beast attack!". The first guard yelled.

The second guard then turned his head sharply at the complaining guard and said in an equally sharp tone, "Don't even joke about mythic beasts Merric, you know just how much damage those 'invincible' monsters create when they come here!"

Merric recoiled slightly at how the other guard reacted to his complaints and he realized how bad his words were and hung his head, "Your right, sorry Mac. I just got heated up from all of my pent-up energy". His tone some regret laced in it when he apologized.

"It's fine, just don't do something like that again, mythic beasts are disaster's incarnated, nothing in this entire world can beat them. The fact that no mythic beasts have shown up is practically a godsend for us. Especially since no silver or gold tiers have shown their ugly mugs for the past 46 years."

Merric nodded his head and went back to keeping watch over the road and the forest's on either side of the road.


In the world if Alona, there existed mainly four kinds of intelligent beings, the first being the lower parts of the food chain, regular wild animals, insects, fish and bird's. The next category being the humans, who have excell at using ingenuity, dexterity and grit to overcome challenges. The next category being the beasts, which are regular beings from the first category that have absorbed excessive amounts of vitality energy from other wildlife and world itself to mutate into more powerful beings. The final category consists of the Apex predators if the world, the Mythic Beasts. Mythic Beasts are former regular beasts that have continued to absorb massive amount of vital energy from other beasts and have evolved into the category of the strongest beings on Alona.

When a beast evolves into a Mythic Beast, the massive amount of vital energy they have grants them virtually infinite regenerative capabilities, and this is the only trait of the copper tier Mythic Beast, the lowest rank. Copper tiers are more than capable of breaching the gates of the wall if they didn't have the deep moat to halt their advances. Though the copper tier would have to bash against the gates from dawn till dusk to open them.


Several hours passed after that exchange.

But then Mac noticed a slight trembling coming from the ground and several ripples in the water.

This occured three times before his realized what was causing the tremer's. "S**t, a Mythic Beast is coming! Going by the tremer's alone it's a Gold tier!"

Merric's face immediately paled and he sprinted into the walls. He climbed seven stories of stairs taking four steps at a time to reach the command center inside the walls above the gates.

The doors slammed open with a bang when Merric entered the command center.

"There's a Mythic Beast coming, it may be a gold tier!"

Everyone in the command center immediately froze from his words for no more than two seconds before...

"Well, what you all standing around for! Start mobilizing the cores, raise the drawbridge, arm the crossbows, ring the alarm for the city to evacuate, MOVE IT!!"

A man with a grim face, red hair and a scar running down his left cheek to the side of his neck started giving out orders. The others in the command center raised their right arms and slammed their right fist's onto the left side of their chest, signifying the salute to pledge their lives and went to work.

Twenty minutes later, the drawbridge had been raised and the soldier's on the wall were all armed to the teeth. The massive crossbows mounted inside the walls were loaded and a single arrow from them could skewer an armored car. There were over 70 of them inside the walls all aimed at the coming threat.

The tremors continued, and they were growing stronger.

Then, the first signs of the Mythic Beast began to appear from the forest. At first is was glints of light being reflected off the body of the thing, but as the shape of the Mythic Beast began to appear, that was when all of the battle hardened soldier's in the walls felt cold sweat running down their backs.

The creature that emerged was a beast of legends, a Hydra. It's body was covered in gilded scales that could deflect armor piercing shells at close range. It's body was supported by four legs that rippled with powerful muscles that could carry more than five tons. It had a long, spiked tail that thrashed about, pulverizing everything it touched. The most horrifying thing about this Mythic Beast was that it had five heads that moved independently of each other. Each head that was identical to the other, had two horns that jutted from their heads just above where the ears should be, long snouts, razor sharp teeth, and glowing green eyes that seemed to paralyze those it looked at.


The five heads continuously let out high-pitched screeches that grated on the ears of the soldier's, and moved around separately. But the heads all had one thing in common, they all had their eyes set on walls, seeing it as nothing but an obstruction to it's meal.

"Hold, and wait for my signal!"

The commander was judging the distance between the wall and the Hydra, the crossbows maximum efficiency was at 100 yards. The Hydra was 300 yards away.

250 yards...

200 yards...

All the soldier's had their hands clentched around the firing mechanisms on the crossbows, waiting for the signal to fire with sweat poring down their heads.

150 yards...



All the crossbows let their arrows loose. They shot through the air at the lumbering behemoth and over 50 of them found their mark.

But only 20 of those 50 arrows did any damage to the Hydra. Penetrating only a couple feet into the beasts skin that wasn't protected by it's scales. The arrows that hit the scales bounced off like a pebble bouncing off a steel wall.

The Hydra screeched in anger at the miniscule wound's and continued to move towards the walls.

"Load the next round!"

The soldier's next to the one's maning the crossbows already had another bolt ready and loaded it in only three in a half seconds seconds.

"Ready, fire!"

The crossbows fired again and the same result occured again, only a small amount of the the arrows found their mark and did little damage.

The process continued for for several more volley's, but to no avail. The wound's that the were inflicted by the first and second volley had already fully healed and the attacks only slowed the Hydra down slightly.

The commander clentched his fists at their situation and turned to his lieutenant.

"How is the evacuation progressing?"

Lieutenant Jackson did some quick calculation in his head from the reports he's recieved and said, "More than half of the civilian's have left the city, but the full evacuation will take a bit more time Commander Vera."

Vera looked at the approaching Hydra and sighed, "So, we can only wait for death."

Vera took a deep breath and yelled, "Attention all core's, the city is almost evacuated, we cannot allow this thing to go after the civilian's Hold the line to the last man!"

His voice boomed across the the entire wall, letting all the core's to hear him. They all paused to momentarily look at one another, confirming their resolve.

They then turned their heads at the approaching Hydra and roared at the top of their voices. Prepared to die for the sake of their people.

But all of sudden, the Hydra stopped in it's tracks and all its heads started to look around in every direction.

This action shocked the soldier's, just moment's ago they were prepared for death, and now the thing that was supposed to bring that death had stopped in it's tracks and had a look in it's eye that almost resemble fear.

This also flabbergasted the commander, but he quickly regained his composure and started to give to give commands to look out for another Mythic Beast. But at the same time he was also afraid, because if there's something in this world that can cause a gold tier Mythic Beast, the strongest beings in the world to feel fear, then just what kind of monstrosity could it be?

But contrary to all expectations, when the Hydra finally located the threat and turned all its heads in it's direction, the soldier's also turned their gazes to where the Hydra was looking.

The sight that greeted them did make any sense.

The gaze's of the Hydra was locked into a solitary figure that was walking casually down the road towards the city.

The figure was clothes in a black leather cloak that hanged at his ankles, had armor gauntlets covering his hands and forearms, armored boots and bracers covering his feet and shin's, and had two one handed long-swords strapped to either side of his hips along with a spear rapped in a cloth strapped to his back.

The soldier's couldn't understand the situation, a lone human was walking in plain sight of a gold tier Mythic Beast without a care in the world and the Mythic Beast in question was gazing at the human warily. This kind of situation shouldn't be possible, Mythic Beasts are the Apex predators of the world, completely invincible! And yet, one was right before them, showing fear for a being that should be nothing but food for them.

The figure then stopped about 200 yards from the Hydra, giving it nothing more than a glance before turning his gaze to Commander Vera of the wall.

"Excuse me, if I get rid of this Hydra for you, will you let me inside the city?"

Once again, Vera had become flabbergasted, but this time from the incredulous request the boy on the said. 'Get rid of the Hydra'!!! Something like that is impossible, he wanted to tell the boy below to run for his life and to call him an idiot for believing that he can defeat the undefeatable. But instead what came out of his mouth was, "Uh, if you really can get rid of it, sure."

His lieutenant Jackson look at his commander in shock. And he wasn't the only one, every soldier was looking at either the commander or the boy on the road like they were crazy to believe that a gold tier Mythic Beast could be defeated by a lone human.

The boy on the road nodded his head.


He then directed his gaze at the Hydra. The Hydra in question was miffed that it been ignored during that exchange, but it still gazed warily at the boy in the road.

The boy then started walking towards the Hydra, while at the same time drawing the two swords on his hips. The way he looked at the Hydra, there was no anger, no fear, no disdain, the look he had was akin to a calm, undisturbed lake. He continued to carry this expression as he looked at the Hydra while walking towards it.

He then stopped exactly 50 yards from the Hydra, and for the next couple of seconds, the two gazed at one another. The soldier's on the wall all held their breath's, those couple of seconds lasted for for a long time, with everyone who was watching waited for who would make the first move.

The silence continued for several more seconds, and then...

The who made the first move was the Hydra, it lashed out with two of it's heads at the boy faster than the arrows that were fired at it earlier. The two heads closed in on the boy from either side, everyone thought that the boy would be pulverized by the attack, but the result was the reverse of everyone's expectations.

Exactly before impact, the boy jumped upwards, dodging the attack, and at the same time, his body spun in the air like a sideways top while the two heads move underneath him. With both of his swords flashing in the air too quickly for the soldier's eye's to follow, he brought both of his blade's down, and with a tearing sound, both of the heads that attacked him we're severed at the neck, flopping onto the ground.

The Hydra recoiled at the result, stumbling back a couple of steps and howling in pain from having two of it's heads cut off. It stared at the boy who had landed on the road after his attack with fear in it's eye's. The being that should be nothing but a snack to it had both outmaneuvered it's attack and gravely injured it for the first time in it's life.

The situation for the soldier's could also be the same. They stared at the incredulous scene before them, a boy who didn't look to be any older that 18 had overpowered and injured a gold tier Mythic Beast in just one move. Commander Vera also had a similar look on his face, how could he not, he had just witnessed something that was supposed to be impossible.

The boy in question look at his blade's and the fallen heads and seemed to considering something.

"Hm, not a bad start. This guy's defences are stronger than other Mythic Beasts I've fought before, and his speed is pretty good too."

He then returned his gaze to the Hydra and adopted and excited smile on his face, the next thing he said became lodged in the heart's of the soldier's for the rest of their lives and promptly change the status quo of the world of Avalon that had existed for the past 5,000 plus years...

"You'll be the perfect opponent for my debut as Alona's first Mythic Beast Slayer."