
Mystical trilogy

Chijioke_Chinzom · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"My head hurts."

" Yeah what do expect dummy, you got hit by a speeding truck".

" Who is talking and why do I feel like your in my head "

" Why does it have to been him ? " the voice asked.

"Sister he moved" shouted a little girl beside the bed .

" Quick go and inform the queen" said Zola the herbalist. 'You shouldn't have woken up it best if you had died ' she thought something she wouldn't dare voice out .

" Grey mom is here please don't leave me " said the queen.

Grey had been awake for some time but was in shock since the voice in his head said he had died and was in another world.

" Hello I am Gideon the system in your head"

" Finally something useful your are my cheat, I am going to give the reincarnation guy a five star rating "

From what I discovered you have zero affinity to any element and no bloodline, your physique is a waste, well you have a nine star talent and outstanding comprehension. Grey felt bad his system wasn't like the ones he read in the books it was mean and cold hearted.

Opening his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman crying for him .

" Still handsome as ever " he thought with a perverted smile.

" Still narcissistic as ever " said his mom

Arranging his inherited memories he discovers he is in this condition because he failed to awaken his bloodline, his bloodline was to pure for his trash physique to handle so he suffered a backlash.

" I am sorry mom " said Grey in tears. He had failed her now all his mother's opposition would use this against her , he couldn't uphold the promise he made his dad be fore his death.

" Grey you need to leave now , before word spreads out of your survival " she said as she handed him a ring containing everything he needs to cultivate as humans do to rebuild his physique.

" No "

" You have to come find me after ten years " she said .

Using index skill of his system on his mom

Name : Kendall Iris

Title: Queen

Race: Ice phoenix

Physique: Eternal Frost

Elemental affinity: Ice

Element: Ice and light

Level : ?????

Advanced info ( locked).

" Recommend you leave as your mom says" said the system.

" I have prepared your beast companion she is at the lake outside the Aurora Forest" following that she casts a spell that will protect from grave danger.

As soon as he leaves her cheerful smile fades and it replaced by a frosty and creepy smile.

" Why didn't you kill him ma ? " asks Zola

" So I can hunt him " she replied, but she didn't tell zola she tried but she couldn't.

Leaving the walls of the city into the forest, Gideon says " she is not what she claims to be she tried to even harm you, but as a mighty existence I stopped it " he bragged.

" Yeah I noticed but I have to come back after ten years or she will track me down with that spell "

" In ten years I can turn a pig into demon, so you will be strong enough soon" said Gideon.

Hi this is my fourth attempt to write so please it won't be perfect in the beginning but if you support it this will one of those books .Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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