

"No! I will not accept that invitation aunt Yuki. I am perfectly fine and capable of handling my business. You don't have to always meddle and try to dictate for me how I live my life."

Feeling extremely suffocated, I walked to the window and gently pushed it open to let in fresh air. I then closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, calming my nerves.

"I am not trying to dictate your life for you Ryo, it's been 8 months since the death of your parents and Yuri, how long are you going to live like this? You barely even go out."

I sighed heavily.

"That's because I don't want to go out. I don't find anything interesting, I just want to be alone. Why can't you just leave me alone? You're making my life hell again."

Tears welled up my eyes as I watched my aunt stare at me with an unreadable expression. Knowing that I'm hurting her with my words pains me but I still can't bring myself to forgive her. If she didn't start up a fight with my mom, none of them would have died.

"I know you blame me for the death of your parents and sister, if I hadn't started that fight then none of this would have happened. I'm sorry okay, I'm so sorry Ryo, if I could change the past then I immediately would change it without a second thought. I miss my sister too, I miss how happy we used to be, it's all my fault and I'm sorry. But it hurts me more to watch you shut the world out and lock yourself up in your room."

As much as I wanted to disagree with what she's saying, she's right. I shut everyone out including my best friend. I've locked myself at home ever since I graduated high school.

I received an invitation letter as a scholarship student a few months back and I haven't opened it since. My aunt wants me to accept it.

But accepting it would mean that I leave Japan, my childhood memories, my best friend to move all the way to the United States and a strange environment with a bunch of rich and talented kids.

I don't want to do any of that, I know I'm going to have a hard time adjusting to the whole place.

"Your mother graduated from that school, I graduated from that school too. We all graduated from Mystique High, it's a decision that's been made way before the passing of your parents. Yuri went to that school, it's unavoidable Ryo, you have no choice but to accept it." She smiled sweetly at me and walked away towards her room.

After much thoughts, I invited my best friend over. Turns out he also got an invitation from the same school, but he already accepted it. I was hurt at first cause he was going to leave me but now I'm cool with it.

"This definitely isn't your smartest idea, I can't believe you came up with something so wack."

My best friend's voice echoed through the silent kitchen.

"Do you even know what they're asking of me? To leave my life behind and move across continents to a strange school alone. I can already picture my life there, it's going to be hell." I huffed.

"What do you mean alone? I also got the letter too. You aren't alone, you have me. Whatever happens, we have to protect each other at all costs."

I sighed heavily. "Fine."

2 𝑾𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝑳𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓

Yep! My plan failed. And we're now in Mystique High. And for some reasons, I am still in shock. As a matter of fact, shock is an understatement cause what I'm feeling right now is beyond shock. Everything looks so different, it's almost as if we're in a different world.

The campus is a sprawling maze of courtyards, gardens, and hidden alcoves, each with its own sense of wonder and discovery.

Mystique High University is a harmonious blend of Gothic and Renaissance styles, with grand stone buildings adorned with intricate carvings and ornate details.

The main entrance is a massive arched gateway, guarded by stone gargoyles that seem to come alive as you pass through. The moment you step inside, you're transported to a world where the boundaries of reality and imagination blur.

The central courtyard, known as the "Debate Square", is a vibrant hub of activity. Here, students from around the world gather to exchange ideas, debate philosophy, and immerse themselves in the intellectual atmosphere that permeates Mystique High.

Mystique High University is renowned for its diverse range of academic disciplines. The faculty consists of esteemed scholars, practitioners of magic, vampires, werewolves, elf's, mermaids and wise sages who guide and inspire students on their quests for enlightenment. The university though is ruled by werewolves.

It's been two weeks already and I still find it difficult to believe such a school exists. It wasn't easy to locate the school cause we got lost and had someone come pick us up.

Liam and I share the same hostel and we managed to make a new friend in class whose name is Chester. He's a year older than us and has been in Mystique High for about a year now.

News traveled fast and soon the news of two scholarship students arriving in the school spread across the whole campus like a wildfire. We got death stares and disgusting looks, obviously we're humans and they seem to be creatures of different species. We have werewolves, vampires, witches, sages, fairies, mermaids, and elves. So far I've only met a few of them but no werewolf.

Seems like they blend into the human world quite easily. They're always careful about who they interact with and they are far from being friendly.

Thank you for taking your time to read my story, I hope you enjoy it. please don’t hesitate to comment what you think. :)

Mirabelliousgemcreators' thoughts
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