
1.5: Unknown Number

Amelia's pov.

'This person responded "I" for a while now, I hope he/she is doing ok but it looks like he needed urgent help. What should I do? I don't want to be scammed or anything. Maybe ill wait a little bit for this persons response back.'


Glancing at the time displayed on her phone, Amelia noted that it was 12:40.

' It looks like this is a midnight prank or something?, I wonder who's this prankster.'

She couldn't help but ponder who could be behind this mysterious message. With a hint of determination, Amelia continued,

'I'll get back at you, you scum! Rather than waiting and wasting my time, I should sleep now. I'll take every sleep that I lost since college. See you tomorrow as well, scammer!'

She set her phone aside, her mind still swirling with thoughts and uncertainties. Amelia had developed a habit of shutting down her phone during sleep, partly due to the barrage of notifications from group chats that were no longer relevant after college. An unseemingly feeling settled within her, urging her to keep her phone on this time. However,

"Meeeh! Goodnight!" She dismissing the thought of leaving her phone open.

Amelia muttered with a mix of determination and exhaustion, snuggling under her cozy blanket. She closed her eyes, hoping for a peaceful rest, yet a small seed of curiosity had been planted in her mind.


Unknown's pov. (currently, hiding in a bush)

The Unknown's heart raced with a mixture of anxiety and desperation. Remembering their only hope for contacts from earlier,

"I'm sorry," hoping for that person to believe as a tear run down their face.

'I hope she won't block me or anything. I really need help, but it looks like my messages are limited to some point. I don't know why, but at the moment it looks im in a little dangerous situation.'

Each word was a plea for understanding, a lifeline extended into the situation. The Unknown person felt a sense of vulnerability, reaching out to a stranger in the hopes of finding guidance and support. Their confusion and fear were palpable.

Back then hearing that voice, distant yet distinct, pierced through the silence, caused their body to instinctively recoil. Panic surged within them, triggering their fight-or-flight response, though in this instance, flight prevailed. With a rapid heartbeat, they sought refuge behind the nearby bush, seeking solace in its concealment.

'That really scared me!, I wonder what was that, or who was that?'

The Unknown's senses were on high alert, their every instinct honed in on the unfamiliar surroundings that enveloped them. Confusion clouded their thoughts, rendering them helpless in their attempts to comprehend their current circumstances.


Hearing nothing anymore, they took their phone to see if that person is still there. Sending apologetic messages from the sudden no response and try to gain understanding by explaining the situation. But, it looks like the other person has already gone to sleep, noticing that it's already midnight. Hoping for her to see and respond once woken.

Glimpses of their recent memories flitted through their mind. They recalled merely taking a leisurely stroll, enjoying the simplicity of the moment. But in the blink of an eye, their reality had shifted, transporting them to this mysterious place. They couldn't fathom what had occurred or where they were.

"I was just taking a stroll," they murmured, their voice tinged with disbelief and anxiety.

'And without me realizing, I fell asleep and woke up in this place.'

The Unknown's confusion was tinged with a desperate plea for answers. They longed for someone to provide guidance, to shed light on their bewildering situation.

'I do not know what is going on at all,'

They lamented, their words a silent cry for help, lost in the vastness of the unknown.

As the time passed by the mysterious person has jolted up from his slumber, he realized that he was still in the same place. They did not expect to take a nap in a bush, and also that they thought that if they sleep all of this that have happened might be just a weird dream but alas, it was now it's reality.