
Mystery man show up

On the night of mom's funeral, the wind felt colder than usual.

Wei-Wei: Phew, What am I going to do how...? What should I do?

I yelled at the top of my lungs out at the brightly, lit the city. But no one answered.

Wei-Wei: What am I going to do now? That my mom pass away...

I took out my mom photo from my pocket...tears streamed down my face.

Wei-Wei: This is all because of that man...that brute...!that bastard!!! So call !!! Sight

It's was raining so hard. Today is my mom funeral everyone has left... I don't have any friends to cry on...and I was left alone swallowing my tears in an empty Cathedral church's. When a stranger appeared.

Edmund: Wei-Wei... Are you Wei-Wei?...you look just like your mother, Key-er.

Wei-Wei: Who are you?

I had never seen this man before in my life. Who was he and how does he know my mom an me?

Edmund: I'm sorry for being late for the funeral and not introducing myself after all this time. My name is Edmund Yang.

I was looking at him from top to bottom.

Wei-Wei: Hi nice to meet you sir.

Edmund: Key-er your mother was my wife...

Wei-Wei: What... What did you say?

Edmund: I'm trying to say, I'm your father.

Wei-Wei: What! You're saying you're my father?Don't lie to me! I Grew up with out a father, and my mom told me that my father have pass away...

Edmund: I know that this must be hard for you to believe, but it's true.

The man pulled out something out of his pocket it's was a picture.

Wei-Wei: Wait... let me see what is it....?

I took the torn photo from him and take mine out and held it up and put it together it matched....!

Wei-Wei: Why do you have this ...!

Edmund: When I left your mother she torn the picture in half so if I met you some day that the prof that I'm your father.

There was only one logical explanation for all of this.

Wei-Wei: Are...Are you really my dad...?

Edmund: Yes, my dear.

WeI-Wei: So...I'm your daughter? But you let us alone and didn't even reach out to us, not even tell us we're you are...and now what... you want to be my father how could you...?

Edmund: Wei-Wei. I had my reason. Please let me explain.

Wei-Wei: NO! I don't want to hear any of your excuses. I have never missed you not a single day of my life...Listening to your feeble excuse won't change my mind about you!

Education: Wei-Wei... You have every right to be angry. But I want you to give me a chance to put thing right.

Wei-Wei: ....

Edmund: I came back here for you. To take you to our home.

Wei-Wei: Mr.Yang. My father died a long time ago. So please...please stop...and leave me alone.

Looking at him heart broken, the man placed an envelope on top of the piano.

Edmund: I will wait for you...For as long as it takes for you to except me.


And since then the man claiming to be my father sent me a plane ticket every day...But every time I see it, I don't want to open it and thew it away.

I was drinking away my anger. The city was sad,but still beautiful, even though the tear kept falling.

Wei-Wei: Its so beautiful...I wish I could paint this stunning view. But I barely scrape by with what I'm making now. How could I even afford a canvas I couldn't pay for my rent since my mom passed?

My head whirled with these thoughts, pushing me down and suffocating me. So I picked up the tequila bottles again.

Wei-Wei: I think I feel a little dizzy...Better for my body to suffer then my heart.

I finished the bottle, hoping to wash away my thoughts.

Wei-Wei: Sight

I meant to put the empty bottle on the ledge, but I missed it.

Wei-Wei: No...!

The tequila bottle hit the floor and shattered.

Wei-Wei: Okay, that's enough of that. It's time to go home....

At the moment somebody stared climbing the stairs.

Guy 1: Lift him up. This fatty is so heavy!

Guy2: I told you! We should've killed him, where we going to bury him!

Wei-Wei: Kill...?

Guy1: What?

Guy2: Wh-who are you?

I tried not to panicked.

Wei-Wei: I'm sorry, I thought no one was here...

Guy1: Get out of here then!

Wei-Wei: Oh, I'm sorry!

I walked past them as quickly as possible trying not to look at the body.

At the bottom of the building on the street

Wei-Wei: Huff...huff!!

Guy3: Hey miss...are you okay...?

Wei-Wei: Ahhh!!!

Guy3: Miss, please; Calm down!

Wei-Wei: Someone...up there...murdered...!

Guy3: What? Calm down and tell me what happened!

Wei-Wei: They were getting rid of a body...

The man looked straight into my eyes he know I was drunk. About to thew up.

Guy3:That was close.

Wei-Wei: Sorry?

A long night hearing sound of gunfire continued. On and on...but to sleepy to realize it.

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