
Mystery solved and unsolved

This book contains descriptions of murders and crimes committed in human history. It also contains mysteries like Ufo sitting and the dark sides of the country. If you are weak-minded then DO NOT READ THIS. I am here to know the darkest part of Human psychology. If you have any request regarding a case then pls comment. If the case is the case that could be written here then I will try my best. Every single case mentioned in this book is real.

king_rithwik · Horror
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2 Chs


Every single case in this book contains is real.

Some are so disgusting that I want to puke.

I am not writing this to disregard anyone but to show the darkest human nature. Be careful and be safe.


One chapterr=one case.

It will take time for me to update because I will first make sure to use facts and then write.

This book is written like it is narrated by me.

there will be also a short chapter where some sites will be mentioned.

Dark sites.

Have a safe reading everyone.