
Want to join Erith University? (Reagan)

Reagan lay flat on her stomach, her bright laptop screen nearly blinding her in the dimly lit bedroom. Her Erith University application glowed back at her, its blank spaces seemingly mocking her as she struggled to find the words. She groaned and dropped her head into her blanket, tangling her hands in her long blonde hair. While resting her eyes momentarily, she hadn't seen her sisters enter her room. The two shared looks of concern for Reagan; Samantha stayed by the door while Robyn moved closer. Reagan then felt a sudden weight shift to her right as a second body sat next to her. As she lifted her head to see a wise-cracking smile, brown hair, and turquoise eyes in the screen's reflection.

"Robyn..." she groaned, "...I'm a lil busy hen." She could feel her eye twitch, either from exhaustion or frustration.

"You're still working on that damn application?" Robyn prodded as they leaned on Reagan's back. Reagan glared at her sib through the reflection. Robyn's expression shifted a little, "Aye, relax Canny. I don't mean anythin' of it. I'm just...we're just worried about ya." They explained, referring to themself and Samantha, their baby sister. Reagan quirked a brow, took a deep breath, and ushered Robyn off of her.

Combing a hand through her hair, Reagan turned to Robyn, who was looking at the bedroom entrance. Samantha stood, her posture uneasy as she fiddled with her blonde curls.

"Reagan...maybe we can help ya out a little? Maybe..." She stuttered out.

"Take a breath, Bonnie, I ain't mad at either of ya, promise," Reagan reassured while gesturing for the girl to come in, "and...at this point, I'd appreciate the fresh eyes." She smiled softly, comforting Samantha more. Robyn leaned on their good arm and took a glance at the application.

"So...what? You gotta talk about yourself to these high and mighty gommies?" Robyn inquired. Reagan shrugged, "Something like that." Pulling her laptop into her lap and rubbing her eyes, she began to type again.

"Tell us what we can do, Canny," Samantha exclaimed, with a spark of inspiration in her eyes. Reagan chuckled lightly.

"I've barely put anything, just this. 'My name is Reagan Lyra, I'm 19 years old and the oldest of three eejit sisters...'" she began to read aloud; Robyn lightly punched her shoulder, "How dare ya? Call us eejits?!" They scoffed, hoping to get Reagan to lighten up a little more. Successful, Reagan deleted the word and continued typing as she giggled, "I couldn't resist, I can feel yer eyes over mah shoulder." Robyn rolled their eyes.

"'I'm the eldest of three sisters, and would be honored to join Erith University...' and I'm struggling after that. I have my notes here..." she reached to her side and paused, "ah...I did..." As Samantha turned on Regan's room light, the three searched for the journal in question.

Reagan's room was quite a mess after the last few months. Her laundry was a little behind, her desk was covered in maps, drawings, and other writing supplies. Her tree-like bedframe had her quiver of arrows and bow slung over a branch, the others adorned with fairy lights and turquoise curtains. The carpet and floor had almost a dozen journals, quills, and books scattered around it. As the three searched, Samantha's eyes lit up.

"I think I found it?" Samantha asked as she handed a marked journal to her sister. The cover was a worn green-dyed leather. Inside the cover read "Reagan Lyra - College notes, DINNAE LOSE"

Reagan sighed softly, nodding to Samantha as she tore through the bookmarked and worn pages. Finding her destination, she placed it flat next to her laptop and read through her scribbles. Her sisters examined it for a moment before speaking up.

"How can you even read that, Canny?" Robyn questioned, finding her writing to be nearly illegible. Reagan shrugged again, "I wrote it?" Turning back to her screen, she began typing, "How 'bout this? I'll just...put something down and you both can gimme your opinions, aye?" She offered with a hopeful smile. The two nodded and got comfortable as Reagan began clacking away at her keyboard.




"Aye...I think I have something." Reagan exclaimed. Her sisters turned their attention to her. "I'm sorry that too so long, I..." before she could finish her thought, Samantha gave her a cup of warm tea, "It's fine. I hope you don't mind we took care of some of the mess." Robyn and Samantha nodded, both now more at ease. Swallowing her embarrassment, Reagan sighed and got up, stretching and popping joints after what was a few hours, "Give it a read, will ya?" The two nodded and began reading. 

'My name is Reagan Lyra, I'm 19 years old and the eldest of three sisters. I would be honored to join Erith University and learn about my recently discovered magical abilities. I was trained to be an archer by my Mum, and I wish to master my skill with the bow.'

Robyn piped up as Samantha continued to read, "Looks fine so far..." Reagan nodded while braiding her hair, paying little mind to everything else.

'If I was asked how one can describe me, I've heard from many friends and family that I'm quick-witted, kind-hearted, and stubborn.'

Robyn snorted, "Damn right, stubborn as Mum you are." Samantha slapped her shoulder, her face showing worry. Reagan turned to the two again, "It's alright, Bonnie. She ain't wrong, I got it from her after all." Reagan said calmly as she flipped her braid to her back and stretched her shoulders.

'I try to live by the phrase Whit's fur ye'll no go by ye! as often as I can. My biggest release and passion is my archery; it is the last thing my mother left for me. I've even been told I'm my mother with blonde hair.'

Reagan picked up some of the quills and set them on her desk next to the ink bottles, "Does it...still look alright?" she questioned, concern laced in her words. Robyn gave her a thumbs up and Samantha nodded with a gentle smile.

'I hope to be accepted to Erith University, as I plan to learn as much as I can. I wish to become the best version of myself I can offer. I want to be able to help anyone that needs it. I'm a quick study, easy to work with, and have a sharp eye. I'm a hard worker and will go beyond what's expected of me to help others.' 

"Hey, Rea? Ya want us to read all of this?" Robyn asked as they got up, running their hand through their short brown hair. Reagan glanced at her screen and shook her head, "I was about to stop you there actually." She quipped, turning her laptop back to herself, and staring at it for a moment again.

"It looked okay to us, Canny," Samantha beamed, "I think you'll be accepted without a doubt!" Reagan chuckled, ruffling her little sister's tidy hair, "You're more confident in me than I am, Bonnie." She laughed as she turned to Robyn, "Any thoughts, Gilpey?"

Robyn shrugged, her wise-cracking smile returned, "I think you should listen to Samy. You'll do just fine, Canny." Reagan accepted her sister's nudges as she hugged them both with a sigh. Staring at her computer screen again, she swallowed hard.

"Aye, get out here, the lot o' ya! Dinner is here!" An older male voice shouted from the kitchen. The three girls looked at Reagan's bedroom door and laughed. Reagan pushed her sisters ahead of her, "I'll...meet you out there, I'm going...to submit this." She nodded to her laptop. They nodded back and ran ahead as Reagan sat down, moving her mouse to the SUBMIT button below the application file. Taking a shaky breath, she clicked the button and bolted out of the room, not wanting to see it save.

While Reagan joined her family out in the kitchen, the file had successfully been submitted and sat on her screen, showing both a confirmation and a new unread message.