

A female character Milan who from birth has been a nerd due to unknown super powers that she has so being friendly wasn't her choice to make but as she grew up she begin to accept who she was which were weird characters as she can sense danger and perform other supernatural powers since she was bright she was able to climb the corporate ladder as she also made her employers great but her love for supernatural powers and abilities to protect made her contributed her wealth while living a very simple life in an unusual night she receives a vision but she didn't know her kind heart made her appear in a war where she fight off evil, as she wakes up and go about her day she started receiving clues and being a delivery driver in disguise as her real intention was to find her kind which she eventually did but it's was blurry as she has to navigate living the earthly world and the supernatural world, it's a tough choice and life to live with but as an hybrid human she eventually started falling in love with a supernatural male friend and she eventually gave birth which was against the Earth and Heaven law to maintain balance, in order to maintain peace she must Train her female child to be a warrior who also has love for the earthly humans and the supernatural beings Sadly, during this time the off balance has created a disruptive war as the two world is on the edge of collapse but what stills holds the two worlds from breaking apart is the prophecy that a female child will unite the world, as Milan daughter (Curre) grows she found out she has competitors from her age mates as there are also competing to be the chosen one that will bring love to the two worlds. Curre must also ensure she lives a life as the chosen one and also teach the two worlds how to live a life of greatness and still have emphaty Curre finally matures but she must pass a test of genuine love which is to be a full hybrid human with two different body parts and everything that makes a living being complete, she has to never reject whenever any of the worlds needs her or choose to deny a feature for example ( smaller human ear on the half side of her body with little hearing abilities) but the story get interesting because her mother kind heart was inherited by curre despite both living a life without pride. she successfully live both worlds and made a lasting pact that both worlds must not fight another and any of both worlds can visit and share in unity. Curre and Milan was rewarded with a life that never dies hence they became an invisible life to both world ( a spirit God) they were always they to comfort both worlds and were popularlly called conscience, since they both usually make suggestions the two worlds being confused about two opinions decided it's best they choose to make a positive choice and only use Milan and Curre also known as conscience when they need comfort. And so did the two worlds live together happily ever after.

Hey_EmbedMe · Fantasy
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Milan was born on a stormy night, when the sky was filled with lightning and thunder. Her mother, Elena, had gone into labor unexpectedly and had to be rushed to the hospital by her father, Marco. They barely made it in time, as the roads were flooded and the traffic was chaotic.

Elena: (grunting in pain) Marco, I can't do this! It hurts too much!

Marco: (holding her hand) You can do this, Elena. You're strong. You're amazing. Just breathe, okay? Breathe with me.

Elena: (breathing heavily) I'm scared, Marco. What if something goes wrong? What if our baby...

Marco: (kissing her forehead) Nothing will go wrong, Elena. Our baby is fine. She's a fighter. She's just like you.

Elena: (crying) How do you know she's a girl?

Marco: (smiling) I have a feeling. A father's intuition.

Elena: (laughing weakly) You're silly.

Doctor: (entering the room) Hello, Elena. Hello, Marco. Are you ready to meet your baby?

Elena: (nodding nervously) Yes, doctor.

Doctor: (checking the monitor) Good. You're doing great, Elena. Just a few more pushes and she'll be here.

Elena: (screaming) Aaaah!

Marco: (squeezing her hand) You got this, Elena. You got this.

Doctor: (catching the baby) She's here! She's here!

Elena: (exhausted) She?

Doctor: (wrapping the baby in a blanket) Yes, She. Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl!

Marco: (tearing up) A girl! We have a girl!

Doctor: (handing the baby to Elena) Here She is. Your daughter.

Elena: (holding the baby close to her chest) Oh, She's beautiful. She's perfect.

Marco: (leaning over to kiss the baby's head) She is. She's our miracle.

Elena: (looking at Marco) What should we name her?

Marco: (looking at Elena) How about Milan?

Elena: (smiling) Milan. I love it.

Marco: (smiling back) Me too.

Elena: (looking at the baby) Hello, Milan. Welcome to the world.

Milan: (opening her eyes and gurgling)

Elena and Marco: (laughing and crying with joy)


Can Milan and Curre fulfill their destiny? Can the two worlds coexist in harmony? Read this exciting and touching story of love, bravery, and fate.

What if you had a power that no one knew about? What if you lived in two worlds that were on the verge of collapsing? What if you had a child who could save them both?

Well, Curre is the prophesied one who can bring love to the two worlds.

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