
Mystery in the city of Lumina

In the city of Lumina, which is full of mysteries, there is a team of detectives who have mediocre abilities in solving magical cases. The fantasy mystery genre novel "In the City of Lumina: The Detective's Adventures in Solving Magical Cases" invites readers to dive into their exciting adventures. The way they solve cases is unique. Those who look weak and underestimated by Lumina residents, apparently have a unique way to solve cases in the city. Stay tuned for the exciting story of Cedric and his friends. Enjoy Cedric's adventure in the mysterious city of Lumina.

Kayinkayinn · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Big Clue

Cedric paced back and forth in his study that Lyra had purposely prepared to discuss their future investigation. Cedric's mind began to be occupied by the disappearance of the Silver Fairy Jewel belonging to the Silver Fairy Palace.

The gem, famous for its mystical powers, had been stolen from the Palace, leaving everyone in Lumina City shocked.

Determined to solve the case, Cedric gathers his trusted companions, Gideon and Lyra, to begin their first investigation together.

As the trio gathered in Cedric's study, the room buzzed with anticipation. Cedric, was not a seasoned detective. However, he had a keen eye for detail and began to outline their plan.

"Alright, our mission from today is to find the missing Silver Fairy Gem and return it to its rightful place. Gideon, I want you to gather information from the palace guards and see if they noticed anything unusual in the lead-up to the theft. Lyra, I want you to use your magical abilities to search the city for traces of the gem's energy."

Gideon, an impromptu warrior whom Cedric considered brave and resourceful, nodded in agreement. "Consider it done, Cedric. I'll talk to the guards and see if anyone saw anything strange. Perhaps, someone saw a suspicious figure lurking around the palace."

Lyra, a talented witch with close ties to the mystical world, smiled confidently. "I'll tap into the city's magical currents and see if I can sense any remnants of the jewel's energy. If it's still inside Lumina, I'll find it. I can also talk to the creatures of the forest and see if they witnessed anything unusual. They have keen senses and may have seen something that escaped the attention of others. Later, I'll try asking them something. Who knows, I might find a big clue from them."

"Good idea, Lyra. While you do that, Gideon and I will visit the crime scene and see if we can find any physical clues."

With their roles assigned, the trio began to carry out their respective tasks. Gideon and Cedric walked towards the Silver Fairy Palace as Lyra's grandfather handed them a map of where the Palace stood, and where Gideon and Cedric secretly began to approach the guards on duty. They carefully inspected the premises of the guards on duty, looking for any signs of a break-in or suspicious activity.

The Silver Fairy Palace is a majestic structure located in the middle of a forest in Lumina. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and filled with colorful flowers, the palace exudes a magic and elegance that captivates everyone who sees it.

The palace building is made of gleaming white stone, giving it a luxurious and graceful feel. The entrance is decorated with intricate carvings, depicting scenes from legendary fairy tales. Above the entrance, a silver fairy statue emits a soft glow, giving a warm welcome to anyone entering the palace.

After passing through the entrance, visitors will enter into the spacious main hall. The ceiling is decorated with beautiful celestial paintings, depicting the magical world of fairies. In the center of the hall, there is a flower-shaped fountain that flows gently, creating a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Along the corridors of the palace, there are beautiful and elegant rooms. Each room has unique decorations, reflecting the craftsmanship and beauty of the fairy world.

The garden around the palace is the most stunning place. Colorful flowers bloom all year round, creating a beautiful and eye-catching sight. The small ponds are decorated with colorful fountains, creating a soothing splashing sound. In the center of the garden, there is a small stage used for dance and music performances by the fairies.

The Silver Fairy Palace is a place filled with magic and enchantment. Every corner exudes beauty and elegance, creating a magical atmosphere for anyone who visits. That's why it's a very special place for the fairies and the townspeople of Lumina.

And, that's when, for a few moments, Gideon and Cedric were once again mesmerized and captivated by the beauty of the palace, before they realized their task here was to find a big clue.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," Gideon said while showing his badge that Lyra had made for him impromptu, to identify him as a detectiv, "my colleagues and I are investigating the theft of the Silver Fairy Jewel. Did any of you notice anything unusual in the days leading up to the jewel's disappearance?" he asked while pointing at Cedric who was standing beside him while showing the same badge that Gideon had.

One of the guards scratched his head, deep in thought. "Now that you ask, I did see a cloaked figure skulking around the palace grounds a few nights ago. It looked suspicious, but I didn't think much of it at the time."

Gideon thanked the guard for his information as he made small notes with what the guard had said.

"Cedric, look here. There seems to be a scratch on the Palace fence. Maybe someone tried to force their way in!" Gideon called out to his friend, as soon as he found something else that could be a clue.

"Good observation, Gideon. This could be a valuable clue. Let's take a closer look and see if we can find any other evidence," he said as he walked back along the main entrance of the palace.

However, his eyes were still fixed on a light in the mist, which Gideon himself might not have seen.

Meanwhile, Lyra ventured into the magical forest surrounding Lumina. She approached a group of squirrels and began conversing with them, hoping to gather information that could explain the jewel's disappearance.

"Hello, furry friends. Have any of you noticed anything unusual near the Silver Fairy's palace lately? We're trying to solve the mystery of the Silver Fairy Jewel's disappearance. Can you help?" asked Lyra to one of the squirrel-faced but human-legged magical animals.

"We saw shadowy figures lurking near the palace a few nights ago. It looks like they're up to no good," she replied looking serious.

"Yes, and they were carrying a heavy-looking bag. It could be the jewels they're looking for," continued another magical animal, a flock of human-footed squirrel faces.

"Thanks for your help, guys. Your information is invaluable. We will do our best to find the jewel and bring the culprit to justice in Lumina."

"Good luck, Lyra. We've got your back," said the flock of squirrels.

After successfully getting information from her magical creature friends in the forest, Lyra walked down the bustling streets of Lumina, her senses adjusting to the magical energy around her. She closed her eyes, focusing on the unique vibrations of the Silver Fairy Gem.

As she delved deeper into her magical quest, a faint trace of the gem's energy caught her attention. It led him to a small alley hidden from the main highway. With her curiosity piqued, Lyra followed the trail, her heart pounding with anticipation.

In the dimly lit alley, Lyra discovered a hidden entrance to an underground lair. Sensing danger, she cautiously entered, her magic power at the ready. To her surprise, she found herself face-to-face with Cedric and Gideon who had followed her own lead and coincidentally met her here.