

Starting from hundreds of years ago, the battle between two creatures that never finished,

full of revenge and bloodlust for power to seize the greatest territory and become the ruler over it.

a sea of ​​blood and sweat spilled resulting in hundreds of lost souls.

This great war involves two creatures,

namely humans and mystical creatures,

this battle was endless from year to year and finally won by humans. humans have made a pact with mystical creatures not to approach their land.

[years of 1578]

Sound of bell ringing came from the kingdom,

Blue sky and birds flying peacefully

and sounds of the wind,

Is welcoming the birth of the princess ligth kingdom.

Everyone is dancing and singing because of her birth,

While the queen is singing lubally infront her ear making

her soul calm down.

The king was smiling

about his daughter's come and her two brother playing case on the castle

"This day is very peaceful"said the king of the ligth kingdom.

Suddenly raindrops fell right on the king's face. the king did not expect it to be cloudy


said the confused king, he suddenly felt something was wrong. "Krisabella !!!"

shouted the king,

trying to warn the queen.

Which made the queen surprised.

She saw the king was lying on the ground,

"Hans .."

the queen almost lost her wakeness.

The queen raised her head

and saw a woman there


said the queen, to the woman

"hi my sister"

said silvca with an evil look, "

you're just a trouble. your daughter,

I'll take her heart to strengthen my kingdom power"

"If only you didn't leave the palace, then you wouldn't bother thinking about your life but you are a troublemaker and an unlucky bearer".

She spoke, she threw a knife

at the queen and embedded it

on the wall beside the queen, making the side of her cheek bleed.

"Mother's prediction is right if you have a daughter, she will be like you and get your strength,

I have to take her and sacrifice her blood for mother's awakening"

Hearing what Silvca said got Kristabella stunned.

"So give it to me, you know you can't beat me"

Silvca approached Krisabella

with the power of her black hole. The queen looks desperate "smart my sister, give up your daughter and live - "

a thrust of the sword cut Silvca from behind

"Krisabella, run"

said the king,

"hans me, I-" said queen in tears.

"go away, our daughter must be saved"

the queen nods. Than leaves the room and carrying their daughter.

the sound of bones and body cells healing made the kind turn back.

"This is getting more and more interesting" said Silvca to the king "Don't try to touch him"

said the king, swinging his sword.

the queen ran through the dark forest in the middle of the night.

"I have to save my daughter"

the queen ran without looking back and remained focused on her goal, Suddenly "Kris, hand him over"

The queen stopped and found out that it was her best friend from childhood.

"step aside anoz I will not give up my child "

a roar rang out and the electricity that had struck was Anoz's magic

"I will not hold back"

"do not hesitate"

said the queen who was overwhelmed by her peace magic.

The queen managed to find a small fap to run and manipulate her strength. Finally the queen ran away.

Between her journey, she met a farmer who had to go home.

The queen prevented his return, and he refused. "please, help me"

said the queen

begging the farmers notice that she is the queen.

"Your Majesty! what can I do ??"

the queen offered her daughter to the farmer,

"please bring her, she must stay alive"

said the queen as she let out her tears,

Because of his compassion and sympathy. The farmer was also willing to look after the royal princess,

The queen bowed in gratitude to the farmer.

"You have to be strong,

mother, I love you"

The princess's last kiss and years from the queen, she also left a necklace and a bag of gold pieces.

"please take her away from here" said the queen who saw the farmer carrying her daughter.


the queen's command to the farmer was replied with a nod, then the farmer ran in a different direction from the queen.

The farmer finally found a small hut in the pine forest and finally rest until morning.

"why are they targeting you?"

he said while looking at the princess he inhales,

and looks at the necklace given to the princess.

"what is this? oh there is writing",

the young farmer saw it and tried to read it

"my-my-mystique, so this is your name huh? What a beautiful name".

The farmer put the necklace on the princess, and there was written the words named "MYSTIQUE".

The kingdom was in ruins,

the king is gone and his body was witnessed

by his two sons, they wept in tears,

Falling to the body of the guard with sorrow. The

Queen's body was found lifeles, again they held this official funeral shaded with sorrow from everyone.

As the current old king had died,

Executive ministry change the king with the eldest son of that family who is 17 years old.

the ascension ceremony as king, they are still saddened by the death of their parents.

"I swear, I will kill that disgusting creature"

said the king to his younger brother.

"Don't hold back from that"

said his younger brother, who was appointed as the royal general.

"I will find you my sister"

said the king while looking towards the dense forest.

-end of prolog-