
Myth of the heavenly flower warrior

There, in the world where a curse boy was born. His name is Chan Treia meaning moonlight however for 15 years of his life there was nothing but dark cloud. The boy is the son of the one of the most powerful clan,but no one not even his family want him. He passed the entrance exam with the highest recorded in the history of the one and only elite academy for young lord in his country where he learning everything form cultivating to military strategy and only then he met a brilliant young man and soon to be his teacher who call himself Rahu that his new life started taking form. Chan Treia and Rahu would go on to full fill the mission given by the academy in other to graduate along side side with his 6 more classmates. On his journey he discovered a-lot of strange mythical creatures ever live in the human world and go on to unlock their mysteries and even his own. There is mysteries creatures connecting to his past life and would go on to hunt him even after his new reincarnation. . . . -Why such an innocent boy bear such a deadly curse? -Why Rahu is said to be the only one who can change his life? -What is waiting for him in the dark? And most of all Why doesn’t he seem bother at all by his missable life and people hatred toward him?

long_lyza · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Snow Rabbit scroll: The Ba Rat creature

Night has fallen the sun hidden little by little, no moon arrived to greet people tonight, but the smoke of air come in its stead. In one restaurant located in the center of the town people still are crowded as they were since the afternoon. People are still chatting and drinking in the restaurant making it more alive even at night. The clock nearly struck midnight the guest on the first floor are still sleeping soundly as the little sheep, without any bother from their neighbor next door. Then without warning the master waking all of his students up telling them to get out of the town.

"Wakeie Wakeie students don't you think you been sleeping long enough?"

"Master it still night what happened?" Mayu being the first one to wake up asking the question with his bed hair while the rest are just too tired to reply

"Mayu come with me"

The master takes him outside the room and into the crowded area full of travelers and people still having fun. On the balcony, he points out the most suspicious part of the restaurant

"Don't you find anything strange?"

"Not at all, master? Is there something strange about this restaurant?" He asks as he looks around finding any mysterious hidden pattern, but couldn't find any

"Then go knock on the room next door "

Mayu with an unsure look on his face doesn't want to disturb the guy next door, but he still obeys his master despite the cause. He knocks on the door and waiting for an answer. 1 min 2 min no one answer the door, that meaning no one has slept in that room. The master keeps on instructing him to knock on more doors and he does to no response. Mayu finds this strange that the rest station with many people as this doesn't have any people stay in except them. The master then goes to the room and waking everyone up once more, then telling them to prepare themselves to leave through the backdoor of the restaurant. When they are ready to leave, suddenly the old master of the restaurant stops them

"Good morrows' where are you going? It nearly midnight gentleman"

"Master said that we have to leave, Goodbye grandpa," Tachi said carelessly forgetting all about the manner recently taught by her master

"Oh my why so fast? Can't you stay for the rest of the night?"

The old master asked again with a big smile on his face then more and more customers starting to leave their sit and come surrounding the team. Now everyone knows for sure that they are in danger. Master Rahu shut Tachi mouth before she continues to reply to the old master again

"Ting! Ting!" the sound of bell ringing by the daughter from this afternoon, she rings the bell, again and again, coming out from the kitchen with an almost too big smile on her face, actually, she isn't smiling alone, as soon as the bell rang everyone except the team smile a smile that is too big and too abnormal

"Well you can't leave now, gentleman"

The old master finished speaking and "woosh" the lanterns were blown one by one the whole restaurant got darker and dimmer until the last thing they see is the smile that never seems to leave everyone's faces.

"Fire!" master Rahu quickly brings out a spell paper and holds it in the tip of his index and middle fingers. From the dim of that burning paper, they started to see the thing they aren't familiar with before. The creature surround them all have limp for skin without any hair stamp, where their eyes are used to be are now sew shut with thread, their fingers are long and shape like needles, they are so tall that even a full-grown man looks, but just a teen to them, but most of all the smile in their mouth never leaves as if it also sew into their face. The smell of rotten flesh and rack of blood fill the room acting like a poison. The whole scene feels just like sleep paralysis or the repeated dream you have, but can't get out or just like you are thrown into the Amazon rainforest all by yourself, whatever the scene displays as the only word that can describe what happens now is Nightmare.


The nightmare was soon interrupted by master Rahu's explosion spell. He threw another paper to the backdoor burst it open and order the student to escape. The students ran out, but on the outside, there is no moon no light just smoke, houses that are too isolated to even call it home, and a big forest surrounding the town. Master Rahu ran out after his students and guide them into the forest surrounding the town. However, with 4 octopus-like limbs shooting from the shadow of the restaurant each one caught the student by their mouth shutting them up, and drag them into the dark, leaving only one master and one student running further and further away into the forest not knowing their friend are missing.


In the forest, the burning light flying like a fiery bird from the spell leading a master and his student to safety, Chan feeling something was wrong and looked behind, to his surprise there was no one behind him, a drop of cold sweat fell from his face

"MASTER! THEY ARE LEFT BEHIND" a euphonious voice sound frighten yet pleasing to the ear ego through the forest, this voice calling the very master in front of him to stop. The master turned his back seeing what behind him but, a teen when there are supposed to be 4 more of them. He pulls out another paper spell bite his index finger and started writing spells. Then he turns to Chan places the spell gently on his chest and whispers the word "For protection" in his ears before ordered him to stay and ran back to that ghostly town.


"I said boiled them! "

"No fried them!"

"Ya f*cker what do ya know about food Hah? Don't f*cking talk back to me!"

The sound of this argument is coming from the same restaurant, but there is light now it seems that the Ba Rat creature has lighted the lantern once again. Four youthful teens all tried up back to back and sitting in the middle of two female Ba Rats. Those two are the same mother and daughter from the afternoon, their clothes are torn due to the change of their figure. With the room full of Ba Rats creature these two are the center of the attention with the oldest Ba Rat sitting on a chair and the rest standing here and there making the room look crowded.

As for the students in the middle of the crowd, their clothes are now a mess. Ream with his dark green vest tied to a vermillion shirt and white pants Mayu, while next to them, two girls one dawning on a purple dress and another dressed similar to the boy with hot red short sleeve shirt and black pants, they are Lotus and Tachi.

The Ba Rats creature arguing for a long time not knowing what to do with the four of them until the old master decided to come in and break the tie.

"Silent! Tonight we will boil the boys and tomorrow we will fried the girls, you two would do best not to argue in front of me again, I'm in a bad mood"

Normally the Ba Rat creature is the flesh-eating beast that has human as their main meal, all of them would go on and on fighting each other on how to cook the human they caught, but what was the old master of the Ba Rat claim that he is in the bad mood? It looks like the four students can't satisfy him. Suddenly out of nowhere from the opened backdoor of the restaurant came an explosion and smoke spell aiming directly at the Old master. A figure of a man dressed in black came out from the smoke. In the midst of the chaos, he untied the students

"Ow!" "AHH!" he slapped the protection spell paper on the chest of the two boys making them utter words from pain. Then he hands the girls two paper spells and told them to place it on their chests.

"Student, follow the firebird paper spell outside it will lead you to Chan"

"What about you master?" Lotus asked concerned about her master

"Don't worry It'll take only five minutes, make sure to find a nice shelter when I come back"

The students quickly picked up only their bags and went outside to the flying paper then followed into the forest leaving their master behind

"Oh, what a brave young man you are, fluttering the kids wouldn't save your head, boy, lock the door!" the old master ordered everyone to shut all doors and windows then the crowd gather around master Rahu

"Oh? Why don't we see who the brave one now?" As master Rahu finished his sentence his eyes started to change from the beautiful shape edged eyes to bloody red just like a beast

"What!? An Asora and the human?" the old master's eyes nearly fell out from its socket if it didn't sew together. The table has turned, the crowd back away little by little tried their hardest to find the exit. Now all of them are trembling as if they just encounter a dangerous beast that will eat them if they make a slight wrong move, the creature too tall for that beast to reached started to shake with fear. If anyone could read their thought it would sound like this "We didn't expect that, have a nice day sir"

"Oh? Running away? But the party had just begun" He takes out his front curves sword hanging on his waist, and starts the fight. Actually it, not a fight it looks more like a massacre because no one dares to fight back, they just focus on running to the backdoor, and to their tragedy, the beast just so happened to stand there. If anyone gets a sight of this scene no one will say the Ba Rat creature is the bad guy anymore

Inside the restaurant, master Rahu with his front curve swords slaughtering the Ba Rats like chicken and point out their mistake

"There are three mistakes you make, first the chicken soup looks too good for a small town like yours make it more unnoticeable, Second the empty guest rooms, make sure to fill them up, for a crowded restaurant without guests, you making it too suspicious and Third your smile aren't sincere enough, working on it more"

Just like a teacher correcting his students mistake master Rahu swinging his sword and cutting them down while continues his lecture until there are no more Ba Rat to killed

"Why are you with the human" The old master with just his head on the floor asking his last question to the demons with red eyes

"That non of your concern" Master Rahu changes back to his former disguise just for a moment he notices something strange "1..2" as soon as he finished his counting, he clings his fist, picks up his student's weapons, and speeding into the forest. There are two are missing from the group


Meanwhile, the students followed the burning bird to Chan standing with another burned paper floating next to him. The sweet taste of safety nearly reached their hand, then came the creatures from the dark capture the four students again.

"Behind you!" Mayu shouts out to Chan telling him there is one more creature luring from his back, but just like lighting Chan grabs the creature's hand, pulling out a dagger in his pocket, and holds the creature hostage. They are that mother and daughter again, having escaped from the monster's arms they followed behind the students in secret. The mother holds the four students using her octopus-like limbs and Chan holds the daughter by the hand twisted to her back and a dagger to her neck. Fortunately, the daughter is the shortest Ba Rat her high is the same as Chan's, that why he can put the dagger to her neck.

"Release her boy or I'll kill one of your friends" Then with one hand hold Ream Mayu and Tachi and another holding Lotus also like a hostage. Tension growth between them, no one wanted to let go of their hostage

"Ya stupid boy I won't say it again let go of-" The Ba rat mother hasn't finished her sentence util "Ching" a sound of dagger slicing the throat of the Ba Rat daughter with no emotion splashing blood from every corner, Chan after split the creature throw open he then proceeds to the slice the mother Ba Rat next. His dagger almost slices Lotus's neck before the mother Ba Rat gets her chance to cut Chan's face, but just in the nick of time master Rahu came behind and finished to final blow to the creature's head.

The creature with just ahead on the ground seeing Chan emotionless face one last time and utter its last word "Delicious"

"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DONIN! ARE YOU TRIED TO KILL HER!, YOU CRAZY BASTER DO YOU KNOW SHE COULD BE KILLED?" Mayu holds Chan by the collar so shook by Chan's bold intention, the only thing he could see anymore is not a normal human, but a cold-blood beast who tried to kill his friend. By the sound of Mayu cursing the rest, come back to their sense not knowing what to do with what they see earlier

"It's ok Mayu I'm fine, he was just trying to save me" Lotus tried to stop Mayu anger to no avail

"Stop it now Mayu!" the sound of master Rahu knock Mayu back to his sense and he stopped

"Chan, make a good decision by acting when he sees me. You can stop your anger now" then the master changed his attention

"Yimi finds shelter" the two burning papers spell in the scene started to float into the deeper forest. Everyone pack up their stuff and followed to light with the feeling of uneasiness. It looked like now they have discovered something new about their teammate.

A moment of silence for the Ba Rat creature!

long_lyzacreators' thoughts